
How not to deal with other people and their art

category: general [glöplog]
Since Revision 2019, where we had released three invitation demos to Underground Conference, with two of them winning their respective compos, me and others have been under repeated attack from "Social Justice Warriors" who'd like my and our art to be censored and suppressed.

I've been bullied, badmouthed and threatened. I am sick and tired of it, and will now fight back.

If you care, go read the following piece:

added on the 2019-06-01 20:27:53 by scamp scamp
Hater's gonna hate Scamp.. Never surrender! Do ur thing!
added on the 2019-06-01 20:41:54 by magic magic
I've been bullied, badmouthed and threatened. I am sick and tired of it, and will now fight back.

We are soo with you, scamp!
So great to see the man who ain't gonna give any apologize to the idiots.

Just tell us, what should we do.
added on the 2019-06-01 20:44:43 by sq sq
I mostly agree with what you wrote, but unfortunately nowadays it's really hard to take anyone using the term "social justice warrior" seriously. The gist of the matter is how you express yourself, and calling people SJWs puts you firmly in a very, very toxic corner and aligns you with people who are far worse than people complaining on Twitter.
added on the 2019-06-01 21:06:03 by Preacher Preacher
I understand people might not like the label "SJW", but it simply is a pretty good description of the idea. In both scene-related clashes with SJWs I had so far that person was clearly believing to be in a morally superior position, thinking they now have the given right to decide on what is acceptable speech and art, and what isn't.

Got a better term to describe the concept?

(I can not use the term "mind fascists" due to Godwin's law.)
added on the 2019-06-01 21:17:14 by scamp scamp
lol, 1st reply by Magic.


added on the 2019-06-01 21:18:06 by SiR SiR
hahaha, those were the days...
added on the 2019-06-01 21:20:41 by scamp scamp
....but on the other hand, I haven't been harassed in any way again by Magic or Adok for 10 years now. So I am not holding against them the shit that happened back then.

(Not sure if Adok has kept putting out racist shit since then or has stopped, I haven't followed him.)
added on the 2019-06-01 21:24:29 by scamp scamp
I am really sorry to hear/read that and I can see how you are disappointed by someone who you considered a long time friend. That's quite sad, actually.

However, be the better man and _don't_ fight back.

We all know where that "fighting back" got us in the grand scheme of things. It's simply not worth it.

I for one don't care much for those internet "shitstorms" and dramas since they are usually lead by people who are basically just attention wh0res.
added on the 2019-06-01 21:26:53 by bsp bsp
I mostly agree with what you wrote, but unfortunately nowadays it's really hard to take anyone using the term "social justice warrior" seriously. The gist of the matter is how you express yourself, and calling people SJWs puts you firmly in a very, very toxic corner and aligns you with people who are far worse than people complaining on Twitter.

added on the 2019-06-01 21:36:17 by nagz nagz
The problem is that without resistance, there is a danger of the community going down the drain mid-term.

In the hacking scene there was an invasion of people who never had hacked anything, but only joined because they thought that this would be a good place to install a new rule set nobody wanted. Also see Linux-community / CoC / Linus. Also, there is the general trend in the society of "let's give up freedom for security", so you can also expect attacks from this side. In the 90ies in the scene everybody was free to remix whatever he wanted. 2019, it's outlawed and mandated that algorithms decide on what's acceptable content and what not. Your fully automated SJW, so to say.

In general what you can see is that subcultures often die once they are forced to adopt "global" rules. Often these rules in general are good, but simply are a problem for the local context: What's "glad fire safety has been given justice" to one is "I am no longer allowed to do rave events in this bunker" to another.

We have rules on how art is judged inside the demo scene, and I like these rules, I joined because of these rules. At some point these rule sets may come under discussion, but if there is such a need, it should be coming from inside the scene, not outside.

So I see the need to fight back so we can keep our standards on what goes and what doesn't, and will.
added on the 2019-06-01 21:39:53 by scamp scamp
We have rules on how art is judged inside the demo scene

We do? Where can I see them? I thought it was a happy anarchy with a bunch of people whose opinion might be relevant to you, or then not.
added on the 2019-06-01 21:45:47 by Preacher Preacher
I understand people might not like the label "SJW", but it simply is a pretty good description of the idea

That's how I feel too. I can't find any shorter way to describe, you know, the people behind these kinds of behaviour. And since it's pretty mainstream now and everyone is just adopting the term, I can gladly take seriously someone using it, not thinking it anymore as a derogatory term but just describing the people behind this outrage culture.

p.s. I can understand how the Paralymp3 could be deemed offensive. While watching the invitation, that icon made me conscious for a bit, that yes someone will find this problematic if not knowing the context. But the second claim about making fun of refugees? I still can't see the connection here. It's the sceners after all who share the tents :)
added on the 2019-06-01 21:47:01 by Optimus Optimus
be the better man and _don't_ fight back.

