

category: general [glöplog]
ep: yeah, take optifuckers word for it. you see - he's the real scener and the rest of us who are tired of all your stupid threads are just posers and trolls.
added on the 2005-02-01 18:59:56 by gloom gloom
on the one hand, i'd prefer to ignore topics by an attention whore like ep. but on ther other hand, it's not that uninteresting... it's strange that noone came to speak about group acronyms. it's a shame this tradition got lot after the giving up of 8+3 filenames and 44char wide file_id's. i used to run an acronym list back in 1997...
added on the 2005-02-01 23:31:12 by dipswitch dipswitch
I sense reconcilliation...
google is good but sceners is better :
definitions are static while scener point of view is dynamic.
Morever you have experience, whereas google send only pages containing text entered : I mean you have read tons of docs and have used computers for years so you have a synthesis in mind and know what is important.
This topic can save a lot of time for everybody, think about that, plz.
Sadly your prejudices against EP block this topic and others.
We are here to share and also for fun but :

1/ being the fall guy all the time is tiring and show your lameness as optimus... said.
2/ I think most of you don't answer and don't say anything interresting because you know nothing, proof me the contrary by answering the topic and stop finding everything in my behaviour as bad.

So what MJJ means ?

What the display mode timing for gfx card is about : GTF, DMT, CTV, Fixed aspect ratio timing ?

Anisotropic filtering ? Pro and Cons of ?
Image sharpening, vibrance ?
Hue, saturation ? (no don't saturate of EP lameness, plz !)

added on the 2005-02-02 00:21:30 by ep ep
2/ I think most of you don't answer and don't say anything interresting because you know nothing, proof me the contrary by answering the topic and stop finding everything in my behaviour as bad.

That must be it!!! Good night.
1/ being the fall guy all the time is tiring and show your lameness as optimus... said.

our lameness? are you wearing your lenses insideout? :P
added on the 2005-02-02 19:49:31 by el mal el mal
megademo: demo with more than 1 part
added on the 2005-02-02 19:57:47 by cruzer cruzer
but what does "ep" mean?!
added on the 2005-02-02 22:42:19 by lithis lithis
ep, get off the fucking cross, people need the wood.
added on the 2005-02-02 22:52:21 by Gargaj Gargaj
ep, could you please stop saving the scene and get lost?
added on the 2005-02-03 00:47:35 by dipswitch dipswitch
>Sadly your prejudices against EP block this topic and others.

The antipathy you are experiencing is not a result of prejudice, but rather a well-earned feedback for the kind of behavior you displayed so far.

I hope you got the point. If not, please read on.

Stop being an idiot and people will stop treating you as one.
added on the 2005-02-03 20:54:24 by jazzman jazzman
I see here and there tons of ppl are against myself since the Save The Demo Scene article.
They called me idiot and do they do something else to improve my level ?
No !

I think some sceners (note the some) are racists :
they hate who they consider as lamers.
This was common before : racism against PC when you own an Amiga, Racism against ST when you own an Amiga too and so on.

When I ask something, simply answer and stop saying : this guy is a lamer because if you don't do anything to change this then you are responsible for this state too.

But I use rational reasoning everywhere and here nobody listen so I will move as this is lost of time for both "camp" and spend hours using google and friends "lamers" around me, finding my way by myself.

You sceners who hate myself aren't my friends anymore.

You simply lack a value : respect.

And you lack a quality : listening.

Good day.
added on the 2005-02-04 02:18:25 by ep ep
racism against lamers \o/
added on the 2005-02-04 02:23:06 by madMixx madMixx
ep, i am glad that someone brings up the issue of racism on the scene. perhaps you could begin your crusade with sorting out the guy who wrote these words on the bbs some time ago


A lot of pour strangers come here in the South (I speak about the South of France, I don't know anything else about France) as we have a good social system and a lot of help is given in the shape of money to really pour guys. It's common here to said that those who have nothing here get everything from the state helps and this is surely not entirely false. So when you are so helped and you have nothing to do, your intelligence stay low.


french IQ remain low and it will not be higher as strangers are coming from land where IQ is even lower
added on the 2005-02-04 08:09:17 by hollowman hollowman
I see here and there tons of ppl are against myself since the Save The Demo Scene article.
They called me idiot and do they do something else to improve my level ?

here is a free clue for you ep : considering your level it would have been wise to lurk a while and improve it before writing a peremptory article about saving WHAT YOU FUCKIN DONT UNDERSTAND.

When I ask something, simply answer and stop saying

YES SIR! ... euh no sir! who fuckin are you to give us orders sir ?!

You sceners who hate myself aren't my friends anymore.

oh too bad! ... wait a bit, when were we friends ?!

You simply lack a value : respect.

You lack so many values, and humility is the first one.

And you lack a quality : listening.

And you lack two qualities : reasoning and writing.

Good day.
Good bye.
added on the 2005-02-04 08:39:44 by Zest Zest
hello im an idiot, can you please improve my level instead of telling me im an idiot? you disrespectfull racist deaf fools. i'll set the cops on you and lock you away in a mental institute for calling me a clueless lamer and threatning to kill me if i don't stop talking bullshit.
added on the 2005-02-04 09:12:17 by psenough psenough
stumbled over my old acronym list by accident... =)
added on the 2005-03-10 19:15:37 by dipswitch dipswitch
either ep is actually making fun of all of us or France is in real trouble
added on the 2005-03-10 20:25:50 by apricot apricot
Hey dip, speaking about acronyms, what have these groups in common: G*P, SCX, TAP, VAC, VOZ? ;)
maden: they all suck? :D
added on the 2005-03-10 23:26:38 by psenough psenough
hahaha! ps has leading!!!
added on the 2005-03-11 00:46:05 by okkie okkie
added on the 2005-03-11 00:56:53 by nula nula
Oldskool.. style of demos / productions coming from mostly oldie but goldie hardware such as Commodore 64, Sinclair's ZX Spectrum, misc Amiga computers, and so on.

Typically, oldskool style involves lots of borin.. err fascinating scroll texts that try to describe exactly what the hell you are looking at on the screen (if you couldn't figure it out already)

Also, the term can mean classic effects such as plasmas, sine waves, metaballs, fractals, and other such lovely things.

racism against PC when you own an Amiga, Racism against ST when you own an Amiga too and so on

Don't forget racism against macs too ep ;)
added on the 2005-03-11 03:13:23 by rebootjac rebootjac
is it becuz I is Mac ?

a Mac is a gadget, not a computer :)
You sceners who hate myself aren't my friends anymore

Because they used to be. har har.
