
Random line of code thread

category: code [glöplog]
Code: std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<glm::vec3, glm::vec4>>> m_points;

added on the 2019-04-21 22:13:17 by Preacher Preacher
Code:0 ::::?( (-.)><(.*.)><(-.) )"""="j;:

As random as it gets, I suppose... (let's call it "basic truth" ;)
added on the 2019-04-23 07:15:58 by tomaes tomaes
Code: move.l #((WID+512+18)<<16)|(7+10),(sc_RastPort+rp_cp_x,a4)
added on the 2019-04-23 12:04:43 by Piru Piru
Code:this_cat = prcl_divided[(prcl_divided > lowercatvalue) & (prcl_divided <= highercatvalue)]

Not the feline variant, I'm afraid.
added on the 2019-04-23 13:11:33 by Noctis Noctis
Code:if r < 4 then print "Wow! That was quick!" end

A first quick micro game in Lua. (you could run this f.e. here)
added on the 2019-04-30 09:57:12 by tomaes tomaes
Code:readelf -WS "$1"|sed 's/\[ \([0-9]\)\]/[\1]/'|awk '$2 ~ "^.text"{print $6;}'|python -c 'print(sum(map(lambda s: int(s.strip(),16),__import__("sys").stdin.readlines())))'
added on the 2019-05-09 20:13:07 by porocyon porocyon
Code: move.l @u0v0,@uv_temp add.w @uv_temp,@v_left ; (v_left + u0) swap @uv_temp add.w @uv_temp,@u_left ; (u_left + u0) move.l @u1v1,@uv_temp sub.w @uv_temp,@v_left ; (v_left + u0) - v1 swap @uv_temp sub.w @uv_temp,@u_left ; (u_left + u0) - u1 neg.w @u_left neg.w @v_left ext.l @u_left ext.l @v_left divs.w @len,@u_left ; dudx = u_left / len divs.w @len,@v_left ; dvdx = v_left / len @kill uv_temp @rename u_left dudx @rename v_left dvdx ext.l @dudx ext.l @dvdx add.l @dvdx,@dvdx ; ... asl.l #8,@dvdx ; dvdx << 9

Part of a texture mapper written in https://github.com/deplinenoise/deluxe68 and used for the cube in Eon
added on the 2019-05-11 17:34:29 by emoon emoon
Code: //try to copy the piece CorrectlyPut=TRUE; yy=0; while((CorrectlyPut==TRUE) && (yy<PieceH)) { xx=0; if((yy&1)==1) { DeltaX=DeltaShift; } else { DeltaX=0; } while((CorrectlyPut==TRUE) && (xx<PieceW)) { t=AllPieces[PieceIndex][2+Orientation*(MaxSizeForThisPiece+3)+3+yy*PieceW+xx]; if(t!=-1) { if(RecursiveSpaces[(PieceIndex+1)*PuzzleSize+(yy+y)*PuzzleWidth+xx+x+DeltaX]==-1) { RecursiveSpaces[(PieceIndex+1)*PuzzleSize+(yy+y)*PuzzleWidth+xx+x+DeltaX]=t; } else { CorrectlyPut=FALSE; } } xx++; } //next xx yy++; } //next yy

Part of an hexagonal pieces packing routine...
added on the 2019-05-16 11:31:18 by baah baah
Code:clr.w -(sp) trap #1
added on the 2019-05-20 22:14:41 by gloky gloky
used in glokzilla
added on the 2019-05-20 22:15:55 by gloky gloky
Code:.SCREEN = $416+6 ; RNC Loader -> screen memory
added on the 2019-06-22 16:59:06 by StingRay StingRay
Code:$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) -MM "$<" | sed -e 's#^\(.*\)\.o:\(.*\)$$#obj/$(notdir $<).o obj/\1.d: \2 obj/\nifeq ($$(compile$(suffix $<)),)\n$$(error "No rule to make a $(suffix $<) file!")\nendif\n\t$$(call compile$(suffix $<),$$@,$$<)#' > "$@"

Makefiles. Not even once.
added on the 2019-06-22 19:08:15 by porocyon porocyon
Code:RELEASE_FLAGS = -oabhii+klmnrt -s -d0 -dNDEBUG
added on the 2019-06-22 19:11:07 by anix anix
added on the 2019-06-23 02:08:35 by grip grip
Code:; mm3/7 are free movq mm3, [ebx + 48] ; 1 paddd mm2, mm1 movq mm7, [ebx + 56] ; 1 pmaddwd mm3, mm6 pmaddwd mm7, [edx - 8] ; 2 paddd mm5, mm4 ; load next dct shit movq mm4, [edx] ; 1 movq mm1, mm2 ; mm0 - intermediate result ; mm1 - mm2 - sum for ch0 ; mm3/7 in pipeline ; mm4 - dct shit ; mm5 - partial ch1 acc ; mm6 - load dct coef movq mm6, [edx + 16] ; 1 paddd mm3, mm5 movq mm5, [edx + 8] ; 1 paddd mm3, mm7
added on the 2019-06-27 19:46:27 by wbcbz7 wbcbz7
Code:While Ans≠31447:Do

Code:requestFinal = stupidFuckingPacketHeader+requestBody+requestFooter
added on the 2019-07-01 07:59:20 by Parzival Parzival
Code:bool wifi_softap_set_dhcps_lease(struct dhcps_lease *please)
added on the 2019-07-13 00:15:44 by svo svo
Code: pea .TAB(pc,d2.w)
added on the 2019-07-16 13:34:20 by StingRay StingRay
added on the 2019-07-18 05:26:44 by trixter trixter
added on the 2019-07-20 02:27:55 by gasman gasman
Code: val asset: Any? = null, val library_effects: Any? = null, val library_materials: Any? = null, val library_geometries: Any? = null, etc etc etc

it works, but afterwards cherrypicking thru the nested linked hashmaps that the xml parser blurts out aint worth the laziness :D
added on the 2019-07-20 02:47:58 by el mal el mal
Code: addq.w #$001+1,d2 ; +1 to avoid branch
added on the 2019-07-23 18:39:27 by StingRay StingRay
added on the 2019-07-24 15:41:05 by bodo^rab bodo^rab
Code:if((Occurences4[PieceIndex]==0) && (Occurences1[PieceIndex]!=FullOccurence) && (Occurences2[PieceIndex]!=FullOccurence) && (Occurences3[PieceIndex]!=FullOccurence)) {
added on the 2019-07-24 17:11:46 by baah baah
Code:26941 ccccgccccg ggcccgcccc cgggcccgcc ccgaccacgc cccggccccg gccccggccc
added on the 2019-07-24 17:14:40 by rutra80 rutra80