You better go and get some popcorn, lol :)
added on the 2019-06-01 21:54:48 by SiR SiR
Yes, I also thought that "SJW" is very descriptive and hardly derogatory, but as I am not part of that "outrage culture", what do I know if this again is a description that is seen as offending. Because: Those who WANT to be offended always will be offended.

I like the term "outrage culture", too.

And while I stand by the competition name "Paralymp3", the icon created doesn't do the compos greatness justice, and I've removed it from the site.

The "refugee camp" thing is a total mystery to me, but what was originally first stated the shit storm during revision...
added on the 2019-06-01 21:58:18 by scamp scamp
The "refugee camp" thing is a total mystery to me, but what was originally first stated the shit storm during revision...

Source, pretty please...?
added on the 2019-06-01 22:04:28 by SiR SiR
Everybody who knows scamp knows that he for sure is not a racist and for sure has nothing against any minorities.
And so do the other people in the scene which I know personally, that is part of why I love the scene.
So please everybody calm down, be nice to each other again, don't call the other names and let's all have a great party together in Bingen <3
added on the 2019-06-01 22:05:28 by v3nom v3nom
The problem is that without resistance, there is a danger of the community going down the drain mid-term.

I wouldn't worry about that, l4mers will always be exposed for what they are. It's not a generational thing.

We do? Where can I see them? I thought it was a happy anarchy with a bunch of people whose opinion might be relevant to you, or then not.

That was my understanding, too.
added on the 2019-06-01 22:06:56 by bsp bsp
You better go and get some popcorn, lol :)

added on the 2019-06-01 22:11:04 by bsp bsp
what magic said + https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvoV2Lfk7Qg + flagging something as toxic is just a cheat to own the moral high ground. satire requires an elevated angle of thinking. tolerance works in all directions.
added on the 2019-06-01 22:38:05 by wertstahl wertstahl
Aaand i probably just should shut the fuck up and do my homework. Well, since there is no editing here, thats that. Underinformed galore from wertstahl again. I go home now and don`t come back for a long time. Promise. I mistook that comment as being honest. Maybe i should elevate my thinking a little less. anyways kthxbai
added on the 2019-06-01 22:51:25 by wertstahl wertstahl
have you seen this ? I quite enjoyed it ! punx not dead :-)
added on the 2019-06-01 22:53:44 by bsp bsp
Everyone with open ears and eyes can easily see who are the real totalitarians and fascists nowadays.

Nothing wrong with term SJW, that's what they were and are.
added on the 2019-06-01 22:58:39 by Serpent Serpent
raise your fist!
added on the 2019-06-01 22:58:41 by el mal el mal
yo just a quick word from me, the person whose reputation scamp is now trying to ruin. thanks scamp btw i'm super happy that your personal assholehood is so important to you that you would rather start a campaign like this and burn whatever bridge rests there were than admit a mistake. you really have become a trumpian figure in this.

i agreed with the initial call-out that the name paralymp3 had bad connotations, and i was fucking embarrassed because i had originally come up with it. i told scamp that i had misgivings, and why, and as the discussion went on and it became apparent that scamp did not understand or accept that, i told him that i would not run the compo again under that name. not because someone on twitter said so, but because *I*, the person who invented the thing and whose responsibility during the party would have been to organize it, had thought about it some more and realized that i was not comfortable with it. we agreed to find a new name, and i came up with some suggestions.

a little later, he told me that they'd change the name for next year, and after i asked why not this year, and the answer was something like "we already got the logo and people signing up for it so no", i asked for my registration to be changed from organizer to visitor. scamp suggested i rather stay at home under the circumstances, with the quotes from my tweet.

who would have profited from keeping this under wraps but scamp? it's good for people to know about it, and i'm happy to see that most reactions have been along the lines of "wtf" and "looks like im not going". i know scamp will think that this is because *I* am trying to damage him, but the sad truth is:

all i did was quote you. any reactions are due to your own words, not mine. an damage you incur is your own fucking fault.

there's no art fascism here, i'm not a traitor, nor humorless (have you fucking met me), i just wasn't comfortable with the messages that were to be sent on my behalf, so i asked not to be made to send them.

scamp's reaction to the tweet was this ridiculous meltdown, and now apparently i'm the target of one of his rants. at least he didn't pretend it was someone else writing it this time, guess he doesn't think i'm gonna sue. for all his big words about art and global conspiracies, it's transparently bullshit meant to paper over how he's being an asshole and fighting so he doesn't have to change that.

i hope y'all realize that he's going through all this trouble to talk shit about me because he didn't want to change the name of a compo, because his ego didn't let him.
added on the 2019-06-01 23:27:04 by wayfinder wayfinder
