Nordlicht Demoparty 2023: Hop on the NORDLICHT Express from 8th - 10th September!
category: general [glöplog]
Welcome aboard the "NORDLICHT Express"! Our trains are not your boring bog-standard, punctual demoscene railway experience - we guarantee you an exciting and unpredictable journey!
Enjoy the thrill of waiting for hours at the infodesk station, as our partymeister-powered trains are notorious for breaking down, getting delayed or even cancelled! You never know when your next compo train will arrive, or if it will arrive at all!
Feeling chilly? No problem! Our heaters are known to fail at the worst possible moments, leaving you shivering in your seat. It's a great opportunity to snuggle up with your fellow demosceners (if they agree) in front of the bigscreen and make new friends!
Let's not forget about the aroma! Our party waggons have a unique scent that is sure to stimulate your senses. It's a mixture of smelly old floppies, stale coffee, and rusty CRT monitors - a true feast for the nose!
If you're feeling peckish: The on-board meals are an adventure in themselves! Our reheated food is so overcooked, it takes on a life of its own and transforms into a mesmerizing 64k tentacle. It's a feast for the eyes, and maybe even the stomach, if you're feeling brave enough to try it!
And last but not least, our ticket prices are sky high, you'll feel like a true VIP as you pay top euro for the privilege of being crammed into a smelly, delayed, and chilly compo train.
So come on board the "NORDLICHT Express" to experience your journey of a lifetime! Just don't forget to bring your sense of humor, your compo entry and a lot of patience!
Mark the date! 8th - 10th September 2023. Lichthaus, Bremen in lovely Northern Germany.
Website, tickets and more arriving soon.
Enjoy the thrill of waiting for hours at the infodesk station, as our partymeister-powered trains are notorious for breaking down, getting delayed or even cancelled! You never know when your next compo train will arrive, or if it will arrive at all!
Feeling chilly? No problem! Our heaters are known to fail at the worst possible moments, leaving you shivering in your seat. It's a great opportunity to snuggle up with your fellow demosceners (if they agree) in front of the bigscreen and make new friends!
Let's not forget about the aroma! Our party waggons have a unique scent that is sure to stimulate your senses. It's a mixture of smelly old floppies, stale coffee, and rusty CRT monitors - a true feast for the nose!
If you're feeling peckish: The on-board meals are an adventure in themselves! Our reheated food is so overcooked, it takes on a life of its own and transforms into a mesmerizing 64k tentacle. It's a feast for the eyes, and maybe even the stomach, if you're feeling brave enough to try it!
And last but not least, our ticket prices are sky high, you'll feel like a true VIP as you pay top euro for the privilege of being crammed into a smelly, delayed, and chilly compo train.
So come on board the "NORDLICHT Express" to experience your journey of a lifetime! Just don't forget to bring your sense of humor, your compo entry and a lot of patience!
Mark the date! 8th - 10th September 2023. Lichthaus, Bremen in lovely Northern Germany.
Website, tickets and more arriving soon.
I *LOVE* the train theme. And I love Nordlicht in general. I'll so be there :)
Hotel book... Waiting for the Nordlicht Express ticked Shop ;)
This year I will bring my own Wi-fi cable ;)
This year I will bring my own Wi-fi cable ;)
Today might be my lucky day!

CHOO CHOO! The party website is now live (updated daily until it's complete) and tickets are available!
Letting us know in advance that you're coming to Nordlicht and getting your will help us greatly to fund and organize the event.
Only 58 days until NORDLICHT Express arrives, be ready! See you there! :)
Letting us know in advance that you're coming to Nordlicht and getting your will help us greatly to fund and organize the event.
Only 58 days until NORDLICHT Express arrives, be ready! See you there! :)
yay, dropped words.
that was supposed to read "[...]getting your ticket will help us greatly[...]"
that was supposed to read "[...]getting your ticket will help us greatly[...]"
We are currently looking for people who are physically attending to take part in a livecoding jam session during one of the DJ sets!
If you are interested, please let myself or any of the other orgas know before the party so we have an idea of numbers.
