Group name "official" abbreviations..
category: general [glöplog]
Unlimited Matricks = ULM
there were shitloads of such lists circulating in the 1990s - last not least because quizzes about group abbreviations were part of when you applied for an account at a "leet" bbs.
see here for some of these lists:
see here for some of these lists:
Scrapers = SCR
Delicious = DLS
Delicious = DLS
Desire = DSR
From my friend-os:
ATL = Atlantis
MSL = MultiStyle Labs
PRX = Proxima
Also, I've always enjoyed how 3AD is short for Triad.
PRX = Parallax ... well I guess as Parallax is buried you can have it anyway :)
Primitive = PMT
Three Letter Nicks = 3LN
Three Letter Nicks = 3LN
Ephidrena = EPH
Are you making the longest 64K greetings record?
Are you making the longest 64K greetings record?
TRM = trauma
HSA = hysteria
DBS = dubius
tAAt = tAAt
HSA = hysteria
DBS = dubius
tAAt = tAAt
can i join bohemiq as "bar" plz? pretty plz?
no, we have high standards who we allow in our team, havoc and despite that you're 206cm tall, that standard is not met! :P
i'm currently wearing snowboots for obvious reasons so i easily reach 207cm and therefore will take your answer as a "yes", thankyou maali!
LogicOma = LO
This is incorrect. It's LoC (the C is pronounced as an s)
Quote:LogicOma = LO
This is incorrect. It's LoC (the C is pronounced as an s)
I can't even get away with cheap Dutch language jokes it seems :)
unique = u
TFC = The Fiture Crew (sometimes also know as Fit)
L!T = Lieves!Tuore
L!T = Lieves!Tuore
I hereby confirm that the official abbreviation for Shinra is SHR, as already recorded in the Pouet database.
Alcatraz = ATZ
Woutersoftware = WsW
i thought that stood for Wouter samen met loWietje
Darklite =

The Lost Souls = TLS
headcrash = HCR
there were shitloads of such lists circulating in the 1990s - last not least because quizzes about group abbreviations were part of when you applied for an account at a "leet" bbs.
see here for some of these lists:
The issue was those "leet" lists was they were always some groups missing.
I did my own c64/Amiga list back almost 30 yrs ago, completing it every time I saw a new crackintro. The list was, iIrc, about 30kb without any "fancy" ascii logos to boast about.
and despite that you're 206cm tall
Somehow measuring havoc in centimeters makes him a lot smaller than he is in my mind :)
and imagine that havoc is small in comparison to the Dutch twin towers (jal/nostalgia and lone ranger/acme) who always walk together at demoparties :D