Underground Conference 11 - July 4-11 2021 - Bingen am Rhein, Germany
category: general [glöplog]
Sunday, July 4 to Sunday, July 11 2021 - Bingen am Rhein, Germany
Join us for SEVEN days of non-stop insanity at the craziest outdoor demoparty event ever.
It's about time to meet your friends again. With the pandemic still going on, the safest place to do so is outdoors. Easy for UC, as we have been an outdoor party since 1995.
In addition to regular compos you'd find at a "normal" demo party, UC is featuring a massive amount of weird, wacky, confusing and insane competitions. We also are doing tons of light art installations. We have lasers which can beat your lasers.
The location is booked, and our extensive Covid-19 security concept will once again outperform all legal requirements. In addition to last years Anti-Covid-Features this time we will have free daily testing for everyone.
Right now we only have a "Save the date" minimal website online. Do what it says: Make sure you reserve/register your vacation with your employer and/or your mum. We'll launch the full website and ticket sales during Revision Online.
For those of you who have not yet been to Underground Conference and would like to have an idea why people are craving for it, go check out this short video:
Join us for SEVEN days of non-stop insanity at the craziest outdoor demoparty event ever.
It's about time to meet your friends again. With the pandemic still going on, the safest place to do so is outdoors. Easy for UC, as we have been an outdoor party since 1995.
In addition to regular compos you'd find at a "normal" demo party, UC is featuring a massive amount of weird, wacky, confusing and insane competitions. We also are doing tons of light art installations. We have lasers which can beat your lasers.
The location is booked, and our extensive Covid-19 security concept will once again outperform all legal requirements. In addition to last years Anti-Covid-Features this time we will have free daily testing for everyone.
Right now we only have a "Save the date" minimal website online. Do what it says: Make sure you reserve/register your vacation with your employer and/or your mum. We'll launch the full website and ticket sales during Revision Online.
For those of you who have not yet been to Underground Conference and would like to have an idea why people are craving for it, go check out this short video:
omg hype
I have a plan for the SID Headbanging Compo!
\O/ _Fuck Yeah!
I think I will be there.
I'd love to have a Wake concert done next to the sea at sundown!
Here are a couple of updates:
Hate Nature? Hotels and Showers available!
Due to sceners craving for some vacation, UC is running for a full week this year. We have received feedback that some of you can not imagine camping for a week without real showers and amenities, and not for all of those renting a caravan is feasible.
We therefore will be offering both a shuttle service to a facility with clean showers, and also will offer a shuttle to and from the Hotels on the river Rhine front in Bingen am Rhein. If you are interested in the latter, please contact us BEFORE booking your hotel.
So: Nature no longer is an excuse for not coming to UC.
Covid-19 Update
Our safety concept is in line with all regulations, and this will be a fully legal event. Read the details on our website. However, the Gold standard is being vaccinated. Many sceners have already done it. Those who are most vulnerable are vaccinated now, so ethics should not be in the way. Go get the shot! Side Note: It's not a problem if you only have received a single vaccine shot before UC, with the second one being scheduled for after the party. Studies show that even the first shot gives very good coverage (Both AZ and BioNTech)
Competitions Update
The first days of UC will have a focus on relaxing and chilling out with your friends at the pond and fire place, for you to regain the energy you'll need for the Hardcore partying that will follow from Thursday. With TWENTY different compos there should be something to do for everybody. Check out our new compos, which in addition to the beloved classics include new ones like "Audiobook Demo" and "Hardware Music".
Hate Nature? Hotels and Showers available!
Due to sceners craving for some vacation, UC is running for a full week this year. We have received feedback that some of you can not imagine camping for a week without real showers and amenities, and not for all of those renting a caravan is feasible.
We therefore will be offering both a shuttle service to a facility with clean showers, and also will offer a shuttle to and from the Hotels on the river Rhine front in Bingen am Rhein. If you are interested in the latter, please contact us BEFORE booking your hotel.
So: Nature no longer is an excuse for not coming to UC.
Covid-19 Update
Our safety concept is in line with all regulations, and this will be a fully legal event. Read the details on our website. However, the Gold standard is being vaccinated. Many sceners have already done it. Those who are most vulnerable are vaccinated now, so ethics should not be in the way. Go get the shot! Side Note: It's not a problem if you only have received a single vaccine shot before UC, with the second one being scheduled for after the party. Studies show that even the first shot gives very good coverage (Both AZ and BioNTech)
Competitions Update
The first days of UC will have a focus on relaxing and chilling out with your friends at the pond and fire place, for you to regain the energy you'll need for the Hardcore partying that will follow from Thursday. With TWENTY different compos there should be something to do for everybody. Check out our new compos, which in addition to the beloved classics include new ones like "Audiobook Demo" and "Hardware Music".
Registerred. <3
Registerred. <3
We have updated our user database with two important new fields:
1.) We'd like to know where you are planning to sleep. This is so we can plan the infrastructure accordingly, completely ignoring your needs. So please pick between Tent/Caravan/Hotel.
