
이보크 / evoke 2019 | August 16–18 | Cologne Germany

category: parties [glöplog]
Nytrik: it is listed at the bottom of the results.txt :)
added on the 2019-08-18 17:27:14 by Puryx Puryx
The video ?
added on the 2019-08-18 17:27:39 by nytrik nytrik
Ah sorry - I thought you just meant, who got the newcomer award
added on the 2019-08-18 17:41:30 by Puryx Puryx
Twitch should have playback of it, search for evoke
Wait. So Red Heaven by unix/Hoodlum won 1st price in the demo compo, while Eisenerz by LJ & Virgill ranked 5th in the 4kb-compo? Is this what I get for leaving a bit early and missing the pricegiving? I don't get it.

Besides this it was an awesome party, good fun and proper releases. Didn't talk to a lot of people because I was mainly working on midi-stuff but that turned out alright in the end. Liked it a lot to actually code something instead of just designing. Been a while.

One last issues was the INCREDIBLE LOUD SOUND the sleeping area. I guess it was some kind of waterpump-system related to the upstairs toilet. I recorded it so the fine people at home can relive the experience: https://mega.nz/#!mckDQA7K!yOs8Cegzp7HkdeX4nZBCoxtlitMRqFDZVhnkIa3XVR0
It kinda had a bad influence on the quality of sleep the first night. *cough* Second night I slept like a baby since I decdied to forgo the sleeping area and slept in the mainhall instead.
added on the 2019-08-18 19:17:23 by numtek numtek
Awesome party as usual, but the voting results in many categories were really quite strange -- I had lots of "WTF, how did this uber-awesome prod not make into the top three?!" moments during the prizegiving.

Anyway, TRBLs same-day party photo delivery service(tm) reports for duty with a few impressions from Evoke 2019.
added on the 2019-08-18 21:44:05 by KeyJ KeyJ
keyj, these are really cool photos as always! could we use a selection of them for slengpung? thx a lot!
added on the 2019-08-18 22:04:39 by dipswitch dipswitch
Oh thanks for that recording Numtek, I feared I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight without that soothing water pump :D

And yeah, results are a bit... weird? But not too much out of the ordinary a think. And apart from that: Thanks for an effking brilliant demoparty, everyone :)
added on the 2019-08-18 22:50:36 by kb_ kb_
Oh thanks for that recording Numtek, I feared I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight without that soothing water pump :D
You know me, always willing to help!
I'm here to fix that postdemoparty-depression WITH SOME RAW UNCUT HARSH NOISE (unmastered).

Was a lovely party indeed <3
added on the 2019-08-18 23:05:43 by numtek numtek
dipswitch: We've granted Slengpung a perpetual license to use our photos a while ago already, so that's a clear "yes"!
(Just be nice and don't misrepresent the photographer: if it says "ted" in the filename, the photo wasn't shot by me, but by ted.)
added on the 2019-08-18 23:24:57 by KeyJ KeyJ
Thank you for yet another wonderful edition of Evoke! <3

Yes, that pump was infuriating! Sounds like it's badly in need of new bearings. Moving to the opposite corner of the hall helped.

With that out of the way, I uploaded recordings of my shader DJ sets to http://dojoe.net/mixes/:

Semifinals 1: Slow but powerful

01. Noah Kin - Nostalgia [Erik Ruotsalainen Remix]
02. Deadmau5 - One Trick Pony
03. Machinedrum - Now U Know Tha Deal 4 Real
04. Ronny - Calcifer
05. Celt Islam - Earth Tribe
06. Rawtekk - Here's To Them
07. Foreign Concept feat. DRS - Falling Stars
08. Eins Zwo - Danke, gut

Semifinals 2: Dark and gritty DnB

01. Rider Shafique feat. Sam Binga - Highly Blessed [Alix Perez Remix]
02. MacC & Fracture - Murphy
03. Ulterior Motive feat. DRS - Hey Judas
04. Icicle - Split Fibers
05. Confusious - Only One For You
06. Bungle - Reborn
07. Cruk & Signal - Illusion
08. Confusious - Redetermination

Finals: '90s and 2000s Hardcore

01. Technohead - Mary Jane
02. Ponder - New Emotion
03. Dune - Million Miles From Home
04. CLSM - I Will Wait [Fracus & Darwin Remix]
05. DJ Shimamura - Pioneers & Technics
06. Mega-Lo-Mania - Moonsign [Ramoo Re-Edit]
07. Witan - Mayday (Facts Of Life)

Hope you'll enjoy them :)
added on the 2019-08-19 01:16:39 by dojoe dojoe
Hello party people. I would also like to thank you for a great party and a phenomenal night from Saturday to Sunday. I hope you had as much fun with my set as I did. I haven't made music until 6.30 in the morning either. ;)
Unfortunately I forgot to press the record button, should anyone have recorded the set for any reason and technical hocus-pocus, I would be happy if he would contact me.
added on the 2019-08-19 10:56:22 by bullet bullet
the voting results in many categories were really quite strange -- I had lots of "WTF, how did this uber-awesome prod not make into the top three?!" moments during the prizegiving.

yes this ruined the party for me. I know it's common that big groups just bring 20 friends and vote for themselves. but this year this shit was way too much.

