Revision 2020 cancelled - Revision Online announcement
category: parties [glöplog]
Thank you guys to pulling this off, it would have been a very boring Easter without the traditional demo-fest.
It still it feels a bit empty just to watch it over the streams, and not get the party-vibe*, so I hope next year we'll be on spot again, and party till the crack of dawn.
(* sofaworld is an awesome idea)
It still it feels a bit empty just to watch it over the streams, and not get the party-vibe*, so I hope next year we'll be on spot again, and party till the crack of dawn.
(* sofaworld is an awesome idea)
Thank you so much, all orgas, to have made that possible!
It's extremely strange that somehow, the Revision spirit did pass through that event! And not just the streams... all the communication around, the Discord chats and audios, that crazy SofaWorld app (omg, this as such a brilliant idea, billion hugs for ma poobrainers for doing that). It also probably enabled lots and lots of sceners that usually live too far, to attend and also taste the ambiance of Revision.
I used to fiercely dislike discord (am an irc guy) but I just cannot anymore for it's been so insanely useful these days and a big part of the event fun :D
Of course, like scamp said, all i miss are the hugs. And the excitement of cheering and screaming during the compos.
This was a relief from the terrible things happening all around the world.
This was historical. And it went so smoothly...
It's extremely strange that somehow, the Revision spirit did pass through that event! And not just the streams... all the communication around, the Discord chats and audios, that crazy SofaWorld app (omg, this as such a brilliant idea, billion hugs for ma poobrainers for doing that). It also probably enabled lots and lots of sceners that usually live too far, to attend and also taste the ambiance of Revision.
I used to fiercely dislike discord (am an irc guy) but I just cannot anymore for it's been so insanely useful these days and a big part of the event fun :D
Of course, like scamp said, all i miss are the hugs. And the excitement of cheering and screaming during the compos.
This was a relief from the terrible things happening all around the world.
This was historical. And it went so smoothly...
... and yeah, I did a one-man standing ovation in my room when the party endscroller came (ofcourse with a tear in my eye)
As someone who's never been at Revision, but usually watch some of the streams, I felt this was pretty much the same as always, which is impressive :-) (I didn't really feel any special party vibe, but maybe I wasn't following the right places on Discord at the right times. The people on IRC were nice as always.)
The amount of logistics to keep the stream rolling, with that much content and entries, is impressive, even more so on such short notice. Kudos!
The amount of logistics to keep the stream rolling, with that much content and entries, is impressive, even more so on such short notice. Kudos!
@Okkie is that why you phoned Truck live on air? ;)
It would not have been a real Revision if I hadn't called him live on air!
(but yes.. yes.. that's why..)
That explains the "but how am I supposed to patch you through if you hang up?" in Trucks "patient daddy voice" at least :D
gurus, how to launch this entry?
Without Revision Online, this year's Easter weekend would have been far less exciting. Thank you so much everyone involved, in front and behind the scenes, for making it a reality! <3 Compos, seminars, DJs all contributed to making this a fantastic online event, and wow over 5000 people were on the stream! If that isn't an achievement in itself! While I hope that we can meet each other at physical parties again soon, I'd also love to see Sofa World advance further and be a thing in the future, too!
Shameless plug: I've created a 100% post-party final version of my executable music track, you can download it HERE. Thank you all who voted for it! <3
The approach of Revision greatly helped me boost my motivation and creativity over the past few weeks and let me forget about the lockdown for a while, and for that I love you! :D
Shameless plug: I've created a 100% post-party final version of my executable music track, you can download it HERE. Thank you all who voted for it! <3
The approach of Revision greatly helped me boost my motivation and creativity over the past few weeks and let me forget about the lockdown for a while, and for that I love you! :D
Rescaping Revision Online 2020. So much big hands for D.Fox, Doejoe and the Poo-brainers. It gave bring back some memories, but most of all, demovibes.
this was the best sofascene experience i have had. kudos for the organizers! see you w/o physical distancing next year
Easily the best sofascene experience and better than some live party experiences (because of own alcohol consumption and lack of hydration and food).
Create a FreeDOS USB Stick (using Rufus) and boot from that. Runs without issues directly from FreeDOS. Alternatively setup a FreeDOS VM. All 256b entries were either played natively from a freshly booted FreeDOS or run inside DOSBox (you were allowed to provide a custom configuration file for DOSBox).
gurus, how to launch this entry?
