Back to the BBS - Part six: The #Demoscene - YouTube
category: general [glöplog]
I'm watching it... well, mostly listening to it in the background while doing other things.
Very interesting so far!
Very interesting so far!

I think if you look at this as a bunch of lightly edited chats as opposed to a documentary it's alright. Clearly a lot of the dialogue is stream of consciousness so takes like the one Gargaj mentioned will probably slip through where people have limited knowledge on certain subjects.
I think Trixter's explanations are probably the most clearest, but as a whole the video feels very subjective to the person being interviewed. I suppose if you compare this to something like Ahoy's videos, Ahoy has an incredible way of explaining through great use of graphics, animation, pacing, context and storytelling, not to forget clear deliniation when moving from one topic to the next.
I think this video is an alright retread for people familiar with the demoscene, but maybe not too accessible for the unfamiliar.
I think Trixter's explanations are probably the most clearest, but as a whole the video feels very subjective to the person being interviewed. I suppose if you compare this to something like Ahoy's videos, Ahoy has an incredible way of explaining through great use of graphics, animation, pacing, context and storytelling, not to forget clear deliniation when moving from one topic to the next.
I think this video is an alright retread for people familiar with the demoscene, but maybe not too accessible for the unfamiliar.
Yeah I'm not blaming the creator of the video and I'm absolutely not gonna begrudge anyone who at least does some sort of documentarian work or journalism, just that particular line recurs often enough to give me the shakes at this point :D
Atleast I wasn't the only one.

FYI. says "Yes, this part and the following part are more interview style. There are two more parts/episodes to go. The next one is on the music tracker scene, which features Purple Motion and Skaven of Future Crew, TDK (Mark Knight) from many games such as Wing Commander and cTtrix from Australia who made the Atari 2600 guitar amongst other crazy stuff in the Demoscene."
The context of my interview was to talk about the time BBSes and the scene intersected/interacted the most. Unfortunately, I was already emailing in '92 and had SL/IP to my house in '93, so I was not the best person to interview about mailswapping and local euro parties, but I guess he didn't have much other footage to use, so there you go...?
I did state, twice, that I was not qualified to comment on the modern GPU scene, but some of that made it in.
Making demoscene docs is difficult, so I usually try not to discourage anyone who is trying to do so. But I do understand Gargaj's shakes, believe me.
I did state, twice, that I was not qualified to comment on the modern GPU scene, but some of that made it in.
Making demoscene docs is difficult, so I usually try not to discourage anyone who is trying to do so. But I do understand Gargaj's shakes, believe me.
considering how our demoscene technology kinda runs parallel with innovation in game development and subsequent hardware innovation/use, i doubt even someone like Carmack can reflect on all the innovation in the last 40 years in just a one hour interview ;)
But we can listen to all those reflections forever. Right? ;)