
This french guy on "strip tease" must be a scener ?

category: offtopic [glöplog]
French and Belgian must know this show : "strip tease". If not I advise you to watch. Some episodes are really nice, some are funny , some are touching, well they can bring a lot of different emotions.

Anyway today I stumbled upon this one : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jg0Psr2sFA4&t=653s
the title is : "CHAMBRES À PART" from 1992

We can some teenagers showing their room. I believe this one must be into the demoscene. I wonder who he is !? (yep i am curious ^^)
We can see he is using I believe fasttracker (or is it impulse ?)
added on the 2021-06-29 14:26:25 by Shantee Shantee
We can see he is using I believe fasttracker (or is it impulse ?)

Neither were released in 1992. Looks like Noise Tracker on Amiga.
added on the 2021-06-29 15:35:58 by absence absence
From his slight accent it doesn't sound like he's French but Belgian, as expected since Strip Tease was mainly shot in Belgium.
also the trackerscene was (eventually) much bigger than the demoscene and pretty much existed on its own without even knowing or caring about the demoscene. and then DAWs appeared and they all went fruityloops :P
added on the 2021-06-29 16:49:11 by el mal el mal
we still need Mark Salud to play Revision one year!
added on the 2021-06-29 17:25:02 by okkie okkie
This is sountracker or noisetracker running in the background. And the music sounds like mod.1989-a number by Romeo Knight from the demo "Follow me" by RSI.
Well, this guy has a belgian accent and he introduces himself at the beginning of the interview saying he is a music passionate and that his nickname his something like "Day limit Pression Element"....
added on the 2021-06-29 20:08:45 by ok3anos ok3anos
This is sountracker or noisetracker running in the background. And the music sounds like mod.1989-a number by Romeo Knight from the demo "Follow me" by RSI.
Well, this guy has a belgian accent and he introduces himself at the beginning of the interview saying he is a music passionate and that his nickname his something like "Day limit Pression Element"....

Yes sorry he is Belgian indeed ! Being French I did not understand his handle because of his accent). And the music he is playing is actually the generic of the show "Congo Belge by Batumambe" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=miAnOcZTkr0&t=136

also the trackerscene was (eventually) much bigger than the demoscene and pretty much existed on its own without even knowing or caring about the demoscene. and then DAWs appeared and they all went fruityloops :P

Oh ok thanks . I did not know that I somehow associated both !
added on the 2021-06-30 10:58:10 by Shantee Shantee
He speaks very quickly when he introduces himself at 1:33 but this is what I understood after listening to it for a few times:

"Je m'appelle DCE, c'est mon surnom, ça veut dire Dynamite Creation Element"

Looking at Modland / Modarchive, there is one DCE artist listed, he mentions in his bio he is active since 1989 and there's a .be email address in the sample list of some of the modules, so most probably the same person :)
added on the 2021-06-30 16:49:51 by exocet exocet
The question being, how comes Shantee watches "strip tease" from 1992.
added on the 2021-06-30 18:34:21 by Soundy Soundy
Usually because YouTube's algorithm recommended it.
added on the 2021-07-01 02:10:45 by Y0Gi Y0Gi

Looking at Modland / Modarchive, there is one DCE artist listed, he mentions in his bio he is active since 1989 and there's a .be email address in the sample list of some of the modules, so most probably the same person :)

Nice find exocet !!

https://www.pouet.net/user.php?who=17391? :)

Gargaj saves the day :)

The question being, how comes Shantee watches "strip tease" from 1992.

Yes that's indeed a good question. And I don't think that is entirely because of Youtube algorithm I have been watching strip tease episodes on Youtube for a long time already. I don't know why sometime I feel like I am in the right mindset / mood, or struck by nostalgia and I feel like (re)watching a couple of episodes.
Of course since I am a curious I sometime love to find out what happened to the people we see on the show and I had the feeling this guy had an account here ! ( Gargaj confirmed it )
This show is really unique ! it's like a time capsule .
Actually I have a nice collection of about 190 episodes .I guess you could find them on youtube except perhaps a couple that for some reason have been deleted (if there is an other "fan" here I could make a link just ask)
added on the 2021-07-01 11:23:02 by Shantee Shantee
I had the feeling this guy had an account here ! ( Gargaj confirmed it )

I didn't tho, it's just a possibly matching nick.
added on the 2021-07-01 13:19:19 by Gargaj Gargaj
Actually I have a nice collection of about 190 episodes .I guess you could find them on youtube except perhaps a couple that for some reason have been deleted (if there is an other "fan" here I could make a link just ask)

yeah you should drop the link...
I remember this one fondly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__aTZ9Ld0x4
added on the 2021-07-01 20:27:35 by remdy remdy
I remember this one fondly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__aTZ9Ld0x4

Such a great TV moment! Too bad for non french speakers though
added on the 2021-07-01 20:37:06 by Soundy Soundy
Yrs memorable moment :). So good stuffs in this TV show...
added on the 2021-07-01 20:49:42 by ok3anos ok3anos
@remdy : that one and the one with the flying saucer are the best
added on the 2021-07-01 21:37:19 by Tigrou Tigrou
yeah you should drop the link...

And voila ! Have fun.

This is my personal home server and I am in the process of (re)designing some kind of blog here so I don't guarantee this link will work for a long time.

I remember this one fondly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__aTZ9Ld0x4

Ahah yes...Well this one is part of the "funny ones". Now what if I told you this guy has a profile on pouet ? No just kidding ^^ (Mais t'imagine ? ahah)
I have so many favorites (for example I can recommend "FÉES D'HIVERS" )
It is indeed a shame for non french speakers (I noticed some episodes have English subtitles on youtube I don't have a list though)
added on the 2021-07-02 12:30:41 by Shantee Shantee
thanks for the episodes :)
added on the 2021-07-02 13:08:21 by wullon wullon
you're welcome .I should have waited a little before posting , I had some maintenance operations to realize on my server sorry for the disagreement if you were downloading. Everything is OK now
added on the 2021-07-02 13:24:32 by Shantee Shantee
