How not to deal with other people and their art
category: general [glöplog]
Time for some spam.
It might remind people that all of this shit has started with claims on Twitter that our "Paralymp3" compo is mocking disabled people, and that the icon representing the 5000m² party grounds would be mocking refugees and therefore is "not OK".
So here is a scene from that very Paralymp3 compo, featuring neuralnet teasing his nipples with ice to have his entry keep playing:
Go judge for yourself if this is stuff that needs to be censored or to create a shit storm about.
It might remind people that all of this shit has started with claims on Twitter that our "Paralymp3" compo is mocking disabled people, and that the icon representing the 5000m² party grounds would be mocking refugees and therefore is "not OK".
So here is a scene from that very Paralymp3 compo, featuring neuralnet teasing his nipples with ice to have his entry keep playing:
Go judge for yourself if this is stuff that needs to be censored or to create a shit storm about.
Yelling Children At Play ... Keep Off
Brilliant find, Ham XD
remember this one? rather befitting, i'd say!

Go judge for yourself if this is stuff that needs to be censored
I heartily disagree with the imaginary people in Scamp's head who want to censor this.
also while you're watching that video, ask yourself: does this absolutely need to reference the paralympics? what makes that specific name so compelling or fitting that everyone should ignore the negative connotations of making that connection? what benefit is there in keeping it?
That is the whole point. Maybe it was not originally designed to be offensive, it was simply juvenile. But now it is certifiably offensive, with some actual people being actually offended. And being offensive seems to be pretty much the goal at this point.
I am more interested in how anyone in their right mind can call the compo title "Paralymp3" "art". Because for an art object, it clearly sucks badly.
I am more interested in how anyone in their right mind can call the compo title "Paralymp3" "art". Because for an art object, it clearly sucks badly.
My guess is that Scamp thinks it is a slippery slope. He might be right. Only the future might tell where this whole censoring thing is taking us. It did a lot of good: since objectifying females became less and less commonplace in the scene I get the impression female visitors are more at ease. The general vibe got a lot better since watching porn for at parties for 72hours non-stop was deemed more than just slightly awkward.
People get it now that some/most jokes that target race/religion could be offensive. Maybe disabled people should be on that list. In the end there is nothing wrong with being offended: it is just a status change.
People with a rather punk-attitude like to shock people into waking up. This could be interpreted as offensive. Being offended sucks.
Being offended could highten your hartrate, leading to elevated stress levels and could lead to anger, heated arguments and/or physical violence. But all these reactions are a deliberate choice by the offended. Or by those on a mission to protected the offended for whatever reason.
People get it now that some/most jokes that target race/religion could be offensive. Maybe disabled people should be on that list. In the end there is nothing wrong with being offended: it is just a status change.
People with a rather punk-attitude like to shock people into waking up. This could be interpreted as offensive. Being offended sucks.
Being offended could highten your hartrate, leading to elevated stress levels and could lead to anger, heated arguments and/or physical violence. But all these reactions are a deliberate choice by the offended. Or by those on a mission to protected the offended for whatever reason.
Being offended could highten your hartrate, leading to elevated stress levels and could lead to anger, heated arguments and/or physical violence. But all these reactions are a deliberate choice by the offended. Or by those on a mission to protected the offended for whatever reason.
Bull. Fucking. Shit.
numtek: "being offended" is just a rhetoric tool meant to imply that the concerns are insincere, as if the issue were so clearly not worth caring about that any objections must necessarily be artificial or even malignant. don't fall for that :) there is no censoring happening, everyone has said what they wanted to say.
My guess is that Scamp thinks it is a slippery slope. He might be right.
He is 100% right about this. Think about historical precidents. Giving women voting rights definitely created trackload of problems for mankind. Mind you, letting anyone vote was not a particularly wise decision in hindsight. It used to be so much better. For some.
Think about historical precidents
*a Godwin's silhouette appears through the mist*
*a Godwin's silhouette appears through the mist*
Yeah, the concept that what is offensive and what is not changes through time is extremely controversial.
Next time remember to call your art "white", "male", "hetero", "christ(ian)", "trump" (i'm sure you can think more) -something and you're clear!
...or just call it "compo #7" so that surely no one is sad. But not laughing either. Just... staring.
...or just call it "compo #7" so that surely no one is sad. But not laughing either. Just... staring.
It is clear that this is a polarizing subject. But once again I can not fail to notice that a lot of people here have a problem accepting that other humans have different world views than themselves.
I share numteks views on this, and probably am even more extreme on it:
- WEAPONS are weapons
- Words are WORDS, not weapons
If someone comes with a knife and stabs me, I do not have any choice in regards of if I am hurt or not. I am hurt. I don't have options.
If someone throws words at me, it is MY CHOICE to decide if I am hurt or not. Nobody is forcing upon me to be hurt.
I understand that must humans have huge problems with their self-esteem. Most men are unhappy with their penisses. Most humans I have met are not able to even say "I love myself". If you love yourself and what you are, it is pretty hard to hurt you.
