
scene music stolen

category: music [glöplog]
great job Flashy! He did some track under Schattenschlag too, they're already in this thread.
added on the 2021-06-11 16:26:07 by teo teo
i actually have managed to identified most tracks laxical used for his schattenschlag project.
the list is a bit long so i put it on pastebin: linky
Bummer. Amazing collection!
added on the 2021-06-29 22:48:32 by T$ T$
i actually have managed to identified most tracks laxical used for his schattenschlag project.
the list is a bit long so i put it on pastebin: linky

Heh, impressive. Both impressive for collecting/identifying all of it, and impressive (the wrong way) that someone would steal so much.
added on the 2021-06-30 13:22:19 by Gargaj Gargaj

and impressive (the wrong way) that someone would steal so much.

He has a long history of "getting inspired" for "his" music. Due to this, he even had to change his handle several times back in the Amiga days.
added on the 2021-06-30 13:48:47 by StingRay StingRay
Not demoscene but this sounds very much like Rob Hubbard - Delta Title:

added on the 2021-07-16 16:53:57 by the vaw the vaw
Not demoscene but this sounds very much like Rob Hubbard - Delta Title:


added on the 2021-07-16 17:11:50 by leGend leGend
Yes with 80s gamemusic it's wise to check first if they really are original, many times they are not. That takes somewhat out of the magic with them, but not much really as they are often programmed with no replay possibility.

Anyway, Laxical is the (?) greatest lamer of all time, but who was that american dude who sold 2nd Reality records and all as his own? Can't remember, maybe was earlier in this thread but it was anyway humorous thing.
added on the 2021-07-17 22:09:41 by Serpent Serpent
You are probably thinking of a scam artist called Jay
Yep Saga exactly that, thanks.
added on the 2021-07-19 17:35:11 by Serpent Serpent
Not demoscene but this sounds very much like Rob Hubbard - Delta Title

Not the best example since Rob Hubbard himself stole few themes from others. You may find on YT: "SID Roots 01 - Warhawk" or "Warhawk John Keating" to check this. For me it was shock that theme I loved from that chiptune was not composed, but taken from someone else.
added on the 2021-07-28 09:22:54 by XTD XTD
saga musix: i've already heard about this max busser... seems to be one of the aliases of that there jurgen heinemann.

infact the track titled 'just stardust' from 'celestial fantasy' is this.
While I wouldn't be surprised at this point, do you have anything that can be used as proof that it's one of his aliasses? The Routenote information on YouTube is sadly not helpful.
Some band has made a music video based on a ASD's lifeforce demo.
added on the 2022-01-13 12:58:13 by Szczupaq Szczupaq
Their Youtube version seems to at least credit ASD for the visuals, so who knows if it was with permission or not.
added on the 2022-01-13 15:07:24 by Gargaj Gargaj
and technically they stole everything BUT the music (wrong thread) ;)
added on the 2022-01-13 15:50:38 by el mal el mal
Yeah, we have another thread for that ;)
The hook in ZOMBIE HYPERDRIVE - Ghost Blade (2016) basically sounds the same as the soundtrack of Megalactic by Schengen Allstars (by lug00ber 2014)
added on the 2022-02-02 10:51:56 by v3nom v3nom
The hook in ZOMBIE HYPERDRIVE - Ghost Blade (2016) basically sounds the same as the soundtrack of Megalactic by Schengen Allstars (by lug00ber 2014)

Sounds more like sampling a song than stealing an entire song, if there's was parts of it borrowed (or is it just that all synthwave sounds the same *ducks*...). Sampling is cool, stealing entire song is not.
added on the 2022-02-02 13:13:30 by pestis pestis
You're right, it's only parts that are the same - still I was quite surprised when I heard it, because it was so similar.
all synthwave sounds the same *ducks*

This is like saying all hip-hop or all techno sounds the same ;)
added on the 2022-02-02 19:19:02 by v3nom v3nom
Anyone played Omeganaut? I got it with Bundle for Ukraine on itch.io. I haven't got it running yet but they give credit to Modarchive on the store page which sounds a bit suspicious to me. Like they perhaps didn't get permission from the authors for including the music in a commercial product? Dirt cheap but still commercial.
added on the 2022-03-09 22:28:43 by El Topo El Topo
If you can extract the modules from the game, you could check under which license they are published on TMA. If they're all CC0 for example this wouldn't be an issue. But typically this sort of "blanket credit" often hints at someone who has no idea how copyright works and assumes that anything on a website with free stuff can be used in whatever way they like.
The game is made with ZGameEditor and the exe is thus compressed with zlib (?). I'm not sure how to decompress that but some strings are still visible in a hexeditor, like "curt cool / depth".
added on the 2022-03-10 09:21:56 by El Topo El Topo