2.) From what we know, at least half of the participants are going to have a Covid-19 vaccination shot by the time the party starts. To be able to plan our security measures better, we'd like to know what your vaccination status is going to be by the time you are arriving at the party.
So if you are already registered, please update your account now. If you aren't registered yet, it's about goddamn time, mofalutscher!
1.) We'd like to know where you are planning to sleep. This is so we can plan the infrastructure accordingly, completely ignoring your needs. So please pick between Tent/Caravan/Hotel.
2.) From what we know, at least half of the participants are going to have a Covid-19 vaccination shot by the time the party starts. To be able to plan our security measures better, we'd like to know what your vaccination status is going to be by the time you are arriving at the party.
So if you are already registered, please update your account now. If you aren't registered yet, it's about goddamn time, mofalutscher!
Also the compo PC specs got published, please find them with a brilliantly space-saving accordion UI at
We are looking for people willing to prepare demoshows!
As you know we are having a full week of UC this year.
Most of our competitions will be Thu/Fri/Sat, some before. This means that we will have plenty of bigscreen time available during the first nights.
We are looking for sceners who are interested to prepare demoshows for those nights.
What's a demoshow? It's basically you preparing and testing a collection of demos, ideally with some connecting dots and optionally some commentary.
To give you couple of examples:
- How have effects developed during the last 35 years on the C64?
- Demos you should not watch while on LSD
- Demos on the various Amiga variants compared
- Demos that have started a controversy
- Demos to 64k to 64k to 256 byte - how we managed to crunch
effects into smaller sizes over time
- Demos that are codec killers
- Demos that will kill anyone suffering from epilepsy
- Demos that did not win a Meteoriks award but really should have
Anything goes.
We highly prefer you to test your demos in beforehand live on your Computer, and bring that along. If you can't do that, you can re-test your set of PC demos on our compo PC.
For oldschool platforms if you can not bring the platform, HQ video captures are OK. But no YouTube, please.
If you feel like it, you are welcome to do live commentary to give historical context. If you are shy and do not wish to do, we can also do those announcements for you.
So: If you aren't working a release right now but are a demo lover, this is your chance to contribute to the party.
Drop us a line at inpho@uc11.party if you wish to do a demoshow.
In case you are arriving later than Sunday (party start), please let us know so we can schedule your demoshow accordingly.
As you know we are having a full week of UC this year.
Most of our competitions will be Thu/Fri/Sat, some before. This means that we will have plenty of bigscreen time available during the first nights.
We are looking for sceners who are interested to prepare demoshows for those nights.
What's a demoshow? It's basically you preparing and testing a collection of demos, ideally with some connecting dots and optionally some commentary.
To give you couple of examples:
- How have effects developed during the last 35 years on the C64?
- Demos you should not watch while on LSD
- Demos on the various Amiga variants compared
- Demos that have started a controversy
- Demos to 64k to 64k to 256 byte - how we managed to crunch
effects into smaller sizes over time
- Demos that are codec killers
- Demos that will kill anyone suffering from epilepsy
- Demos that did not win a Meteoriks award but really should have
Anything goes.
We highly prefer you to test your demos in beforehand live on your Computer, and bring that along. If you can't do that, you can re-test your set of PC demos on our compo PC.
For oldschool platforms if you can not bring the platform, HQ video captures are OK. But no YouTube, please.
If you feel like it, you are welcome to do live commentary to give historical context. If you are shy and do not wish to do, we can also do those announcements for you.
So: If you aren't working a release right now but are a demo lover, this is your chance to contribute to the party.
Drop us a line at inpho@uc11.party if you wish to do a demoshow.
In case you are arriving later than Sunday (party start), please let us know so we can schedule your demoshow accordingly.
Corona status update:
Incidence rate in our region now at 19 per 100.000 and dropping. Also as of now, 60% of UC visitors will arrive vaccinated. That's pretty cool.
Incidence rate in our region now at 19 per 100.000 and dropping. Also as of now, 60% of UC visitors will arrive vaccinated. That's pretty cool.

We are proud and happy - and to be honest a tiny bit aroused - to announce that Jeenio, KB & Darya are going to give a concert, playing Jazz interpretations of various scene-related tunes live.
The concert is going to take place on Saturday July 9th around sundown, at the one and only hardcore outdoor demoscene festival on this and other planets: Underground Conference 11.
There will be a recording available after the concert, but if you want to experience this live the way it's meant to be, you'll have no other choice than getting off your sofa, joining the crowds of creative lunatics who will be celebrating this and tons of other events and competitions during the FULL WEEK that UC is lasting this time.
Get all the questionable facts at your one-stop-shop for digital quote entertainment quote: [link]https://uc11.party/[/link]
The [/link] was party of the URL to take you to a secret message!!!1
OMG, soo looking forward to that concert (and the whole party) already! <3
@scamp: Thanks for the invitation. Considering it. Regarding the old-fashioned/oldschool compo, would you show an entry live from an Amiga? I could bring a machine of course.