We will accept any platform that can display a live output of what you are currently coding, this includes tools such as Bonzomatic, tic80, pico-8, and scratch. There is also no pressure to stay on-stage during the whole DJ set, this will be an open jam session for anyone to come up and show off what you can do :)
I can be reached directly via email at
If you are interested, please let myself or any of the other orgas know before the party so we have an idea of numbers.
We will accept any platform that can display a live output of what you are currently coding, this includes tools such as Bonzomatic, tic80, pico-8, and scratch. There is also no pressure to stay on-stage during the whole DJ set, this will be an open jam session for anyone to come up and show off what you can do :)
I can be reached directly via email at
We're only 11 days away from the party launch!! Excitement grows, as we put the final railway switches into place.
If you haven't purchased your NORDLICHT party ticket yet, now is the time! Like always, we heavily rely on your pre-funding for getting the event off the ground. Please go buy your ticket NOW if you can, since officially, there is no ticket office at the doors! And if you've already bought and received your digital ticket, fear not - the ticket list on the website will be updated shortly and your ticket should be flagged, provided we can figure out who you are (else just bring the "printed" ticket to the party!).
Among this year's DJ lineup you'll find: dojoe, scamp, RbR and Triace and possibly one more! These fellas are a bit shy, but not tame! What I mean by that is: they'll provide kicking beats for your pleasure, but they haven't actually provided any descriptions of their sets yet. It'll be a mystery! So just know they will be mighty awesome, that's all that matters anyway! ;)
As I only just now returned from my holiday, things have been going slowly around here. But the team and myself are in full orga-mode now to get everything ready JUST IN TIME, like you'd expect from a trusty Express railway! :D
If you haven't purchased your NORDLICHT party ticket yet, now is the time! Like always, we heavily rely on your pre-funding for getting the event off the ground. Please go buy your ticket NOW if you can, since officially, there is no ticket office at the doors! And if you've already bought and received your digital ticket, fear not - the ticket list on the website will be updated shortly and your ticket should be flagged, provided we can figure out who you are (else just bring the "printed" ticket to the party!).
Among this year's DJ lineup you'll find: dojoe, scamp, RbR and Triace and possibly one more! These fellas are a bit shy, but not tame! What I mean by that is: they'll provide kicking beats for your pleasure, but they haven't actually provided any descriptions of their sets yet. It'll be a mystery! So just know they will be mighty awesome, that's all that matters anyway! ;)
As I only just now returned from my holiday, things have been going slowly around here. But the team and myself are in full orga-mode now to get everything ready JUST IN TIME, like you'd expect from a trusty Express railway! :D
Remote submissions are OPEN!
Submit your stuff to: compos [AT] demoparty [DOT] info . You can provide a download link for very large files.
The deadline for remote submissions is on Wednesday, 6th September 2023 at 23:59 CEST.
Compos may be combined / cancelled if there are not enough entries in one of the categories.
If there are too many entries in a category, preselection will apply (remote entries to be preselected first).
Happy crunch-time!
Submit your stuff to: compos [AT] demoparty [DOT] info . You can provide a download link for very large files.
The deadline for remote submissions is on Wednesday, 6th September 2023 at 23:59 CEST.
Compos may be combined / cancelled if there are not enough entries in one of the categories.
If there are too many entries in a category, preselection will apply (remote entries to be preselected first).
Happy crunch-time!
Choo choo! messy completes our steaming DJ lineup for 2023, that makes five awesome gigs in just two nights! No time for sleep on the train, just dance until sunrise!
Here's the complete list:
Here's the complete list:
is delayed
is delayed
Tri-hyyyyype-ace \o/
Greetings from the other side of the pond! We'll be attending remotely!
Tuff Tuff Tuff die Eisenbahn...
You really should come to Nordlicht. Choo Choo.
And if you are coming, you should now join the official Nordlicht chat channel at
But in case you absolutely can't come, SceneCity will be streaming the event live in very, very high video quality. Starting Friday afternoon, you'll be able to watch the stream here:
And if you are coming, you should now join the official Nordlicht chat channel at
But in case you absolutely can't come, SceneCity will be streaming the event live in very, very high video quality. Starting Friday afternoon, you'll be able to watch the stream here:
Anyone coming who can pack an extra Wacom pen compatible with a Cintiq 16HD? I brought kaomau's tablet but forgot the pen and she can't finish her entry /o\ Help would be rewarded with eternal thanks and a drink on me!
