Last person to ever post in this thread wins!
category: residue [glöplog]

Hey so I just realized you can change your pouet handle freely. EXPECT TO GET CONFUSED, FELLOW SCENERS.

This is not supposed to happen ^
It did though.

You bastards thought you could sneak it in behind my back didn't you?
Maybe so!
close but no...

Arise, be reborn my dearest thread! I command thy!

Happy birthday, Ringo'!
Thanks w00t - losing btw!
Time to bring this thread to the current year
woot got banned?
All fun people get banned
Guess w00t won't win then
All the "topix at hand" were handled wrongly by all of you!1eleven
w00t got banned because he harassed me!
w00t got banned because he harassed me!
Guess you'd better add me to the list then Garg.
Dunno what went on, dun't really care but having seen some of the shit Adok's got away with over the years I'm kinda impressed with w00t.
Fuck the mods. This post is for w00t