
fix me beautifull

category: general [glöplog]
sq: i'm not an admin, just a moderator. having said that, if i refused a working soundcloud link to the correct track for a certain prod then please accept my apologies for that mistake because it was unintentional for sure. there might be an explanation from me or whoever else refused the link (on your account page, as per usual). if you would post a link to the prod you're talking about then i can (maybe) recall or find out what happened and make more specific comments.
added on the 2019-11-07 01:38:30 by havoc havoc
sq: don't bother with havoc
added on the 2019-11-07 02:11:10 by el mal el mal
maali, hou je d'r buiten aub
added on the 2019-11-07 17:09:47 by havoc havoc
please add MATLAB as a platform
added on the 2019-11-09 23:27:43 by distance distance
distance, please use Wild category instead of unpopular platforms
added on the 2019-11-09 23:54:25 by 100bit 100bit
uhh, i mean "for", not "instead of". there are still a lot of platforms without an icon like tic-80 or kc85
added on the 2019-11-09 23:57:01 by 100bit 100bit
This should probably be removed
added on the 2019-11-12 17:31:06 by britelite britelite
gone and done

platform is animation/video
added on the 2019-11-14 09:12:20 by havoc havoc
Hi. The screenshot in this prod is incorrect.
The correct one should be this.
added on the 2019-11-14 22:07:46 by Alien01 Alien01
There is a problem with this party: i got this message:
the other way round makes more sense (it's not called "4k creation compo" for a reason i suppose ;))

, but there are two compos in ICC2019: one for 4k intros and one for 16k (maximum) - more info here (csdb). currently there are no intros for the second compo, so i want to hold "c64 intro" category for it. that's a reason why we should move this and this prods into "c64 4k" category
thanks in advance and sorry for failure to provide any additional information :D
added on the 2019-11-15 19:23:04 by 100bit 100bit
100bit: aha! thanks! i figured the compo rules would be the same as in previous years but clearly i was in the wrong- fixed now :)
added on the 2019-11-16 03:10:27 by havoc havoc
pulkomandy: fixed. i didn't touch 62024 because the device shown in the video appears to be the core of the entry rather than camera work/composition/editing as is the case for the other 3. (but i don't speak finnish so i could be wrong.)
added on the 2019-11-17 13:03:22 by havoc havoc
added on the 2019-11-17 14:40:32 by havoc havoc
Just for the info:

During the last few weeks I've gone through ALL groups listed on Pouet and linked them up on Demozoo and back (in case they were not already linked). I've also added A LOT of groups that were not in our database yet. Dupes were nuked as well.

The only groups that I left out are the ones on Pouet without any releases. I could figure out some of them but not all of them.

I've also fixed MANY typos, acronyms, links, spellings so that we can properly link up to our own page. I did not forget to link up csdb, kestra andwaybackmachine if I came across these links.

Lotek Style/Demozoo^.tSCc.^YMR
added on the 2019-11-22 21:05:11 by ltk_tscc ltk_tscc
there is a problem with this group: it should be called "Utopia Productions" (reference) because there are at least one different amiga group called just "Utopia"
added on the 2019-11-23 15:15:41 by 100bit 100bit
I am not sure about this... check this page:

added on the 2019-11-23 15:41:17 by ltk_tscc ltk_tscc
There is a problem with this prod: YT link is broken. YT blocked it for nudity. But there are other links that work, like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jI8aVV8QIJ0
added on the 2019-11-25 22:43:09 by hollowone hollowone
hollowone: fixed, next time use the automated edit request for such issues :)

lotek: cool stuff!
added on the 2019-11-26 10:36:30 by havoc havoc
no prob. thanks for pointing.
added on the 2019-11-26 21:15:44 by hollowone hollowone
There is a problem with this prod: ...
please remove the wrong nfo file :-(
