Revision 2022 Survey
category: parties [glöplog]
How about the fourth? And the fifth? How about ten? Or how about every six months? Every week? Every day?
Many people refresh their flu vacciation every year. So yeah.
No demoparty organization is responsible for me or my well being in regards to covid
Not for your personally, maybe, but I do think that Revision has a responsibility for the general public to not cause 500 people clog up local hospitals at the same time. Preventing the collapse of our health system is one big part of the whole strategy.
Many people refresh their flu vacciation every year. So yeah.
The big difference being; people are not segregated from society based on wheter or not they had a (recent) flu shot.
I am all for the freedom of injecting whatever you want into your own body, do it every day if you feel like it. All I ask is that people pay for it themselves and do not pressure anyone else into doing the same thing.
Personally I prefer my drugs to be fun, illegal and paid for in cash. I am not so much into drugs that are not fun, mandated by law and paid for with taxes. But hey, this is just me and everyone is different!
What Gabbie said, wanted to write the same.
People who are not vaccinated do not endanger others.
Yes they do. At any moment in time a random non-vaccinated (or partly-vaccinated) person is statistically more likely to be carrying the virus than a random vaccinated person. If I'm surrounded by 100 people out of whom 90 are vaccinated and 10 aren't, the risk is greater than if I'm surrounded by 100 people all of whom are vaccinated.
I am all for the freedom of injecting whatever you want into your own body, do it every day if you feel like it. All I ask is that people pay for it themselves and do not pressure anyone else into doing the same thing.
Cool, you don't have to but one of the consequences might be that you can't go to revision.
I'm fucking sick and tired of people yelling about 'mah freedoms' in a pandemic that clearly is more mortal than they want it to be in their little worlds.
I'm fucking sick and tired of people yelling about 'mah freedoms' in a pandemic that clearly is more mortal than they want it to be in their little worlds.
My freedom is also your freedom, don’t you understand?

Quote:I'm fucking sick and tired of people yelling about 'mah freedoms' in a pandemic that clearly is more mortal than they want it to be in their little worlds.
My freedom is also your freedom, don’t you understand?
That means that you are free to inject substances into yourself and to join or abstain from as many parties as you like.
You're also free to set yourself on fire. And people who organise parties are free to refuse entry to people who are on fire. Yay freedom. Freedom is good.
Gasman: Exactly what you said.
Although I'd rather not support parties under current german regulations.
Although I'd rather not support parties under current german regulations.
What's the point of yet another instance of this discussion. Neither of the sides will learn anything here
Let's just all fill out the form and hope there can be a REAL revision to watch our prods at
Let's just all fill out the form and hope there can be a REAL revision to watch our prods at
What NR4 said. Let the Survey be the winner of this thread.
Not sure if this affects demoscene but CCC-online looks like this this year:
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For what it's worth here is my small contribution to the debate :
I thought that maybe we could have decentralized Revision... like local parties happening all the same days in different location / countries and sharing the same compo.
I know it's not the same feeling but international travel will be a pain for a long time.
What do you think
I thought that maybe we could have decentralized Revision... like local parties happening all the same days in different location / countries and sharing the same compo.
I know it's not the same feeling but international travel will be a pain for a long time.
What do you think
For what it's worth here is my small contribution to the debate :
I thought that maybe we could have decentralized Revision... like local parties happening all the same days in different location / countries and sharing the same compo.
I know it's not the same feeling but international travel will be a pain for a long time.
What do you think
I thought about that but there might be a more practical problem with that than you think - and this is just my cursory, high-level overview:
- First off, they're still subject to local regulation.
- Second, they might balloon into sizes you wouldn't expect - after all, if it's people's closest collective experience of Revision, they will want to be there, and then you're talking "local demoparty" sized - except of course you're doing this without an entrance fee, so you somehow have to figure out a way to rent a location of correct size (which can go up to ~100 people depending on the area) but also having to figure out a way to pay for it - after all there's a reasonable argument for people that if there is indeed a Revision participation fee, they shouldn't pay for two things separately.
- Third, I'm not sure how much of the atmosphere it would bring to have a 24/7 stream that is not necessarily in sync with the local event(s).
Again, I don't dislike the idea, but I'm also a bit wary of some of the practicalities.
You're also free to set yourself on fire. And people who organise parties are free to refuse entry to people who are on fire. Yay freedom. Freedom is good.
Except fire is actually real and dangerous, whereas viruses are not. Which is why Pasteur’s “Germ Theory of Disease” is still, more than 150 years later, just that: a theory. There is no “Fire Theory of Burning”.
You don't know what the word "theory" means in the context of science.
If something's still a theory after 150 years, it means it hasn't been discredited and is probably pretty solid.
If something's still a theory after 150 years, it means it hasn't been discredited and is probably pretty solid.
Ah fucking hell.
Garg, can we close the thread please?
Thanks for all the positive feedback and ideas that have been given.
Garg, can we close the thread please?
Thanks for all the positive feedback and ideas that have been given.
Except fire is actually real and dangerous, whereas viruses are not.
Yeahhhhh... no. I think we should draw the line at spreading misinformation.
Let's get back on topic. I filled out the survey and try my darndest to be there!
It's called Oxidation-Reduction and yes, it's literally a scientific theory.
It's called Oxidation-Reduction and yes, it's literally a scientific theory.
A theory can be true, or it can be false. The fact is; there is no emperical evidence for the existence of viruses, let alone that they are contagious. Doesn’t mean the theory is wrong, but considering we are in the midst of a “pandemic” with “millions” of cases, how hard can it be to show the virus in a patient? How hard can it be to infect someone else with mucus, blood of other fluids? None of this has ever been done.
Go away with your stupid strawman bullshit, it;s always the same 3 people derailing these threads.
It's called Oxidation-Reduction and yes, it's literally a scientific theory.
I can put a piece of A4 paper into a bonfire and it will burn 100% of the time, everyone knows this and everyone can test this for themselves.