Create a FreeDOS USB Stick (using Rufus) and boot from that. Runs without issues directly from FreeDOS. Alternatively setup a FreeDOS VM. All 256b entries were either played natively from a freshly booted FreeDOS or run inside DOSBox (you were allowed to provide a custom configuration file for DOSBox).
Thank you to all involved for pulling off this stunning miracle, which was the Revision2020 ♥. Wouldn't have thought it can turn out like this! I have still content for weeks to watch. Winning 256b and being the party favorite still does not fully compute in my head :D
T H A N K S ♥
T H A N K S ♥
Hm...... Not sure about that twitch advertising...

Maybe an ad, that came from the future. =)
Oh, like Mr. Sparkle?
Thanks from my side aswell - it´s been a pleasure. I wish all streaming services would be of that quality and stability these days. ;)
But - looking forward to the "real deal" - even if that might end in hangovers and stomach problems. I will never enjoy these so much as I will next year in Saarbrücken - that´s for sure.
That said - I gonna try to start working on my entries for 2021 JUST A BIT earlier this year. ;)
But - looking forward to the "real deal" - even if that might end in hangovers and stomach problems. I will never enjoy these so much as I will next year in Saarbrücken - that´s for sure.
That said - I gonna try to start working on my entries for 2021 JUST A BIT earlier this year. ;)
I'm very torn about my experience, to be perfectly honest.
Obvious comfort factors aside, there were definite upsides to this all; a great number of people entered compos who otherwise wouldn't have, and the ability to just give them props personally across any given digital messaging platform was something that wasn't always possible at a standard party, since you're not guaranteed to know the person and they're not guaranteed to be there - on Discord all you had to do is @ their name and there was a good chance they were there.
But that all being said, I knew it would feel saccharine, and it most definitely did - I missed the atmosphere, I missed the ambient noise, I missed the physical experience, I missed the small quiet moments outside of just talking to people, I missed the nuances of facial expressions. I spend most of my time in my chairs in front of my computers on a daily basis, and parties gave me the chance to not do that - putting that escapism back in front of those computers made me wonder if it would've been better to just not have it to avoid cheapening the experience... Sad to say but my brief experience in SofaWorld made things even worse, because it was smack dab in the middle of the uncanny valley where it was just accurate enough to trigger all the memories and flashbacks, but not enough to fully immerse, and despite the undeniable positive intent it also represented too much of the abrasive and obnoxious parts of a demoparty that months ago made me seriously doubt my intention of going to Revision in the first place.
I obviously understand the circumstances, and I understand that it was perhaps a better choice to honor the commitment that was already in there, and of course I commend the organizing team for doing a great job at taking what was already an unreasonably complex machine and somehow adapting it to an unpredictable architecture, but ultimately I was left a bit hollow after the whole thing, and hope it doesn't become a trend.
Obvious comfort factors aside, there were definite upsides to this all; a great number of people entered compos who otherwise wouldn't have, and the ability to just give them props personally across any given digital messaging platform was something that wasn't always possible at a standard party, since you're not guaranteed to know the person and they're not guaranteed to be there - on Discord all you had to do is @ their name and there was a good chance they were there.
But that all being said, I knew it would feel saccharine, and it most definitely did - I missed the atmosphere, I missed the ambient noise, I missed the physical experience, I missed the small quiet moments outside of just talking to people, I missed the nuances of facial expressions. I spend most of my time in my chairs in front of my computers on a daily basis, and parties gave me the chance to not do that - putting that escapism back in front of those computers made me wonder if it would've been better to just not have it to avoid cheapening the experience... Sad to say but my brief experience in SofaWorld made things even worse, because it was smack dab in the middle of the uncanny valley where it was just accurate enough to trigger all the memories and flashbacks, but not enough to fully immerse, and despite the undeniable positive intent it also represented too much of the abrasive and obnoxious parts of a demoparty that months ago made me seriously doubt my intention of going to Revision in the first place.
I obviously understand the circumstances, and I understand that it was perhaps a better choice to honor the commitment that was already in there, and of course I commend the organizing team for doing a great job at taking what was already an unreasonably complex machine and somehow adapting it to an unpredictable architecture, but ultimately I was left a bit hollow after the whole thing, and hope it doesn't become a trend.
What Gargaj said... except one thing:
Joining #revision (or former #breakpoint or whatever it was named as Mekka+Symposium) on the local party IRC network for meeting or just chatting always worked pretty well at any easter party, especially since it is not that easy to find someone inside a large hall full of people.
