fix me beautifull
category: general [glöplog]
There is a problem with this prod: ...
I believe that this prod is fake and doesn't belong here because there there is nothing unique about a sped up BAD APPLE that is bundled with VLC player.
I believe that this prod is fake and doesn't belong here because there there is nothing unique about a sped up BAD APPLE that is bundled with VLC player.
gladian00b: you're welcome to express your opinion and add a thumb in the comment section of the prod. lack of uniqueness is not a reason for deletion though.
Aren't you basically underlining the whole category with the uniqueness statement?
There is a problem with this prod: The intro is clearly called "Optical Illusions" (Access Denied BBS demo #2) when you run it. Sensenstahl, can you put that back in the title? Giving it just the BBS name just makes it harder to search for by title.
no problem :)
There is a problem with this prod: actual title is "ChunderChunk" (see screenshot), despite the file_id.diz calling it ChumberChuk.
please remove this :
deleted the screenshot coz it's not from the prod but prod itself stays
There is a problem with this prod: Has a group TPM (ThePetsMode) with an invalid web site. Please change TPM web to
There is a problem with this prod: download link is incorrect. This is the right one:
There is a problem with this prod: both C64 and Plus/4 on the same released (and linked) .d64 disk image.
w00t: read the red box...
w00t: read the red box... is a sc-3000 demo.( i ran it in meka emulator) i dont think it is in any way compatible with MasterSystem
This is not a TEK production, only K2. (And if it was a coop, it would be with Nuance.)
This is not a TEK production, only K2. (And if it was a coop, it would be with Nuance.)
done (next time don't put a group that shouldn't be credited in the submission form/results file plz)
I didn't add this to Pouet!
Oh, and could you please remove Mad and Zed Yago from the credits, their contributions were small compared to the rest. To credit them in the thread for their help would've been perfect, now it's inappropriate.
Oh, and could you please remove Mad and Zed Yago from the credits, their contributions were small compared to the rest. To credit them in the thread for their help would've been perfect, now it's inappropriate.

and you already know where credit changes can be requested
I already requested it, to no avail. Will do it again.
Once again, I didn't hand this production to Pouet, but to UNC.
Once again, I didn't hand this production to Pouet, but to UNC.
For all I care you handed the prod to a pink unicorn in a 3piece suit, the point is, if that results file isn't corrected the false credit is likely to be reinstated when we're prompted to this discrepancy in the future.