Anyone coming who can pack an extra Wacom pen compatible with a Cintiq 16HD? I brought kaomau's tablet but forgot the pen and she can't finish her entry /o\ Help would be rewarded with eternal thanks and a drink on me!

I'm so proud of this price. Many thanks to all who voted for the dentro old'scool by Resistance.

Thank you very much for the nice party :)
I really enjoyed to had a party again with all of you! Everyone was very kind and it was kinda chaotic but nice as always :P For me it was awesome to see so many of you again after 4 years of no demo party and I felt like home and welcomed as always. My appreciation goes also out for some deep and very open talks, its always very moving for me to exchange life stories or technical knowledge and to hear some wild and interesting stuff again. Its awesome for me that i saw some new sceners i hadn't known yet. My apologize goes out to the guy i promised that i will show him his first guitar chord, but i didn't :-(
The weather was fucking hot and i am glad i survived. Many thanks to sir and his fan which cooled as pretty nicely behind the info desk!
I know that the timetable and some orga stuff didn't went well, but that's part of the Nordlicht spirit. Our "mojo" would most likely be half as good without that chaos and the unknown surprises all the time :D
As a side note i want to say a big "fuck you" to any video cam producer for using micro-HDMI.
A big thanks to all musicians, singers and listeners who joined us at the hall entry for our spontaneous jam session! I had so much fun and pleasure and i truly hope we may have another great moment together at another party!
Unfortunately i couldn't take any video of any of the songs we performed together as i played the guitar most of the time or didn't thought about recording while singing along. I saw that some of you guys recorded videos and i would be very very happy to see some of the material, especially our Britney Spears cover :P If anyone could provide me with some videos i would be very happy <3
The DJ sets were nice too, I couldn't here the entire evening sets, but on both days i enjoyed the different styles and i hope that next year its a bit colder and people can actually dance and support the DJs by pumping up some energy on the dance floor.
Good night and greetings from Munich,
I really enjoyed to had a party again with all of you! Everyone was very kind and it was kinda chaotic but nice as always :P For me it was awesome to see so many of you again after 4 years of no demo party and I felt like home and welcomed as always. My appreciation goes also out for some deep and very open talks, its always very moving for me to exchange life stories or technical knowledge and to hear some wild and interesting stuff again. Its awesome for me that i saw some new sceners i hadn't known yet. My apologize goes out to the guy i promised that i will show him his first guitar chord, but i didn't :-(
The weather was fucking hot and i am glad i survived. Many thanks to sir and his fan which cooled as pretty nicely behind the info desk!
I know that the timetable and some orga stuff didn't went well, but that's part of the Nordlicht spirit. Our "mojo" would most likely be half as good without that chaos and the unknown surprises all the time :D
As a side note i want to say a big "fuck you" to any video cam producer for using micro-HDMI.
A big thanks to all musicians, singers and listeners who joined us at the hall entry for our spontaneous jam session! I had so much fun and pleasure and i truly hope we may have another great moment together at another party!
Unfortunately i couldn't take any video of any of the songs we performed together as i played the guitar most of the time or didn't thought about recording while singing along. I saw that some of you guys recorded videos and i would be very very happy to see some of the material, especially our Britney Spears cover :P If anyone could provide me with some videos i would be very happy <3
The DJ sets were nice too, I couldn't here the entire evening sets, but on both days i enjoyed the different styles and i hope that next year its a bit colder and people can actually dance and support the DJs by pumping up some energy on the dance floor.
Good night and greetings from Munich,
I will bring more fans next time.
A huge thank you to everyone who helped me with my lost luggage situation! Things would've been a lot more painful otherwise.
Releases were uploaded
Photo compo will follow soon...
Photo compo will follow soon...
photo compo now uploaded, too. Just needs to be unlocked. That's it, Nordlicht '23 wrapped up .. \o/