However, the experience is not the same if "let´s meet at the infodesk" or "find me at row 23" isn´t possible.
Something odd: At first I had the impression that the possibility of remote partying had attracted quite a lot of sceners usually absent from partying. But looking at the results contradicts that impression as it shows almost entirely the usual suspects.
the ability to just give them props personally across any given digital messaging platform was something that wasn't always possible at a standard party
Joining #revision (or former #breakpoint or whatever it was named as Mekka+Symposium) on the local party IRC network for meeting or just chatting always worked pretty well at any easter party, especially since it is not that easy to find someone inside a large hall full of people.
However, the experience is not the same if "let´s meet at the infodesk" or "find me at row 23" isn´t possible.
Something odd: At first I had the impression that the possibility of remote partying had attracted quite a lot of sceners usually absent from partying. But looking at the results contradicts that impression as it shows almost entirely the usual suspects.
I liked it. I haven't been to a demoparty for ages. I wasn't able to participate for the whole party, but I liked it!
What Gargaj said... except one thing:
Quote:the ability to just give them props personally across any given digital messaging platform was something that wasn't always possible at a standard party
Joining #revision (or former #breakpoint or whatever it was named as Mekka+Symposium) on the local party IRC network for meeting or just chatting always worked pretty well at any easter party, especially since it is not that easy to find someone inside a large hall full of people.
_If_ they're on IRC while at the party, which, let's face it, why would they? There's a party. With an online edition it's a more obvious option.
Quote:What Gargaj said... except one thing:
Quote:the ability to just give them props personally across any given digital messaging platform was something that wasn't always possible at a standard party
Joining #revision (or former #breakpoint or whatever it was named as Mekka+Symposium) on the local party IRC network for meeting or just chatting always worked pretty well at any easter party, especially since it is not that easy to find someone inside a large hall full of people.
_If_ they're on IRC while at the party, which, let's face it, why would they? There's a party. With an online edition it's a more obvious option.
Introvert Relay Chat? :)
Something odd: At first I had the impression that the possibility of remote partying had attracted quite a lot of sceners usually absent from partying. But looking at the results contradicts that impression as it shows almost entirely the usual suspects
I can only speak for myself but I wouldn't have made my demo without the combination of quarantine and remote party. The slihht increase in available time and the chance to participate "properly" (or, as much as anyone else) were the key. And damn it felt good. Maybe the next one won't take another four years.
first of all: thanks to all orgas (with or without wig) for bringing this to our homes! it was actually better than i expected tbh but - ofc - no replacement for the real thing, real people, real tunnel, real bonfire and that energy when the (fat) compos hit the bigscreen. but for what it was it was fantastic. and the stream was also overall quite stable which is in the end the most important thing. +fantastic set by bullet!
@preacher: 2 years! :)
@preacher: 2 years! :)
Can Revision Online replace a real, on-location party? No! And I say that as the introvert who spends most of the time during the party glued to a video mixer, editing station, or shuffling gear around on a stage. I missed interacting with most of the team, be that in the shared experience of loading/unloading flight cases, moving chairs and tables, taping carpet down, or just enjoying a meal during one of the buildup/teardown breaks.
Was it still fun to sit at home, patched into a virtual "control booth", and help run a show while the scene came alive in a flurry of activity in chat and voice chat rooms, an absolutely bonkers multiplayer game, and in submitting entries and productions that raised the bar yet again? Hell yes!
So with that in mind: 10/10, would Revision Online again. (but only if we really can't do the one in the E WERK.)
As for Sofaworld: You Poo-Brainers may not have had the time to finish all of the ambitions you had for that thing, but it sure was fun to explore at 2am in the morning with others in voice chat! "Did you see what they did to the tunnel?" - "No?" - "Follow me!" ... Mad props for all the hard work you put into it!
Was it still fun to sit at home, patched into a virtual "control booth", and help run a show while the scene came alive in a flurry of activity in chat and voice chat rooms, an absolutely bonkers multiplayer game, and in submitting entries and productions that raised the bar yet again? Hell yes!
So with that in mind: 10/10, would Revision Online again. (but only if we really can't do the one in the E WERK.)
As for Sofaworld: You Poo-Brainers may not have had the time to finish all of the ambitions you had for that thing, but it sure was fun to explore at 2am in the morning with others in voice chat! "Did you see what they did to the tunnel?" - "No?" - "Follow me!" ... Mad props for all the hard work you put into it!