What are your personal top X game cracks?
category: general [glöplog]
What are your personal top X game cracks?
That one Symbian crack by X/Accession was nice. Or at least taking part in writing a drunk party scrolltext to the crack intro was fun. I think. My memories are a bit hazy on that one.
My favourite crack is this one and you should play this in the background
Razor Logo is always in my heart.
I understood the subject is the actual crack, not intro.
what serpent said.
crack = removing copyprotection != intro.
However, I am unsure how many people here were really involved in that, I mean actually disassembling code..
crack = removing copyprotection != intro.
However, I am unsure how many people here were really involved in that, I mean actually disassembling code..
One can try to judge cracks without being a cracker, there may be various perspectives for that (the speed of release, newly added features (loader, compression, trainer etc.), bypassing protection etc.)
One can try to judge cracks without being a cracker, there may be various perspectives for that (the speed of release, newly added features (loader, compression, trainer etc.), bypassing protection etc.)
well, then one of my favourite cracks must be the TRSi crack of Turrican 1. Seems to be the only properly working one, all other crack variants are bugged.
well, then one of my favourite cracks must be the TRSi crack of Turrican 1. Seems to be the only properly working one, all other crack variants are bugged.
Medievil because of the hilarious one byte patch for a supposedly new and super hard protection.
Spyro the Dragon because of the nasty ingame checks that would make it impossible to beat the final boss and eventually erase your entire memory card... which didnt trigger when playtesting with cheats.
Spyro the Dragon because of the nasty ingame checks that would make it impossible to beat the final boss and eventually erase your entire memory card... which didnt trigger when playtesting with cheats.
Lemmings cracktro, as it features one of the most memorable chip tune ever
Lemmings crack is good example, for all the drama it created inside cracking scene.