Revision 2022 - Satelite
category: parties [glöplog]
Our technicians have discovered a glitch in the time/space continuum, which currently causes issues with the timetable being displayed correctly (let’s see if it also causes Encoder Problems) - we are working on it!
And for those who don't wish to share their data with a US corporation that reserves the right to sell all chat messages you have ever written, in full violation of EU GDPR laws, but would prefer a little bit of privacy, and for those who in general would prefer not to have vital scene resources moved to gaming companies...
You can also have a look at the beta of SceneCity. Completely open source, ZERO external resources nor trackers used, data in a highly protected EU data center, all data stored encrypted, and based on the privacy-friendly SceneID provided by the non-profit
Background, privacy info and Instructions:
Live Chat (Various apps available + access via IRC):
Live Streaming (Revision and other parties), optionally plus chat:
Again: This stuff is in early beta. A lot of things still need to fixed and discussed. That includes mediation/moderation policies etc. It's not yet ready for a major announcement, but I just wanted to make clear that their ARE alternatives to Discord for those who hate it and what it's standing for.
if i recall well, there were some struggle in Discord as the Operators decided to cast a ban on you. So in what situation will also such Operators find themselfes if now, you offer a system driven even - by you ? that´s an interesting question ?
On the other hand, we have a commercial system - like discord, which - FOR SURE offers its services not only "for fun" and for sure didn´t get a shitload of money to do so. Yes, it´s ovious that the price for this service are informations and the fact, that every posted content isn´t private anymore.On the other hand, this discord system has a very redundant structure, offers much possibilities and functions for - again - the price of beeing not "private"
Your offer makes sense if there would be a a possibility to link / connect OTHER Systems NOT DRIVEN BY YOU into that project so it becomes at the end - independent from you.
i aswell could also say. use our irc at tsa ( TSL encrypted ) ( TSL encrypted - functional backup
We use since ages also own structures for beeing private and independent. But again, i would only suggest our network for such a wider audience if it would have others, independent to ours.
to put a line under the thematic.
Discord is similar to Whats-App. It´s ok at least for open / non private things and the functions are really good PLUS it´s not depending on a few persons and the danger they become mad / no longer available and the service is no longer available.
So, yes, a year ago I was banned from demoscene discord because I did not agree on what language is acceptable and what not and defended other people who got banned. But this really is VERY offtopic in this revision thread, and I do not wish to discuss it further here. I am happy that wounds are slowly healing for the close friends involved.
But no, me and a bunch of other sceners would not have invested 6 months working on this to enable a "scamp power grab".
For the rest: What you say is the plan. Let's take this to the SceneCity thread, please. This thread should be about Revision only :)
But no, me and a bunch of other sceners would not have invested 6 months working on this to enable a "scamp power grab".
For the rest: What you say is the plan. Let's take this to the SceneCity thread, please. This thread should be about Revision only :)
am i tard....type reehhh.....or doesthe stream not work?
not working...tard or not! or is it only me....SCHEISSE.....
Well, That was a nice way to spend the weekend!
Thanks to everyone who made something cool! enjoyed the shader showdowns, and the pc 4k and demo compos had some real highlights! Even the compofillers were ok... ;)
Thanks to everyone who made something cool! enjoyed the shader showdowns, and the pc 4k and demo compos had some real highlights! Even the compofillers were ok... ;)
any ETA on when the recordings of the stream will be available? missed a lot of the shader jams and seminars and even the prize giving which i'd really like to rewatch now :(
*insert rant on why all livestreamed events should have VODs available by default here*
*insert rant on why all livestreamed events should have VODs available by default here*
Yes great party ! OK my picture was lame but hey happy anyway to participate to the biggest show :) Great prods and fabulous party ! thanx !
Discord is similar to Whats-App. It´s ok at least for open / non private things and the functions are really good ...
Since this weekend I wish that there's the possibility to block posted images/gifs in the chat at discord.
Thanks a lot to everyone participating in the party and especially to the organizers, you are my heros and I know this is a LOT of work! <3 It was a pleasure to be a small part of it (though it was only a silly noisy party prod this time). Awesome prods again, looking forward to next year!
Thanks everyone who contributed to Revision, and a special thanks to everyone who attended our little Shackellite. It means a lot to me.
Thanks everyone who contributed to Revision, and a special thanks to everyone who attended our little Shackellite. It means a lot to me.
Piep piep kleiner Shackellit!
Since this weekend I wish that there's the possibility to block posted images/gifs in the chat at discord.

it was as annoying as trying to chat with friends at a demoparty and having someone shouting AMIIIIIIGAAAAAAAA super loud, right next to you.
My point really
@Pablo Escrollbar: Problem is when the chat flickers more than the demos on the stream.
Screenshots fired.
Here's the recording of my Monday night DJ set for your listening pleasure :) - Revision 2022 DnB Set.mp3
My HDD ran full and the last 15mins of recording got lost so I had to redo them. I think it actually made the last transition better :)
Anyway, tracklist in the id3v2 comment tag as per usual. - Revision 2022 DnB Set.mp3
My HDD ran full and the last 15mins of recording got lost so I had to redo them. I think it actually made the last transition better :)
Anyway, tracklist in the id3v2 comment tag as per usual.
I'll just drop this here: In SceneCity, you can disable inline images with the /collapse command.

I guess this then needs to become the default on both platform if people are annoyed but not finding that option...
@Gargaj: Thanks! Didn't found that.
Maybe for a big event like Revision it would make sense to have a secondary channel, meant to be the quiet area, maybe even with slow mode always enabled?
The Discord equivalent to going to the tunnel sofa to have a quiet discussion away from the main hall noise.
The Discord equivalent to going to the tunnel sofa to have a quiet discussion away from the main hall noise.