So, taken this into account the following IS a valid position to have: "If you are hurt by my words, go eat your pills, or do yoga, or find a religion that works for you".
Nobody has the RIGHT to feel hurt. You may wish for other people respecting and refraining themselves so you are not hurt. But if you are hurt by WORDS alone (not actions) it is - sorry - YOUR OWN FUCKING PROBLEM.
(In case you haven't noticed by now, I do love myself, and it is not easy to hurt me. On the other hand I try not to take the extreme position given above because I do not have the INTENTION to hurt people. But if it's a side-effect of what I am doing, and I can not avoid it, my constitutional basic human rights will ALWAYS beat anyone's wish to please not to be hurt by words.)
Yes, start the flame war. Keep telling yourself you are a good human, while not fucking being able to accept a single different world-view and ethics model than your own, YOU IMPRESSIVELY GOOD PERSON.
I share numteks views on this, and probably am even more extreme on it:
- WEAPONS are weapons
- Words are WORDS, not weapons
If someone comes with a knife and stabs me, I do not have any choice in regards of if I am hurt or not. I am hurt. I don't have options.
If someone throws words at me, it is MY CHOICE to decide if I am hurt or not. Nobody is forcing upon me to be hurt.
I understand that must humans have huge problems with their self-esteem. Most men are unhappy with their penisses. Most humans I have met are not able to even say "I love myself". If you love yourself and what you are, it is pretty hard to hurt you.
So, taken this into account the following IS a valid position to have: "If you are hurt by my words, go eat your pills, or do yoga, or find a religion that works for you".
Nobody has the RIGHT to feel hurt. You may wish for other people respecting and refraining themselves so you are not hurt. But if you are hurt by WORDS alone (not actions) it is - sorry - YOUR OWN FUCKING PROBLEM.
(In case you haven't noticed by now, I do love myself, and it is not easy to hurt me. On the other hand I try not to take the extreme position given above because I do not have the INTENTION to hurt people. But if it's a side-effect of what I am doing, and I can not avoid it, my constitutional basic human rights will ALWAYS beat anyone's wish to please not to be hurt by words.)
Yes, start the flame war. Keep telling yourself you are a good human, while not fucking being able to accept a single different world-view and ethics model than your own, YOU IMPRESSIVELY GOOD PERSON.
If someone throws words at me, it is MY CHOICE to decide if I am hurt or not. Nobody is forcing upon me to be hurt.
What if I throw words at a crowd and the crowd gets you hurt?
Nobody has the RIGHT to feel hurt.
I thought you liked freedom of speech.
...or just call it "compo #7" so that surely no one is sad. But not laughing either. Just... staring.
All hail the blandness that is the new and improved sanitized speech.
And just as a fucking reminder:
LISTED: Freedom of expression.
LISTED: Freedom of Thought.
NOT LISTED: Right not to feel hurt by someone else's speech.
These are the universal world-wide standards that you have to accept. Not what various different fighting "political" groups bitching on Twitter want to define.
LISTED: Freedom of expression.
LISTED: Freedom of Thought.
NOT LISTED: Right not to feel hurt by someone else's speech.
These are the universal world-wide standards that you have to accept. Not what various different fighting "political" groups bitching on Twitter want to define.
Sorry, late to the "party". Had to go to Outline and sleep and eat, all way more important than this.
Scamp, where were you in 2000 (I think) when MY art got shut down by SJWs right _at_ UC4GW? I had this nice artwork going where I fucked up the color and sound of porn movies and played them on the big screen, and suddenly that missionary came along and complained about it until I annoyedly have to give up.
You might know her. IIRC you're married to her now, and she was completely right about the whole thing.
It's funny how that works. You think sth is funny and suddenly somebody comes along and broadens your perspective. You should try it once.
- Naming a compo isn't art. That's some Adok level of delusions of grandeur at work there.
- There's no conspiracy against you. Actually, only TWO people criticised one of your invtros on Twitter, and your way to handle it was having a meltdown on stage. Btw that feeling of shame in the whole hall that moment was palpable.
- Can we please, please remind ourselves that the whole thing is about "a few people think one of the jokes is shitty, among them the joke's originator bc he thought about it"? That's LITERALLY the extent of the whole drama. Everything above that, all the political stuff and the evil forces you wrote about, basically only exist in your mind.
- Other people have commented on your language before but can we please go back to your rant (the one you deleted and replaced with a classy "the discussion is now over and I won") once more? Can we speak about how you accused others of "cultural fascism"? Let's reiterate that YOU are the one disinviting people for their opinion, and YOU are the one who literally wrote that there's an in group, and worthless outsiders, and the latter even try to "infect" the chosen ones with their rottenness. You know what? Open a fucking book or even Wikipedia, read about the definition of fascism, and the best thing you can do after that is just hold still for a few seconds and then go "oh".
Sorry, this isn't about some people trying to suck the joy out of everything, this isn't about artistic freedom, this whole thing is just about your fucking ego. Fix this. Fix yourself.
