MountainBytes 2024 - February 16th to 18th, Cham, Switzerland
category: parties [glöplog]
Awwyes, we are doing it again!
Join us for the biggest Swiss demoparty - with all the cows, overhead projectors, ridiculously glamourous venue and snowy mountain range panorama your heart is craving for.
We also bring back the one-scene demomaking workshop. So, everyone who always wanted to try their hand on making a demo is cordially invited as well: our mentors will be on your side, and contestants share their tool recommendations and experience with you after each compo!
Sign-up now to let us know you are coming, and to be the first to know when the ticket sale starts!
Please note that the youth hostel will be closed this year unfortunately - so book your hotels closeby early to get a half-decent deal. Limited sleeping space and showers are also available at the venue.
Join us for the biggest Swiss demoparty - with all the cows, overhead projectors, ridiculously glamourous venue and snowy mountain range panorama your heart is craving for.
We also bring back the one-scene demomaking workshop. So, everyone who always wanted to try their hand on making a demo is cordially invited as well: our mentors will be on your side, and contestants share their tool recommendations and experience with you after each compo!
Sign-up now to let us know you are coming, and to be the first to know when the ticket sale starts!
Please note that the youth hostel will be closed this year unfortunately - so book your hotels closeby early to get a half-decent deal. Limited sleeping space and showers are also available at the venue.
Well slap my ass and call me Gipfeli - I'm in!
Time to visit Switzerland once again! \o/
While we are getting the ticket shop ready and eagerly wait for the supplier's t-shirt prototype, we can finally spill the beans on our live act:
Tim Wright, aka CoLD SToRAGE is going to hype up compo night with a live concert on Saturday!
After his move to Basel a few years back, we have no shame in hereby declaring him a local act and Swiss national treasure. With a long list of video game soundtracks under his belt, such as wipEout, the Shadow of the Beast series, Lemmings and much more he is now finally making his return home to the demoscene!
Given that the youth hostel will be closed this year, we also decided to keep the sleeping area, fully heated and still nicely ventilated. Showers are also available in the location itself.
Get in touch if uoy want to travel light, so we can check for air mattress rentals for you.
Time to book your train/plane Tickets!
Tim Wright, aka CoLD SToRAGE is going to hype up compo night with a live concert on Saturday!
After his move to Basel a few years back, we have no shame in hereby declaring him a local act and Swiss national treasure. With a long list of video game soundtracks under his belt, such as wipEout, the Shadow of the Beast series, Lemmings and much more he is now finally making his return home to the demoscene!
Given that the youth hostel will be closed this year, we also decided to keep the sleeping area, fully heated and still nicely ventilated. Showers are also available in the location itself.
Get in touch if uoy want to travel light, so we can check for air mattress rentals for you.
Time to book your train/plane Tickets!
[x] Flights booked
[ ] Entry ready
[x] hyped!
[ ] Entry ready
[x] hyped!
The website mentions this: "If you already checked out the venue’s arrival-information, you noticed the high prices for parking. However, we are able to offer you an exit ticket for 10 CHF at the Infodesk."
This refers to the Parkhaus Lorze in the same building?
Is it okay to keep the car from friday to sunday in there?
And then i pay 10 CHF at the Infodesk when leaving? ;-)
This refers to the Parkhaus Lorze in the same building?
Is it okay to keep the car from friday to sunday in there?
And then i pay 10 CHF at the Infodesk when leaving? ;-)
Is it okay to keep the car from friday to sunday in there?
And then i pay 10 CHF at the Infodesk when leaving? ;-)
Yes, this is correct - the info desk has special tickets that get you out of there for 10 CHF, no matter how long you parked. Neat solution to rather use public transport to the hotel at night, and for everyone sleeping in the location.
Ticket and T-Shirt Presale now open!
You can now order your tickets via
For the environment's sake, t-shirts will only be available via presale, so if you want one, please order it until the first week of February!
If you can and want to support the party as well as the charity association in the background (Echtzeit) even more, we are also bringing back Cowee Bonds aka Micro Donations. Add them as a tip to your order, and help us with our many projects we do throughout the year.
If you can't join us, we are of course still more than grateful for remote entries - you can get a key for this the week before the party.
But we're really looking forward to seeing you on site! <3
You can now order your tickets via
For the environment's sake, t-shirts will only be available via presale, so if you want one, please order it until the first week of February!
If you can and want to support the party as well as the charity association in the background (Echtzeit) even more, we are also bringing back Cowee Bonds aka Micro Donations. Add them as a tip to your order, and help us with our many projects we do throughout the year.
If you can't join us, we are of course still more than grateful for remote entries - you can get a key for this the week before the party.
But we're really looking forward to seeing you on site! <3

