
Notable Glenz

category: general [glöplog]
Sounds like there shall be some Glenz compo in 2o2o...
added on the 2020-01-13 21:03:43 by sim sim
Any notable glenz on other platforms? c64?

Tower Power makes a pretty direct reference to the glenz in Hardwired
added on the 2020-01-13 21:05:45 by lynn lynn
I wonder why it cannot be done on speccy. Is it the subdivision?
added on the 2020-01-13 22:27:23 by wertstahl wertstahl
I am pretty confident there must be a Speccy demo with a glenz somewhere, but probably it's suffering with the 1bpp mode. Maybe with blocky attributes or with dithered or checkerboard pattern.

On the other hand, I can't remember of any glenz on CPC ever, and the colors are there.
added on the 2020-01-13 22:39:38 by Optimus Optimus
I wonder why it cannot be done on speccy. Is it the subdivision?

I'd say it's the color clash. I can imagine a couple ways to do it, though: either super-low resolution (i.e, use 32x24 or maybe 32x48 with half blocks, but then color choises are more limited), or go b/w with dithering.
added on the 2020-01-14 07:42:59 by sol_hsa sol_hsa
added on the 2020-01-14 10:44:09 by grogon grogon
Does it count as a glenz? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nd_hcgmfRAU

added on the 2020-01-14 10:54:29 by britelite britelite
About speccy/glenz - i was just joking. I have no idea if they have achieved glenz already, and even if it is done with dithered two colour, i am sure it is just a question of who would actually want to do it. For C64 it should be easy. In 5 fps or so :-D
added on the 2020-01-14 10:58:08 by wertstahl wertstahl
i am sure it is just a question of who would actually want to do it.

Same could be said for the whole demoscene =)
added on the 2020-01-14 13:23:48 by sol_hsa sol_hsa
There was no youtube capture listed for Vectra, so I made one. Could someone do a capture of the leather dream?
added on the 2020-01-14 13:58:33 by sol_hsa sol_hsa
Sounds like there shall be some Glenz compo in 2o2o...

Ok to do some little demo (for A500) with glenz in the next weeks...

Others interested in that ?
added on the 2020-01-14 16:56:03 by Aghnar Aghnar
Re glenz on the Speccy: Eye Ache 2 (make sure to watch the video in 50fps) has an effect that claims to be glenz, but doesn't seem very transparent to me.

I guess my super-low-res version in Dizzzruptor ought to qualify. (I still stand by my hot take though.)
added on the 2020-01-14 17:02:30 by gasman gasman
Re glenz on the Speccy: Eye Ache 2 (make sure to watch the video in 50fps) has an effect that claims to be glenz, but doesn't seem very transparent to me.

Yeah, that doesn't look transparent to me. It's interesting in itself for other reasons, but glenz it isn't.
I guess my super-low-res version in Dizzzruptor ought to qualify. (I still stand by my hot take though.)

That's closer, true. As to your hot take, my take is that it is it's own effect because it has a great bang for the buck: relatively simple to implement but looks great. It's also an anomaly where "coder art" looks good. (This actually brings us to all the glenz variants, with more colors, more polys etc, which end up looking worse than the so called "standard" glenz cube..)
added on the 2020-01-14 17:18:38 by sol_hsa sol_hsa
It also depends on the system. Glenz is easier to make faster on platforms with bitplanes. On DOS PC, it would mean twice the fillrate. Most of the simple shapes wouldn't even need Z-buffer anyway, just sort a very small number of polygons, draw back to front if you want glenz, but if you don't and the object is convex then clockwiseness tests.
added on the 2020-01-14 19:22:32 by Optimus Optimus
Glenz? or false advertising?

BB Image

added on the 2020-01-14 20:53:38 by anix anix
anix, its a transparent texture, not a glenz :D
On an atari st, 192 faces glenz on atari st without blitter shit(Virtual Escape demo)
Leos(Leonard on ST) mad fast fullscreen 50 fps zoomin big glenz in De Produndis amiga demo is fantastic.
added on the 2020-01-15 02:41:37 by moredhel moredhel
(I still stand by my hot take though.)

And don't get me started on "blenk vectors"! :D
What, you mean to say "difficult to code" isn't always equivalent to "popular or nice looking" on the demoscene?! *shocked*
added on the 2020-01-15 11:02:19 by break break
Haha, what the hell is Blenk vectors? Can't make sense by watching the demos. Lightsourced cube?
added on the 2020-01-16 08:23:06 by Optimus Optimus
added on the 2020-01-16 15:27:32 by kb_ kb_
Sounds like Glenz compo at Revision to me...

Well, might be I missed sht, but I have not noticed any (major?) glenz stuff at Revision 2020.
added on the 2020-04-25 22:20:34 by sim sim
Leos(Leonard on ST) mad fast fullscreen 50 fps zoomin big glenz in De Produndis amiga demo is fantastic.

thanks! yeah I've always been fascinated with glenz vector since Hardweird on amiga. I'm more an Atari coder but recently I did some stuff on A500 and have to admit the hardware is pretty cool.

About my glenz in De Profundis. I wanted a speed world record. Of course many people just saw "another boring oldskool glenz" but for the technic lovers, here are some details. I consider a "real" glenz to be 4 colors + background color, so you have to use 3 bitplans ( all fake 2 bitplans are not real glenz, either you see only inner sides, or whatever). So De Profundis glenz is a full 50hz, *fullscreen* ( 352*272 ) , 3 bitplans glenz, zooming like hell. In theory this doesn't fit at 50hz because of memory bandwidth. As a former Atari programmer, I'm pretty proud of that amiga glenz :)

added on the 2020-04-26 11:21:53 by leonard leonard
leonard: That is one big 3bpl glenz, with a cheeky normal res background :)
The damn thing moves rather fast between each frame, and stays on screen for ~25s

Any hint about how you pulled this off ?
added on the 2020-04-26 12:48:02 by p01 p01
While it's smaller, render ahead of time ;)
added on the 2020-04-26 13:05:56 by DanLemon DanLemon
Any hint about how you pulled this off ?

yeah as Dan said the key is to bufferize. There are two layers of bufferizing. I have 12 screens buffers in Chip memory, and also the maths and back-glenz-shape are bufferized in a 256KiB fake ram. So main thread is constantly trying to fill the two kind of buffers, and the VBL interrupt is displaying frames. The screen buffering technic is often used on atari, but wasn't enough for that size. The math & background shape bufferized computing makes the trick
added on the 2020-04-26 22:46:02 by leonard leonard
