What are your favourite boobs?
category: general [glöplog]
and no, it didnt :))
ps: why does [code] end up formatting it that way?
Sand: Silicon dioxide
Silicone: Silicones, or "polysiloxanes", are inorganic polymers consisting of a silicon-oxygen backbone (...-Si-O-Si-O-Si-O-...) with side groups attached to the silicon atoms. Certain organic side groups can be used to link two or more of these -Si-O- backbones together
Looks both like an aweful lot of silicon to me.
Stelthz: In other words, water is nothing more than hydrogen.
And isn't silcon dioxide called silica, not silcon?
maali: couz analogue fucked up when updating the bbcode parser prolly.
Semiconductor silicon is among the purest substances on earth. Then it gets doped up.
The whole Romero thing could be summed up as a pedophile case.
shifter: if you are serious it isn't at all. She was 18.
if you want a good laugh read what somethingawful wrote about it
if you are waiting for the baby pictures, check http://johnandraluca.com in the future... too bad she's still waiting for her US visa :]
if you want a good laugh read what somethingawful wrote about it
if you are waiting for the baby pictures, check http://johnandraluca.com in the future... too bad she's still waiting for her US visa :]
btw Optimus: wanna check the current status of your favourite boobs ? :]

taken from http://killcreek.smugmug.com

taken from http://killcreek.smugmug.com
Holy crap! This monster ate killcreek!
my favourite tits are great tits... just google them ;D
Hey! Is that Stevie? :)
All those stuff and links are interesting. I couldn't find the new page of Case, the old one doesn't exist anymore.
And yes, I always liked Carmack more than Romero. Everybody keep mentioning the second more ;P
All those stuff and links are interesting. I couldn't find the new page of Case, the old one doesn't exist anymore.
And yes, I always liked Carmack more than Romero. Everybody keep mentioning the second more ;P
yup that's Stevie "Killcreek" Case 2005. Finally she's quitted her fake Playboy look! :p
Carmack doesn't talk - he codes! he's smart.
Carmack doesn't talk - he codes! he's smart.
smart maybe, but as innovative as a plastic cup.