
Outline Online 2020, Friday May 22nd - Sunday May 24th 2020

category: parties [glöplog]
havoc: when is the prizegiving?
added on the 2020-04-30 17:14:29 by T-101 T-101
Outline is not Outline without the mandatory premature compo ending and the ultrashortened dj set due to neighborhood loudness complaints!

Also, hapkar & stamppot is mandatory, too.
added on the 2020-04-30 19:54:42 by T$ T$
T-101: I hear rumours it might be around 11:30

T$: I can pull down some sliders for the sake of nostalgia during your entry this year, just shout ;)
added on the 2020-04-30 21:33:50 by havoc havoc
Will it still involve Fanta?
added on the 2020-04-30 21:34:32 by porocyon porocyon
porocyon: Definitely! I have already taken the Fanta tray out of the fridge so it will be properly lukewarm at 11:30!
added on the 2020-05-01 12:55:52 by havoc havoc
so ehr... yes, the 256b invite for outline online is a thing now...

added on the 2020-05-01 23:39:36 by superogue superogue
in true Outline fashion, the whole party will be upstreamed with some iPhone 4G in an empty Pingles tube with plenty of dropouts, i hope? :D
added on the 2020-05-02 02:22:58 by el mal el mal
After a long struggle with archaic website technology, our new website is online! Find out the new compo rules, where to buy your (supporter) tickets, and more at: http://outlinedemoparty.nl/

And don't forget, we're still looking for DJ's and shader coders, if you are in of those categories and would like to support the party, please do not hesitate to contact us via info@outlinedemoparty.nl :)
added on the 2020-05-07 18:01:56 by havoc havoc
Maali: The Trepaan HQ has 500/500 internet but I'll bring a Pringles tube for old times' sake :)
added on the 2020-05-07 18:03:05 by havoc havoc
too loong to wait when submission open :\
added on the 2020-05-08 09:34:15 by g0blinish g0blinish
g0blinish: aehm, the address where to send prods to was in the first post in this thread: compos@outlinedemoparty.nl ;)
added on the 2020-05-08 09:38:22 by havoc havoc
Please, someone should increase the contrast between background and text on http://outlinedemoparty.nl/ to avoid extreme eye fatigue. Just a darker green would do.
added on the 2020-05-08 10:23:47 by ham ham
ham: who else but an amiga user dares to complain about my GEM desktop hommage colourscheme... (fixed!)
added on the 2020-05-08 11:28:06 by havoc havoc
havoc: sometimes you were reluctant to accept submissions.
check e-mail, please.
added on the 2020-05-08 12:08:33 by g0blinish g0blinish
g0blinish: What reluctance and when? We've always welcomed remote entries and have always communicated the e-mail address. Submissions received btw :)
added on the 2020-05-08 17:03:59 by Alpha C Alpha C
Alpha C, This is the opinion in the past. There are no complaints now.
added on the 2020-05-08 18:05:27 by g0blinish g0blinish

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After the great experience that we had during Revision's Easter weekend with the first online Shader Showdown tournament we're happy to confirm that we have found 4 competitors for the next online Shader Showdown tournament that will take place in 2 weeks during Outline Online on Friday May 22nd and Saturday May 23rd. However, we would like to expand the tournament to 8 competitors, so if you'd like to try competing please let us know, and if you know someone else who might be interested please send them to us

We're also looking for coders who would like to do longer freestyle coding sessions to visually support one of the many DJ acts that Outline Online will feature. These sessions do not necessaarily have to be live and limitations that apply to the Showdown tournament such as no copying of code, no documentation/cheat sheets, etc, do not apply to freestyle sessions (unless the participant(s) prefer it that way, obviously). So if you'd like more information or if you want to sign up for one or more sessions, please do feel free to contact us! For example via email: info@outlinedemoparty.nl
added on the 2020-05-09 19:05:44 by havoc havoc
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added on the 2020-05-11 02:22:36 by RbR RbR
Haha :)
added on the 2020-05-13 21:03:52 by numtek numtek

Please keep in mind that if you buy a ticket for Outline Online we likely do not get to see your email address. For IBAN transfers this has always been the case but from conversations we've had with folks who contributed to our PayPal Pool it became apparent today that a number of those folks expected that we can see their email address automatically after they've paid. This is unfortunately not correct because for some obscure reason PayPal decided to obscure e-mail addresses for Pool payments. So to make sure you will get your votekey before the party in your email box, please do not forget to register on our website!
added on the 2020-05-14 16:45:06 by havoc havoc
The irony of the day: I will pay for the opportunity to vote for my prods: / The organizers sent votekeys from other parties without payment
added on the 2020-05-15 11:45:11 by g0blinish g0blinish
Well you're not supposed to vote for your own prods anyway...
g0blinish, you make it sound as if there's some international statute regarding votekeys that all demoparties should adhere to! grow a pair! :P
added on the 2020-05-15 13:36:23 by el mal el mal
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Yesterday evening, our scheduling team had it's most important meeting before the party itself, and we're happy to report that the outcome was rather encouraging indeed. So let me just list a few of the things you can expect from this first online edition of Outline demoparty:

- Compos (Music, Graphics and Animation on Friday, Photo, 128, probably 256b, and Demo on Saturday)
- Lots of DJ sets (16 are currently scheduled and we have a few backup sets on the shelf as well)
- Live Shader Showdown Tournament (exact number of participants still TBD)
- Live Shader Showdown Sessions (Multiple 1-2 hour long DJ sessions with visuals by shader coders)
- Demoshows (we'll have about 10-12 hours of those on the shelf, perhaps more)
- Live Hosting and Bar sessions featuring the likes of Okkie, Shifter, Reality404 and Polynomial, not to mention potential guests
- A totally overloaded havoc screwing various things up in the central studio

Now you might be asking yourselves, how the f*** do those crazy Dutch folks cram that much content into a 48h party? And to be quite honest with you, we're not exactly sure if our plans are entirely possible either. So we'll be ironing out the final details in the schedule this weekend, contacting everyone who volunteered to help us to make sure they'll be available at the times we plan to run the shows they're involved in, and letting those who support us with prerecorded shows know when we plan to play the results of their efforts. Should it turn out we really can't show everything within the originally scheduled timeframe then we may decide to run some shows on Thursday evening already.

As you'll probably understand after reading the above, we're not quite ready yet to publish the entire schedule. Our aim is to put at the very least the afternoon and evening schedules online before the end of this weekend. So please hold on just a liiiittle longer- Thanks for your patience!

In the mean time, don't forget to register and get your (supporter) tickets via http://outlinedemoparty.nl/, yes https doesn't work atm, no worries, good men are working on it ;)
added on the 2020-05-16 15:51:17 by havoc havoc
How to retrieve/receive the vote key? I received nothing after buying a ticket.
added on the 2020-05-16 16:06:04 by SiR SiR
