pouet - new platforms
category: general [glöplog]
As there was some confusion recently with Sinclair QL prods submitted to the ZX category (already fixed or on its way using the request system), I have decided to make lists for some platforms or find the existing ones.
This is not a request to add anything, just to keep track of where we are.
So here's the current status as far as I can see:
Atari 7800 - No icon was suggested and possibly the productions are not good enough and/or not scene related
Nintendo Switch - Not enough prods, no request for addition
Sinclair QL - Not enough prods
Overhead projector -
KC-85 -
a single prod so far
Neo Geo - No platform icon was suggested? (I think there was one but maybe it was in another thread, I can't find it). Also probably not enough prods yet.
https://www.pouet.net/lists.php?which=95 could be deleted now that TIC-80 is officially a platform
Did I miss something?
As there was some confusion recently with Sinclair QL prods submitted to the ZX category (already fixed or on its way using the request system), I have decided to make lists for some platforms or find the existing ones.
This is not a request to add anything, just to keep track of where we are.
So here's the current status as far as I can see:
Atari 7800 - No icon was suggested and possibly the productions are not good enough and/or not scene related
Nintendo Switch - Not enough prods, no request for addition
Sinclair QL - Not enough prods
Overhead projector -

KC-85 -

Neo Geo - No platform icon was suggested? (I think there was one but maybe it was in another thread, I can't find it). Also probably not enough prods yet.
https://www.pouet.net/lists.php?which=95 could be deleted now that TIC-80 is officially a platform
Did I miss something?
There are several more KC-85 demos, all by Moods Plateau.
Also, the name is somewhat problematic, as there's this machine called the KC-85/1, which is a completely different machine. All existing KC-85 demos are for the KC-85/4 afaict. However it's possible that some day a demo for the 85/3 or 85/2 (both closely related to the 85/4, just weaker gfx specs) will appear, so naming the platform KC-85/4 wouldn't work either. I guess just stick with KC-85 and ignore the KC-85/1.
Also, the name is somewhat problematic, as there's this machine called the KC-85/1, which is a completely different machine. All existing KC-85 demos are for the KC-85/4 afaict. However it's possible that some day a demo for the 85/3 or 85/2 (both closely related to the 85/4, just weaker gfx specs) will appear, so naming the platform KC-85/4 wouldn't work either. I guess just stick with KC-85 and ignore the KC-85/1.
sinclair ql
more kc-85/4:
more ql:
This information brought to you by demozoo™
more ql:
This information brought to you by demozoo™
I'm expecting Micro W8 prods to explode throughout 2022.
Added a MicroW8 port of sharded to the archive.
Added a MicroW8 port of sharded to the archive.
tiki 100 icon

Need Atari portfolio category.
Here's an icon for the "MacOS ARM" platform: 
It's based on the way the Apple logo is shaded for M1/M2 logos, like in this announcement.
Prods that are specific to this platform (i.e. which are actual ARM binaries) have yet to materialize, it seems, but judging from the discussion, and the fact that Evoke has announced an M1 Max compo machine, I think we'll see the first ones soon.

It's based on the way the Apple logo is shaded for M1/M2 logos, like in this announcement.
Prods that are specific to this platform (i.e. which are actual ARM binaries) have yet to materialize, it seems, but judging from the discussion, and the fact that Evoke has announced an M1 Max compo machine, I think we'll see the first ones soon.
Need Atari portfolio category.
Most Atari platform icons are colorswaps of the logo, so Portfolio could have this one:

Awesome one @Viller! Cool!
Ok here's an update on the list of candidates, I think they are all missing either a logo or enough prods, and more importantly, serious interest as an established platform with a sufficient activity:
Atari 7800 - No logo, not enough prods
Nintendo Switch - No logo, not enough prods, no request for addition
Sinclair QL - No logo, not enough prods
Micro W8
Commodore PET
Overhead projector
Tiki 100
Mac OS ARM - no prods yet
Atari Portfolio - not enough prods, there is a single one so far?
Atari 7800 - No logo, not enough prods
Nintendo Switch - No logo, not enough prods, no request for addition
Sinclair QL - No logo, not enough prods
Micro W8
Commodore PET

@Pulkomandy, there are more pofo prods:
Oh and
Why is the Tiki-100 icon a cat? A more fitting image would be the Kon-Tiki raft
I like that KC-85/4 icon by PulkoMandy. Simple and clear design.
I didn't draw that icon, it was submitted a few pages ago by abductee. I'm just trying to collect all the info in an easy to process way.
In case you haven't figured it yet, gargaj decided unilaterally that in order to create a category, a platform needs at least 10 prods.
They should also not be thrown-together-in-10-minutes-in-a-reactive-hissy-fit. But I think PulkoMandy knows about the 10 prods rule :)
What about this one
for the Mühlhausen KC 85? (see also: https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=53041#c455576)
The logo would also include KC compact.

The logo would also include KC compact.