category: general [glöplog]
I'm sorry, go look again at the nominees for each year and compare them to their original party results. The mfx, the kewlers stuff, the non-party released stuff (tomthumb), doomsday by complex, most of the original concept stuff. (Where you even have a demo that managed to end up 40/41 at mekka)
Really, try to be consistent yourself.
As dixan said, the awards are a production, and like any production you are free to like or dislike it. Or even get emotional about it like you seem to do.
One thing that is clear is that we get to hear everything and its reverse.. Confronting the opinion of a collective mind with the opinion of individual minds is leading to disagreement. No surprise here.
Really, try to be consistent yourself.
As dixan said, the awards are a production, and like any production you are free to like or dislike it. Or even get emotional about it like you seem to do.
One thing that is clear is that we get to hear everything and its reverse.. Confronting the opinion of a collective mind with the opinion of individual minds is leading to disagreement. No surprise here.
... and nominees from all partys that already ranked 1-3 are FORBIDDEN.
Oh, for fuck's sake! Time to use this Firefox plugin once again...
Well, things that happen when you find penis humour actually funny
*rolf lol bbq* ithaqua said penis on pouet :P
Drago: ...Like the devil reads the bible...
You want it to be an award only for demos that didn't rank high or wasn't released at a party? I'm quite certain that wasn't what the staff intended ;)
Anyway, like others have said, staff + jurors do all the work, they get to make the rules. that's it. Be happy that they are infact listening, or go make your own awards.
METALVOTZE awards? No, I don't think it'd pay attention to those.
You want it to be an award only for demos that didn't rank high or wasn't released at a party? I'm quite certain that wasn't what the staff intended ;)
Anyway, like others have said, staff + jurors do all the work, they get to make the rules. that's it. Be happy that they are infact listening, or go make your own awards.
METALVOTZE awards? No, I don't think it'd pay attention to those.
probably been said before:
I knew Germans had a knack for fanatic weirdness, but sheesh.
I knew Germans had a knack for fanatic weirdness, but sheesh.
actually, i miss winnerdemo in the nominees. but then i'm socialized in germany.. =)
technically speaking you could attribute winnerdemo as a breakthrough on pc, but then again this isn't about the pc scene ;D
technically speaking winnerdemo should be called weinerdemo.
Frankfurters hoch!
and it's "Wiener" not "Weiner"
those sausages are named after the city of Wien
those sausages are named after the city of Wien
Americans from the United States have a knack for spelling them as weiners. I for one, welcome our weiner overlords.
ah, so steve-o's tattoo is right eitherway? i believe it says 'i have a small weiner' and he declared it to be 'wrong but hey i was wasted when i got it'
IKANIM !!!!!
okkie: well, if a collective of idiots get it wrong in large enough numbers, it automatically becomes a standard of sorts. (That's what keeps IE afloat)
Americas Most Popular Spelling Error.
Sad but, yes, true.
Sad but, yes, true.
yah and their biggest spelling error was writing bush instead of kerry :/
the 'collor' 'colour' thing is nasty too though. well, shame that most people tend to speak 'american' these days..
the good ol' days of proper english are over, alas.
the good ol' days of proper english are over, alas.
color even.. 'color, colour, collor' thing.. or how-ever-the-fuckwit it's spelled :)
okkie: hiw or bleo, obviously!
zest: I think "weird/wierd" has leading.
honorary mention for "lose/loose"
they're/their/there is the worst imho ;)