Worst part is that I was really looking forward to UC, and now... this. And I know you're stressed and a perfectionist but this doesn't absolve you from the way you treat other people. And let me tell you - just from what I've read on various channels, the one who is bullying others is you. But as said. There's still time to fix this, or most of this at least.
Scamp, where were you in 2000 (I think) when MY art got shut down by SJWs right _at_ UC4GW? I had this nice artwork going where I fucked up the color and sound of porn movies and played them on the big screen, and suddenly that missionary came along and complained about it until I annoyedly have to give up.
You might know her. IIRC you're married to her now, and she was completely right about the whole thing.
It's funny how that works. You think sth is funny and suddenly somebody comes along and broadens your perspective. You should try it once.
- Naming a compo isn't art. That's some Adok level of delusions of grandeur at work there.
- There's no conspiracy against you. Actually, only TWO people criticised one of your invtros on Twitter, and your way to handle it was having a meltdown on stage. Btw that feeling of shame in the whole hall that moment was palpable.
- Can we please, please remind ourselves that the whole thing is about "a few people think one of the jokes is shitty, among them the joke's originator bc he thought about it"? That's LITERALLY the extent of the whole drama. Everything above that, all the political stuff and the evil forces you wrote about, basically only exist in your mind.
- Other people have commented on your language before but can we please go back to your rant (the one you deleted and replaced with a classy "the discussion is now over and I won") once more? Can we speak about how you accused others of "cultural fascism"? Let's reiterate that YOU are the one disinviting people for their opinion, and YOU are the one who literally wrote that there's an in group, and worthless outsiders, and the latter even try to "infect" the chosen ones with their rottenness. You know what? Open a fucking book or even Wikipedia, read about the definition of fascism, and the best thing you can do after that is just hold still for a few seconds and then go "oh".
Sorry, this isn't about some people trying to suck the joy out of everything, this isn't about artistic freedom, this whole thing is just about your fucking ego. Fix this. Fix yourself.
Worst part is that I was really looking forward to UC, and now... this. And I know you're stressed and a perfectionist but this doesn't absolve you from the way you treat other people. And let me tell you - just from what I've read on various channels, the one who is bullying others is you. But as said. There's still time to fix this, or most of this at least.
Article 19
1. Everyone shall have the right to hold opinions without interference.
2. Everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of his choice.
3. The exercise of the rights provided for in paragraph 2 of this article carries with it special duties and responsibilities. It may therefore be subject to certain restrictions, but these shall only be such as are provided by law and are necessary:
(a) For respect of the rights or reputations of others;
(b) For the protection of national security or of public order (ordre public), or of public health or morals.
What if I throw words at a crowd and the crowd gets you hurt?
Law makes the difference. If you incite and such actions follow, it's a crime.
Otherwise it's life having no safety net.
Quote:What if I throw words at a crowd and the crowd gets you hurt?
Law makes the difference. If you incite and such actions follow, it's a crime.
Otherwise it's life having no safety net.
Exactly, so law defines words as potentials weapons in the case of incitement, libel, slander, national security, etc, schools have rules against bullying, internet forums have a moderation policy, list goes on.
A group of friends or community doesn't have a law, but they can call you out for being a dick.
Feeling hurt by words is not speech, it's a feeling inside of yourself, and it soley depends on what's inside you, and nobody can validate if you are just making it up.
Saying "this hurts me, please stop" is speech. "Stop hurting me, or I will rip your fucking head off" is speech.
And in my PERSONAL world view that nobody has to accept I really would FIRST like to see the problem of people getting stabbed by knifes (or women not being equally paid, or people getting thrown bombs onto their heads, or the catholic fucking kids, or WHATEVER) solved before getting to the point of "we need to regulate what people can say, until nobody will claim anymore to have been hurt by speech", which will NEVER HAPPEN anyway. There is a relevant percentage of humanity who's entire bubble depends on the idea of being victims, and you'll never be able to satisfy those, and so you end up in never-ending cultural war not leading to ANYTHING of value.
Feeling hurt by words is not speech, it's a feeling inside of yourself, and it soley depends on what's inside you, and nobody can validate if you are just making it up.
Saying "this hurts me, please stop" is speech. "Stop hurting me, or I will rip your fucking head off" is speech.
And in my PERSONAL world view that nobody has to accept I really would FIRST like to see the problem of people getting stabbed by knifes (or women not being equally paid, or people getting thrown bombs onto their heads, or the catholic fucking kids, or WHATEVER) solved before getting to the point of "we need to regulate what people can say, until nobody will claim anymore to have been hurt by speech", which will NEVER HAPPEN anyway. There is a relevant percentage of humanity who's entire bubble depends on the idea of being victims, and you'll never be able to satisfy those, and so you end up in never-ending cultural war not leading to ANYTHING of value.
gargaj: Thanks for the straw man. Yes, everybody is aware of slander, everybody is aware that you can commit crimes with words. That clearly wasn't the point.
Feeling hurt by words is not speech
Not until you express it, no. Or I guess you would prefer people to feel hurt, but not actually say it?