what to do with hates / permanent thumbdowners?
category: general [glöplog]
I don't drink any more and posting a pic of muh soda lime and bitters just doesn't seem the same.
if kimi kandler (cherry kindler) hates your soundtrack, you've done everything right...
if kimi kandler (cherry kindler) hates your soundtrack, you've done everything right...
Anoying soundtrack.
I don't drink any more
I don't drink any less either!
So no, I think while one option is just sticking a massive banner on the site saying "DONT READ ANYTHING HERE but yeah welcome to the scene", I think just rotting out the few weeds who dirty up some corners is much more efficient and overall better on the long run.
You give yourself far too much credit. Pouet is as toxic as 4chan, if not worse. There is no reason why anyone should visit here on a constant basis, especially if they are new to the scene. There are far better places to get feedback from, like actual people and not some people who think they have the right to downvote you just because you slighted them by suggesting that thier commercial demotool be cracked because it uses hardware based DRM...................................
And people get banned from IRCs for merely suggesting such shit.
No wonder the Scene is screwed. Namevoting runs deep.
No wonder the Scene is screwed. Namevoting runs deep.
"Pouet is toxic because I got banned from IRC"
Oh fuck off.
I'll get right to it, but first a few thoughts:
- You can complain Pouet is "toxic" but then maybe look at your own contributions to the issue and wonder which side of the toxicity you decide to be on.
- I personally disagreed the IRC ban because I didn't think it was warranted, but #revision is not my call. As you can see you're still perfectly allowed to post on Pouet - which is a decision I definitely got quite a bit of flak for and my only defense was that I took personal responsibility for what you do because I stand by my assessment that you're not a bad person.
- Suggesting someone's (especially someone who you know) commercial product should be pirated is effectively suggesting to fuck with their livelihood. If you have a personal problem with someone, deal with them in private, but don't go after how they feed their family. That takes the spat out of the scene context.
- Also for what it's worth, both the IRC ban nor the Pouet rampage was about a completely different topic; it wasn't about demotools, it was about learning from other people's shaders.
And now off I fuck.
- You can complain Pouet is "toxic" but then maybe look at your own contributions to the issue and wonder which side of the toxicity you decide to be on.
- I personally disagreed the IRC ban because I didn't think it was warranted, but #revision is not my call. As you can see you're still perfectly allowed to post on Pouet - which is a decision I definitely got quite a bit of flak for and my only defense was that I took personal responsibility for what you do because I stand by my assessment that you're not a bad person.
- Suggesting someone's (especially someone who you know) commercial product should be pirated is effectively suggesting to fuck with their livelihood. If you have a personal problem with someone, deal with them in private, but don't go after how they feed their family. That takes the spat out of the scene context.
- Also for what it's worth, both the IRC ban nor the Pouet rampage was about a completely different topic; it wasn't about demotools, it was about learning from other people's shaders.
And now off I fuck.
You can complain Pouet is "toxic" but then maybe look at your own contributions to the issue and wonder which side of the toxicity you decide to be on.
Good point, well made.
I personally disagreed the IRC ban because I didn't think it was warranted, but #revision is not my call. As you can see you're still perfectly allowed to post on Pouet - which is a decision I definitely got quite a bit of flak for and my only defense was that I took personal responsibility for what you do because I stand by my assessment that you're not a bad person.
Wow, I thought it was your call. I thought it was your call. I'm so sorry then for blaming you.
Suggesting someone's (especially someone who you know) commercial product should be pirated is effectively suggesting to fuck with their livelihood. If you have a personal problem with someone, deal with them in private, but don't go after how they feed their family. That takes the spat out of the scene context.
To me the line is drawn when you also choose to fuck with other people by having intrusive DRM. Surely some virtualized code wouldnt have gone amiss ala Denuvo. I think tho a USB dongle is a bit extreme.
Also for what it's worth, both the IRC ban nor the Pouet rampage was about a completely different topic; it wasn't about demotools, it was about learning from other people's shaders.
Thanks for putting me in my place.
Sorry for misunderstanding.
I'll get right to it, but first a few thoughts:
- You can complain Pouet is "toxic" but then maybe look at your own contributions to the issue and wonder which side of the toxicity you decide to be on.
- I personally disagreed the IRC ban because I didn't think it was warranted, but #revision is not my call. As you can see you're still perfectly allowed to post on Pouet - which is a decision I definitely got quite a bit of flak for and my only defense was that I took personal responsibility for what you do because I stand by my assessment that you're not a bad person.
