
what to do with hates / permanent thumbdowners?

category: general [glöplog]
but however difficult to understand for me they are, it was about the way you expressed them.

that might be just the thing. instead of rambling rants and sarcasm/cynicism pitfalls, honoring some kind of discussion culture is worth a lot: as can be observed in this thread. For example, compare lvds posts with the ones by TS-Labs or introspec.

Finally, I'm sad seeing people giving Gargaj shit for closing some threads / not closing some threads (select applicable) or generally for the way he keeps the things running here. He is one of those people who DO care and even if not everything is ideal, as long as people like him are around, there is some hope for this troubled world.

I second that. Thanks, gargaj!
added on the 2018-09-18 20:51:34 by jco jco
The #revision ban was supported by other ops because of your behaviour and especially a few incidents, which I don't want to go into now because it's too sad to even read the logs. Pouet may have different thresholds but it doesn't mean that channel ops are better than Gargaj or the other way, it's just a mix of the nature of the medium and different people looking after the things. I appreciate that you might have a different opinion on certain subjects, but however difficult to understand for me they are, it was about the way you expressed them.

I appreciate the explanation. Thanks.
added on the 2018-09-18 23:16:53 by mudlord mudlord
Looks like there's a new wave: http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=78753
Don't you think they should be banned?
added on the 2018-11-06 19:34:21 by sq sq
oh for fucks sake
added on the 2018-11-06 19:56:55 by Gargaj Gargaj
A general note to this thread: People who misbehave in a community online usually get banned. Thing is we have to define clearly what kind of behaviour is acceptable in this community (or to put it more bluntly what gets you banned in said community).
added on the 2018-11-07 00:50:00 by Defiance Defiance
sq, why do you ask? You have only received 1 thumb down in the 3 latest prods you're credited in(?) I think that's superlative, and CDCs as well!
added on the 2018-11-07 18:45:58 by Photon Photon
For example, compare lvds posts with the ones by TS-Labs or introspec.

I've read, compared and haven't got your point. What did you mean?
added on the 2018-11-14 19:50:35 by lvd lvd
Photon: You're a bit late to the party - those banned accounts were all thumb-downers.
@Photon, it's not about me, it's about zx prods in general. No matter who made a demo, he always got its pile of shit. It sucks mate, and it must be stopped.
added on the 2018-11-16 00:08:07 by sq sq
what a retarded post, can't cope with critics or what?
Heul leise!!
You must be new here.
added on the 2018-11-16 09:41:08 by Gargaj Gargaj
what a retarded post, can't cope with critics or what?
Heul leise!!

So, when you went off to thumb down all of Break's CDC's after he thumbed down your cracktro... that was "coping with critics", right? :)
Appropriate thread then, innit?
added on the 2018-11-16 12:07:51 by Gargaj Gargaj
what a retarded post, can't cope with critics or what?
Heul leise!!

So, when you went off to thumb down all of Break's CDC's after he thumbed down your cracktro... that was "coping with critics", right? :)

Also he responded with curse words to that downvote: https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=78904#c842667. I can't imagine anything more childish than cursing on the internet. It kinda reminds me to when I was 16 at a public library, when the internet was still in it's infancy and one of the other kids approached me and explained how he got such a big kick out of cursing in the comment-section and asked me if liked doing that as well. It was my first encounter with a troll ever and I'm still perplex 20 years later. It made a profound impact. Why would someone lower their standards so much as soon as they go online? I just don't get it. Still don't.
added on the 2018-11-16 12:37:53 by numtek numtek
yeah yeah, go fuck yourself, numtek! ;)
added on the 2018-11-16 13:38:58 by el mal el mal
Cool, drama involving me which I never even notice. Got to love the internets <3
added on the 2018-11-16 14:22:08 by break break
added on the 2018-11-16 14:22:32 by break break
what to do with haters / permanent thumbdowners when you don't even notice them?
added on the 2018-11-16 16:21:18 by okkie okkie
It's quite clear who Mr. spliffadapter is anyway. :)
added on the 2018-11-16 21:02:31 by StingRay StingRay
I doubt anyone cares about who he is...
added on the 2018-11-17 14:01:35 by xeNusion xeNusion
numtek is gay
added on the 2018-11-17 19:37:56 by skarab skarab
tsk, your trolling is even worse than your SEGA crap
added on the 2018-11-17 22:57:02 by el mal el mal
added on the 2018-11-17 23:44:52 by skarab skarab