Yes, I think we would. We hate pre-recorded videos if you can have it live. We have a scanconverter we'd use. @v3nom, please take over :)
yes, we definitely show entries from real hardware, if possible! I had my a500 with me last year and actually also did a demoshow with it, and plan to bring it again (it's the same we had at deadline in last years).
Also happy to show it from your own machine, if needed :)
I cannot promise perfect picture quality though , as we're still looking into scaling options, but I will bring my cheapo-scaler that we used last time (which has an "okay" picture quality) and most likely we'll also having a better scaler from tum.
Also happy to show it from your own machine, if needed :)
I cannot promise perfect picture quality though , as we're still looking into scaling options, but I will bring my cheapo-scaler that we used last time (which has an "okay" picture quality) and most likely we'll also having a better scaler from tum.
So excited! Hope 2 c some of u Folks @uc11
We are positively disgusted and about to throw up from happiness to be able to announce just another bunch of live concerts taking place during Underground Conference 11.
From the earliest days of the Demoscene Spreadpoint and Friendship against Business (FAB) Member Lord from Frankfurt/Germany spreads out his demoscene love for all with some Audiovisual Live Concerts and Art Installations.
Lord's real name is Siegfried Kärcher (and he appears to like his realname as he is mentioning it all the time) and he is also known for his releases on Force Inc. & Mille Plateaux. So you might expect Techno Ambient Glitch and even some Drum n Bass LIVE from the officiating Musikmesse Beatbattle Winner. Also, we are messing up his promo text by claiming he's been the first female bus driver to fly to the moon.
At UC11 Lord will be playing:
- An audiovisual concert to watch and booze in awe (on the main stage)
- A x0x (303 808 909 707 606) techno live set (at the discoworld)
- A Drum'n'Base live set (at the discoworld)
That's just one of 435 reasons not to join UC11. So do it!

From the earliest days of the Demoscene Spreadpoint and Friendship against Business (FAB) Member Lord from Frankfurt/Germany spreads out his demoscene love for all with some Audiovisual Live Concerts and Art Installations.
Lord's real name is Siegfried Kärcher (and he appears to like his realname as he is mentioning it all the time) and he is also known for his releases on Force Inc. & Mille Plateaux. So you might expect Techno Ambient Glitch and even some Drum n Bass LIVE from the officiating Musikmesse Beatbattle Winner. Also, we are messing up his promo text by claiming he's been the first female bus driver to fly to the moon.
At UC11 Lord will be playing:
- An audiovisual concert to watch and booze in awe (on the main stage)
- A x0x (303 808 909 707 606) techno live set (at the discoworld)
- A Drum'n'Base live set (at the discoworld)
That's just one of 435 reasons not to join UC11. So do it!

Corona Update: The 7-day incidence rate in our region is now 10,5 per 100.000.
All legal restrictions we'd could have had for our event are lifted.
Also, now a whopping 70% of our visitors are to arrive vaccinated.
However, no matter what, we will still stick to our strict Corona safety concept.
All legal restrictions we'd could have had for our event are lifted.
Also, now a whopping 70% of our visitors are to arrive vaccinated.
However, no matter what, we will still stick to our strict Corona safety concept.
..and even more important Corona updates:
- For the safety of our children, the track must contain the vocal sample at the beginning of Mark'Ohs 1995 prophecy 'Drosten hörst du mich? (Long Version)'', either: (reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hFyL-fIFaY)
- in a recognizable form or
- if processed beyond recognizability, the mutation from original to your version must be made audible at least once (favourably an incidence during the 7th bar)
- Due to danger of high frequency lockdowns, the use of resonant 303-type sounds and instruments are strictly forbidden
- Exception: a mutation of above sample
- Since the world seems very gray to us due to corona, give your picture an instagramable look that emphasizes the mood you want to create
Also the following basic regulations apply:
- all rule changes must be applied
- if you start at the party, you also have to follow the already published rules
- we accept only jpgs
- upload will be activated only 24 hours before deadline
- send us only the final image
We kindly ask you to comply these rules, because otherwise we're all doomed!
- For the safety of our children, the track must contain the vocal sample at the beginning of Mark'Ohs 1995 prophecy 'Drosten hörst du mich? (Long Version)'', either: (reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hFyL-fIFaY)
- in a recognizable form or
- if processed beyond recognizability, the mutation from original to your version must be made audible at least once (favourably an incidence during the 7th bar)
- Due to danger of high frequency lockdowns, the use of resonant 303-type sounds and instruments are strictly forbidden
- Exception: a mutation of above sample
- Since the world seems very gray to us due to corona, give your picture an instagramable look that emphasizes the mood you want to create
Also the following basic regulations apply:
- all rule changes must be applied
- if you start at the party, you also have to follow the already published rules
- we accept only jpgs
- upload will be activated only 24 hours before deadline
- send us only the final image
We kindly ask you to comply these rules, because otherwise we're all doomed!