[x] ticket bought
[x] ready
Awww, v3nom! <3
Last chance to get one of our t-shirts! We'll place the order this weekend.
And as we've received a few of those requests: yes, we can also ship it a reasonable way, or bring it to Revision with us for you to pick up. Thanks for the remote support! :)

Last chance to get one of our t-shirts! We'll place the order this weekend.
And as we've received a few of those requests: yes, we can also ship it a reasonable way, or bring it to Revision with us for you to pick up. Thanks for the remote support! :)

[x] ready yeah
Our partysystem is open and ready to receive your remote entries!
If you can't make it to MountainBytes, but still want to support us with a release, you can get a votekey either through the e-mail address on our website, our social media accounts or by messaging me on any of the usual chat forums!
Compos and Rules:
If you're coming, you can already look forward to receiving a very special physical access key again!
If you can't make it to MountainBytes, but still want to support us with a release, you can get a votekey either through the e-mail address on our website, our social media accounts or by messaging me on any of the usual chat forums!
Compos and Rules:
If you're coming, you can already look forward to receiving a very special physical access key again!
One more day to go!
For everyone traveling to us from abroad: Don't forget Switzerland is not part of the EU, so get your roaming packages in order and download your offline maps!
For everyone traveling to us from abroad: Don't forget Switzerland is not part of the EU, so get your roaming packages in order and download your offline maps!
Thanks for another great and cozy party edition! :) Lots of old and new friends to talk to.
Let's hope the Indian restaurant is prepared with lots of Mango Lassis next year.
Let's hope the Indian restaurant is prepared with lots of Mango Lassis next year.
btw, if there's one thing that could be improved.. extending the background music list. Demovibes is awesome but having to hear the same tracks in the same order 3-4 times during the weekend gets boring quickly :)
Basically what Saga Musix said. Thanks for the great and cozy party, it was my first time attending a swiss party. Greatly organized, super nice and laid back. The sleeping hall was quite luxurious, sorry to the other 3 people that slept there for my snoring. Compos were fun too, next time I'll prepare something for the OHP compo for sure.
I also applaud the inclusivity towards new joiners, be it through the flyer for new comers or the workshop to create a first prod!
Some minor improvement ideas:
* sometimes the slides on the compos were shown very briefly so that I could barely read them - tip for the compo orgas: read them out aloud when they are shown, to know when to safely switch
* I wouldn't have minded a short break between the two main compos
* maybe you could consider a dj after the main compos
* scenesat as bg music instead of the same demovibes over and over
Again, awesome party all around with lots of love. 10/10 would visit again!
I also applaud the inclusivity towards new joiners, be it through the flyer for new comers or the workshop to create a first prod!
Some minor improvement ideas:
* sometimes the slides on the compos were shown very briefly so that I could barely read them - tip for the compo orgas: read them out aloud when they are shown, to know when to safely switch
* I wouldn't have minded a short break between the two main compos
* maybe you could consider a dj after the main compos
* scenesat as bg music instead of the same demovibes over and over
Again, awesome party all around with lots of love. 10/10 would visit again!
Thanks v3nom, Rufus and Henne for the "easter egg". ;-) It was nice to meet you.
once again, a very nice party! good to see some swiss oldtimers (saturnus/sca, cockroach, ...) as well as even more non-CH people than last time! i just passed by for one evening, but will try to grab the full weekend experience next year.