demoscene at molvania?!
category: residue [glöplog]
i know that there was party called "molvania zscene gathering" but has there really been demoscene at molvania during ussr times? could anyone tell me more about molvania demoscene... groups, what machines they have used, what is situation of scene nowadays. plz kthnx
either sucked-out humor or potential clueshoppe customer.
There is no such country. I'm 90% sure.
dipswitch what ar yuo meen? imbusy you is lie! i borned in molvania, and we mighty demozsene when i little boy. the famus ZLAD - yuo cknow how he make first musik? he tracker in bestest molvania gruop - SPACE POVERLORDS!
they make then demo on moldoric, our bestest komputer in universe. french say they have teh same komputer and we stole it - but it made by our bestest zsientists when glorious times, with big help from foregn sekret service!
but now zsene si dead. some little people mek htis "molvania zsene gahtering" - i not know what this. oldskul forever! i not know what lamers make. i live in beutiful finlandia now and si member of jumalauta. htey are like molvania oldskul - if they want war, not do lamer flame-intro like lame grup, but fight like man! oil on body, and fight!
long live old skul - long live molvania!!!!!"!1111
they make then demo on moldoric, our bestest komputer in universe. french say they have teh same komputer and we stole it - but it made by our bestest zsientists when glorious times, with big help from foregn sekret service!
but now zsene si dead. some little people mek htis "molvania zsene gahtering" - i not know what this. oldskul forever! i not know what lamers make. i live in beutiful finlandia now and si member of jumalauta. htey are like molvania oldskul - if they want war, not do lamer flame-intro like lame grup, but fight like man! oil on body, and fight!
long live old skul - long live molvania!!!!!"!1111
mystery solved.
mystery solved.
shiva is from molevania, afaik
I laughted my ass off for almost 10 minuten thanks to afromies.
you're beating on a joke that died half a year ago. all your base are belong to us too, you know.
where is an unssi post here? :P
oh yeah, and i finally got that book.. sadly, no mention of zlad in the arts section.
afromies: thanks for enlighting us!
unssi a.k.a CAHJ8987+FWE0: this was just boring. now for some real story. i assure you that is REALLY happened.
last week i and another exchange student from denmark went to visit some polish girls we learnt to know the day before in a pub where they invited us for dinner in their student dorm. well, we ate some dinner and then just had some talks with beer. the girls are art students, so they landed up showing us some animations and shortmovies.
then one girl said to the other 2: "let me show them supersonic!". the others were like "ah no, it's so crappy...". we were interested and insisted on them showing it to us. we had no idea.. the one girl said "okay, here's a really crappy and kitchy music video from the 80s (!)". and then... THE INFAMOUS COUNTDOWN!!! i was laughing for 10 minutes. and how disappointed they were when i told them the molvania story. they had no idea! they downloaded the video from some dorm-internal p2p and never saw the molvania website.
one of the funniest poland experiences!
unssi a.k.a CAHJ8987+FWE0: this was just boring. now for some real story. i assure you that is REALLY happened.
last week i and another exchange student from denmark went to visit some polish girls we learnt to know the day before in a pub where they invited us for dinner in their student dorm. well, we ate some dinner and then just had some talks with beer. the girls are art students, so they landed up showing us some animations and shortmovies.
then one girl said to the other 2: "let me show them supersonic!". the others were like "ah no, it's so crappy...". we were interested and insisted on them showing it to us. we had no idea.. the one girl said "okay, here's a really crappy and kitchy music video from the 80s (!)". and then... THE INFAMOUS COUNTDOWN!!! i was laughing for 10 minutes. and how disappointed they were when i told them the molvania story. they had no idea! they downloaded the video from some dorm-internal p2p and never saw the molvania website.
one of the funniest poland experiences!
dipswitch, the very first one is an unssi post.
ok, i was too slow apparently :p
dispwithc i hate yuo! yuo are enemy to my beutiful homeland! why yuo tell lies to fans of my great land and our bestest superstar hero zlad? we will fight with oil on next braekpoint!!!1
HAHAHAHA <- (laughing about unsse)
i'm sick and tired of people who just don't have a clue and think they are smarter than the others. there IS a molvania, there IS a molvania zcene gathering, i fucking was there! and dipswitch, i dunno why do you pretend you don't know about it, we had lots of fun there?...
if i would come here and claim that germany didn't exist, how would you feel about it?
if i would come here and claim that germany didn't exist, how would you feel about it?
Is that in ze midtle, teh flack of molvazia zeh oder?!

omg shadez, you have a blank one of those? if so linkage please! :)
i'm sick and tired of people who just don't have a clue and think they are smarter than the others. there IS a molvania, there IS a molvania zcene gathering, i fucking was there! and dipswitch, i dunno why do you pretend you don't know about it, we had lots of fun there?...
SEE LAMERS!!! LIKE NOSFE/TEEL AND BUNCH. MOLVANIA DO EXIST!!!!:((((( I KNOW AFROMIES/JEEN10 SPEAKS TRUTH!!!111 btw. unssi sucks. he is probably some wackass sick bastard. signing off: CACCALAP!0/JASOFT ps. and stelthz you can go suck dick now. ahahaa hahah hahaha hahah
and thanks shadez ;D
the hype is real! and so is Molvania!
ah yass this brings back so many memoreis! my first comp was the MSX-23 (Molvanian Super Xomputer-BC (before communism)), we used to watch all the scrollers back to front with my dead uncle-x!