
Looking for Glide Demos and others

category: general [glöplog]
You remember - at the dawn of the 3d accelerator age there was no directx, and OpenGL was for professional workstations. Instead there was a plethora of proprietary 3d liberaries.

The most wellknown was glide and there were also scenedemos for it. Do you know any glide demos?

Where there any demos for other 3d llibs? (Virge, Powervr etc.)
added on the 2004-06-17 00:16:37 by Stelthzje Stelthzje
Here are some demos for glide/3dfx:


added on the 2004-06-17 02:03:37 by Stelthzje Stelthzje
hey, weren't you going to shut up for good?
added on the 2004-06-17 19:59:39 by skrebbel skrebbel
Can we have a MS-Dos/Windows/Glide category like MS-Dos/GUS?

It really sucks not being able to find Glide gems or, on the other hand, running into Glide demos you can't run.

pleez? ;)
added on the 2009-06-11 15:22:21 by raer raer
GLIDE was an API, it makes no sense to have a category for it.
added on the 2009-06-11 15:32:24 by keops keops
and there are glide drivers / wrappers for modern gfx cards so running glide demos shouldn't be a problem.
it was also hardware. like GUS.
and yeah. I know there are wrappers.
how about a bit of (special) hardware information for every demo on the prod page? Arbitary or predefined stuff. like "needs DirectX10.1" or whatever. people will be really thankful for that in the future probably...
and yeah, I can read fileinfos.
added on the 2009-06-11 15:42:01 by raer raer
Another use for the "tags" feature that has been discussed before :)
added on the 2009-06-11 15:51:04 by break break
or something like that. yeah.
added on the 2009-06-11 16:22:26 by raer raer
So we have some glide-demos, but what about PowerVR-SGL native stuff? none?
Is that the gpu on sega saturn? There are a few saturn demos around
added on the 2017-10-01 17:44:22 by rloaderro rloaderro
I created a list for 3DFX demos. Let me know if there are more, or if you want to be a maintainer of that list.
Thx for the list.
Is that the gpu on sega saturn? There are a few saturn demos around

Not Saturn, but Dreamcast. There were PowerVR cards for PC as well, but 3D acceleration was generally despised by the demo scene at the time. Even the much more popular 3DFX cards saw very little support.
added on the 2017-10-01 19:48:12 by absence absence
@PulkoMandy: I've been using the Glide tag on Demozoo to maintain a list of the ones I can find. I don't know if I have all of them but it should be a pretty good start.

added on the 2017-10-02 04:28:09 by jmph jmph
Thanks, synchronized :)
Hey there! (a few familiar names in the comments...)

I'm interested in getting a complete list together of 3D hardware accelerated demos for DOS/Windows that didn't use OpenGL or Direct3D APIs, but instead used APIs proprietary to their respective 3D graphics cards and 3D hardware accelerators.

Back in the day, there were several 3D APIs that were proprietary to specific 3D hardware accelerators or graphics cards.

These included:
  • 3Dfx Glide
  • ATI 3D CIF ("C Interface")
  • Bitboys/Tritech Pyramid3D API
  • Creative Labs CGL (Creative Graphics Library)
  • Matrox Simple Interface (MSI)
  • NVidia NVLib
  • PowerVR PowerSGL / PowerSGL Direct
  • Rendition RRedline
  • Rendition Speedy3D
  • S3 Graphics MeTaL
  • S3 Graphics S3D


Here's what I have so far:

3Dfx Glide:
(sources: pouet, demozoo)

ATI 3D CIF ("C Interface"):

Bitboys/Tritech Pyramid3D API:

Creative Labs CGL (Creative Graphics Library):

Matrox Simple Interface (MSI):

NVidia NVLib (NV1):

PowerVR PowerSGL:

Rendition RRedline (Windows):
So far, these are all from Rendition's 1998 "Take it to the RRedline" competition (all not on pouet/demozoo, incidentally). The rest from the competition were OpenGL demos. None are on pouet/demozoo, though I am not sure how many count.
Alternate download link: http://www.vogonsdrivers.com/getfile.php?fileid=165&menustate=0

  • n-Cubed - Windows - Raymond Chan (aXon) - Apr 1998 (aka nCubed) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YT08RiLDACQ
  • R3 - Windows - Chris Lundie - Apr 1998
  • RRide - Windows - Jari Jokivuori - Apr 1998 (aka RRide3) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGLor1b9Iww
  • rrMorph - Windows - Roland & Erik Karlsson - Apr 1998 (aka rrMorph34) (really more of a tech demo)
  • TDH_Demo - Windows - Travis Hopkins - Apr 1998
  • Typin Cuber - Windows - Joseph Heiskala - Apr 1998 (aka Typin)

Rendition Speedy3D (DOS):

S3 Graphics MeTaL:

S3 Graphics S3D:


This... might be all of them! But I'd love your comments and corrections!
I don't think I've left any proprietary 3D APIs to 3D hardware accelerators / graphics cards out, either.
In the process of this, I added/updated a few entries at demozoo, jmph...


While I have you here... I'm also interested in collecting the respective SDKs for some of these APIs, if you still have them in your archives!
I am still hunting:
  • 3Dfx Glide SDK for DOS v2.03h2, 2.03h3, 2.1 (not 2.1.1), 2.2
  • ATI 3D Rage I/II SDK - any version
  • Bitboys/Tritech Pyramid3D API SDK - any version
  • Creative's Creative Graphics Library SDK - any version
  • Matrox Simple Interface (Mystique) SDK for DOS and Windows - any version
  • Rendition Speedy3D SDK - any version
  • S3 MeTaL API SDK - any version
  • early Criterion RenderWare 1.x, BRender, RenderMorphics RealityLab, Hybrid SurRender3D SDKs
  • earlier/later versions to SDKs: PowerVR Series 1 SDK (2000-05-02), S3 S3D Toolkit 2.6, ATI 3D Rage Pro SDK 4.1, NVidia NV1 SDK 1.50, Rendition RRedline SDKs from May 98 and Dec 98.

If you can help, please let me know!

Long-term: also interested in hardware documentation, datasheets and databooks on the "GPUs" that used these 3D APIs, though at this point I mostly have all of the public documentation and I'm looking instead for company internal documentation and documentation that was only available to developers under private NDA.

Thanks, folks!

- Stiletto
added on the 2020-09-11 06:18:18 by stiletto stiletto
Bleam by Lionhead was for 3dfx too. There was a 3dfx demo compo at The Gathering '98, but they generally sucked.
added on the 2020-09-11 22:37:44 by phoenix phoenix
Im almost sure Futuremark released a 3D benchmark, tech-demo thingie for 3dfx, but i might be remembering something else..
added on the 2020-09-11 23:49:16 by rudi rudi