Just look at all the prod comments giving a similar sentiment.

I love doing stuff for the demoscene, but if the competition isn't fair anymore this ruins the fun for me.
added on the 2019-08-19 11:05:34 by arm1n arm1n
The Amiga Ansi/Ascii compo was full of good prods and ansi just seems to dominate now.

I did find it a little strange how our production scored less than another ascii that was full of line breaks and didn't display correctly? 🤔
added on the 2019-08-19 11:16:28 by FuZioN FuZioN
heise online today published a report about Evoke: https://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/Evoke-Mit-Demos-zum-Weltkulturerbe-4499943.html

Use DeepL or Google Translate to understand it.
added on the 2019-08-19 11:22:09 by ghandy ghandy
I know it's common that big groups just bring 20 friends and vote for themselves. but this year this shit was way too much.

Are you sure it's related to namevoting or fanboy hordes? At least for the 4k intro compo, this doesn't seem to be a plausible explanation: LJ & Virgill is a quality brand with the whole Alcatraz crew behind them; if anything, they would have scored *higher*, not lower.
added on the 2019-08-19 11:42:35 by KeyJ KeyJ
well, the 4k compo was won by alcatraz (glitch rider)..

and yeah, attendands at evoke also have a somewhat unique "taste" it seems..
added on the 2019-08-19 11:51:21 by arm1n arm1n
numtek: a LFO over it and you can make blubstep!
added on the 2019-08-19 12:25:27 by el mal el mal
the voting results in many categories were really quite strange -- I had lots of "WTF, how did this uber-awesome prod not make into the top three?!" moments during the prizegiving.

yes this ruined the party for me.

Okay, but to be fair, if your *entire* party experience depends on voting, you might be missing out on like 90% of what makes demoparties great.
added on the 2019-08-19 12:25:58 by lynn lynn
i know, the rest of the party experience was great as ever.

however, demoscene for me is not just about booze, hanging around and screaming amigaah all day.

the main part for me is the creative process of putting together a decent release and then go head-to-head in a competition with other like-minded people. and this takes precious freetime, energy and cost a lot of nerves. As it stands now, I have to re-access for myself if this is still something that I want to do.
added on the 2019-08-19 13:23:33 by arm1n arm1n
As it stands now, I have to re-access for myself if this is still something that I want to do.
Mmm. I like winning parties as much as the next guy. Did that a couple of times but I'm not making demos for the rankings or even worse: pouet-comments.
I'm making demos because I can.

There is one way to beat namevoting and that is by bringing more quality to the table. I'm 100% confident that anyone who releases something as impressive as Debris for example at any party will obliviate any namevoting even if they bring 20+ people to do the namevoting.

Also: where does the popular vote ends and where does namevoting begins? If a big group releases a mediocre demo and tyhe still end up winning, is that unfair? I mean they got so big by releasing high quality producions before.

So, to summarize: If you want to beat namevoting and other unfair tactics you just have to step up and make better demos. It's that simple.
added on the 2019-08-19 13:32:36 by numtek numtek
it's not like we had incidents like this before. at least the live voting on your phone DURING the compos sort of fixed the total lethargy towards the effort of voting among several sceners, including myself, but you cannot rule out biased results like this. besides, it could be worse... like a winning farbrausch demo that didn't even exist or completely unfunny demos that all present Germans find funnier than watching "Dinner For One" for the gazillionth time ;)
added on the 2019-08-19 13:41:35 by el mal el mal
If you want to beat namevoting and other unfair tactics you just have to step up and make better demos. It's that simple.

eh? the whole point is that at evoke the better releases where ranking super low. Just look at the 4k by LJ for example.
added on the 2019-08-19 13:57:51 by arm1n arm1n
It was about time that someone else gets the 4k trophy. (we already got it 3 times in a row) And I'm more than happy that Slerpy and Powl did it with their super fresh prod :)
added on the 2019-08-19 14:15:53 by Virgill Virgill
thanks for the party!
highlight for me was the 4k compo, deserved a top 5 award instead of top 3. a lot of high quality entries!
added on the 2019-08-19 15:27:07 by psenough psenough