- Suggesting someone's (especially someone who you know) commercial product should be pirated is effectively suggesting to fuck with their livelihood. If you have a personal problem with someone, deal with them in private, but don't go after how they feed their family. That takes the spat out of the scene context.
- Also for what it's worth, both the IRC ban nor the Pouet rampage was about a completely different topic; it wasn't about demotools, it was about learning from other people's shaders.
And now off I fuck.
You can't say any of that as the moderator of this BBS that could've shut down this divisive shit-show that STILL has no resolution fucken pages ago. Don't try to take the high moral ground here Garg - you wanted to rubberneck the same as the rest of us.
There was no point in this thread getting past page 1 let alone 13 and I've seen you shut pages down quicker and for less.
It really is time this page went and made a demo about it.
And you have the moral highground why?
Quote:if kimi kandler (cherry kindler) hates your soundtrack, you've done everything right...
Anoying soundtrack.
cheesy music.

ugly and boring
if kimi kandler (cherry kindler) hates your soundtrack, you've done everything right...
Anoying soundtrack.
cheesy music.
extremely cheesy music
(well, it kinda is)
we already made a demo about it: http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=75780
also, SPACEPIGS clearly has the moral high ground.
And you have the moral highground why?
Didn't say I did. Don't quite understand how you think that was what i was saying.
but judgmental anyway, sure, "makes sense"
When a user condescendingly accuses an admin (i.e. someone with skin in the game) with rubbernecking, how is that not claiming moral higher ground?
I don't enjoy this thread, and I don't think anyone does, even the participants - but it's necessary because there's a lot of shit coming to the surface that was otherwise just boiling underneath and there's no clear right and wrong about this. Context is important for moderation, and there's been a lot of context offered for me here that made me understand the problem better, which in turn will help a lot with moderating.
There's a difference between a thread that's genuinely a shitshow (i.e. something that's either instigated to deliberately cause discord or by a genuinely damaged individual) and something that is a source of conflict that brings a heated argument, maybe even insults, but ultimately is about trying to achieve something better. I firmly believe this thread is being veered towards the latter - if you let it.
I don't enjoy this thread, and I don't think anyone does, even the participants - but it's necessary because there's a lot of shit coming to the surface that was otherwise just boiling underneath and there's no clear right and wrong about this. Context is important for moderation, and there's been a lot of context offered for me here that made me understand the problem better, which in turn will help a lot with moderating.
There's a difference between a thread that's genuinely a shitshow (i.e. something that's either instigated to deliberately cause discord or by a genuinely damaged individual) and something that is a source of conflict that brings a heated argument, maybe even insults, but ultimately is about trying to achieve something better. I firmly believe this thread is being veered towards the latter - if you let it.
Ringofyre: why don't you go make a demo about it indeed?
Oh right, you don't make demos....
Oh right, you don't make demos....
Ringofyre: why don't you go make a demo about it indeed?
Oh right, you don't make demos....
gargaj, do you really think this will lead to something constructive? imho the thumbs are there to stay, problem after all is not the thumbs but what people do with it.
Thumbs are just a numeric way to express an opinion, all it does is quantify an argument. If there's a deeper running problem (and there is as you can tell), then that has nothing to do with thumbs or even Pouet - Pouet is all but a battleground among many. However, in my view, as members of the community, I think it's part of our duty to try and mitigate shit like this - we're not talking about some unfixable schizo loons here, just some people with some pretty obscure bones to pick.
Wow, I thought it was your call. I thought it was your call. I'm so sorry then for blaming you.
That was my call. Also, as Gargaj mentioned:
both the IRC ban nor the Pouet rampage was about a completely different topic; it wasn't about demotools, it was about learning from other people's shaders.
The #revision ban was supported by other ops because of your behaviour and especially a few incidents, which I don't want to go into now because it's too sad to even read the logs. Pouet may have different thresholds but it doesn't mean that channel ops are better than Gargaj or the other way, it's just a mix of the nature of the medium and different people looking after the things. I appreciate that you might have a different opinion on certain subjects, but however difficult to understand for me they are, it was about the way you expressed them.
Finally, I'm sad seeing people giving Gargaj shit for closing some threads / not closing some threads (select applicable) or generally for the way he keeps the things running here. He is one of those people who DO care and even if not everything is ideal, as long as people like him are around, there is some hope for this troubled world.
I'm sorry for the offopic. On topic however, there's been enough wise things written here.