Demos with political topics?
category: general [glöplog]
Quote:Wow, there's quite a lot considering most compo rules say no politics.
Do they? I can't think of a single one.
You aren't wrong! Where the hell did I get that idea from.
I had the same idea actually .. maybe it used to be a thing?

demo'ish object
Im pretty sure thats the best thing i've ever seen. please tell me it's real.
You can find some in crazy demos, probably Przyjaciele Stefana B make something about, kah835gb is some kind of political demo, dog star descend/amnesty too.
The Austrian Way of Problem Solving in 2018 AD:
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FPÖ-Wehrsprecher: „Boden“ in Nordafrika besetzen
Der freiheitliche Nationalratsabgeordnete und Wehrsprecher Reinhard Bösch hat in einem Interview mit der „Neuen Vorarlberger Tageszeitung“ (Sonntag-Ausgabe) unter anderem Vorschläge geliefert, wie der illegalen Immigration nach Europa begegnet werden könnte. Dabei schloss er nicht aus, dass in Nordafrika mit Truppen Territorium eingenommen werden könnte.
„Raum muss in Besitz genommen werden“
Laut Bösch, der seit 1999 für die FPÖ im Nationalrat sitzt, ist es in Sachen illegaler Migration das Wichtigste, die europäischen Außengrenzen zu schützen, um den Wohlstand Europas zu erhalten und ein Zeichen auszusenden, dass Europa auf illegalem Weg nicht zu erreichen sei.
Sollte das nicht oder nur unzureichend gelingen, so Bösch weiter, sei es legitim, „Anlandeplattformen in Libyen oder anderen nordafrikanischen Ländern zu errichten“, dann müsse zeitlich begrenzt „ein Raum in Besitz genommen werden“.
„Regierungspartei träumt vom Einmarsch in Nordafrika“
Auf die Frage hin, ob das auf europäischem Festland erfolgen sollte, antwortet Bösch: „Oder in Nordafrika. Dort könnte mit militärischen Kräften ein Raum in Besitz genommen werden. Dieser muss gesichert werden. Es braucht Versorgungseinrichtungen für die Flüchtlinge, die dann von dort in ihre Heimatländer zurückgebracht werden.“
Kritik an den Vorschlägen kam aus dem Europaparlament. Michel Reimon, Mitglied des Ausschusses für Auswärtige Angelegenheiten im Straßburger Parlament und Kodelegationsleiter der österreichischen Grünen erklärte in einer Aussendung: „Hier träumt eine Regierungspartei vom militärischen Einmarsch in Nordafrika. Wie Putins Truppen auf der Krim sollen europäische Soldaten ein Gebiet in Nordafrika besetzen und Völkerrecht brechen.“
„Die extreme Rechte ist jetzt rhetorisch nicht mehr bei der Abwehr von Menschen, sondern beim Angriffskrieg.“ Bösch habe einen Eid auf die österreichische Verfassung und die Neutralität geschworen, „hat aber offensichtlich Rommel im Kopf“. Verteidigungsminister Mario Kunasek (FPÖ) und „Schweigekanzler“ Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) sollten klarstellen, dass das nicht die Linie der österreichischen EU-Ratspräsidentschaft sei.
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FPÖ spokesman: Occupying "ground" in North Africa
In an interview with the "Neue Vorarlberger Tageszeitung" (Sunday edition), Reinhard Bösch, a member of the National Council for Freedom and spokesman for the armed forces, made suggestions on how illegal immigration to Europe could be countered. He did not rule out the possibility that territory could be taken by troops in North Africa.
"Space must be taken possession."
According to Bösch, who has been a member of the National Council for the FPÖ since 1999, the most important thing in terms of illegal migration is to protect Europe's external borders in order to preserve Europe's prosperity and send out a signal that Europe cannot be reached illegally.
Should this not succeed, or only insufficiently, Bösch continued, it would be legitimate "to build landing platforms in Libya or other North African countries", then "a space must be taken into possession for a limited period of time".
"ruling party dreams of invasion of North Africa"
When asked whether this should be done on the European mainland, Bösch replies: "Or in North Africa. Military forces could take possession of a room there. This must be secured. It needs care facilities for the refugees, who are then taken back to their home countries."
Criticism of the proposals came from the European Parliament. Michel Reimon, member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs in the Strasbourg Parliament and head of the Austrian Greens' code delegation, said in a statement: "Here a ruling party dreams of a military invasion of North Africa. Like Putin's troops in Crimea, European soldiers are to occupy an area in North Africa and break international law."
"The extreme right is now rhetorically no longer in defending people, but in the war of aggression." Bösch swore an oath to the Austrian constitution and neutrality, "but obviously has Rommel in mind". Defence Minister Mario Kunasek (FPÖ) and "Chancellor of Silence" Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) were to make it clear that this was not the Austrian EU Council Presidency's line.
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Regarding the previous posting, I am not a member of the FPÖ, and I do not even sympathize with the FPÖ. But I am Austrian, and in the past people here on have often expressed irritation with political views I expressed. I shared this news item so you see that this is an Austrian phenomenon - so that you see what methods of solving political problems are considered by a member of parliament of one of the ruling parties of Austria.
Austria, Generations Ahead ;)
Austria, Generations Ahead ;)
Adok: And the connection to demos is ... ?
batshit crazy Austrians and their Lebensraum ideas, there must be something in their Alpwasser
I shared this news item so you see that this is an Austrian phenomenon
Neo-colonialist belches by someone associated with the ruling party are definitely not an "Austrian phenomenon". I'd be surprised if anyone but the brain dead nationalist core voters of the FPÖ seriously considered this idea. It's laughably absurd, even for the standards of the party it originated in.
German Kraut jumping in to the rescue. Spacepigs should make a demo about it. Problem solved.
Well, you know, there is also an Austrian province that was previously associated with the Kingdom of Bavaria. In this province, people mostly occupy themselves with milking cows, drinking beer, and wearing lederhosen and foliba. They are satisfied with their lifestyle and do not think of invading foreign countries or similar stuff. But Austria used to be a large Empire, ruling over Hungary, Czechia, Slovakia, Croatia, parts of Poland, parts of Ukraine, parts of Serbia, parts of Romania, Bosnia, Northern Italy, etc. The people who managed this Empire were sitting in Vienna and that's where these ideas come from, more or less. Or so it might be explained.
Pretty sure the Spacepigs Kaiser is way more into shouting "Ja! Ja! Ja!" than conquering Libya! ;)
Adok: let's call it a "phenomenon" when important people are seriously discussing this transparent whim on TV.
Pretty sure the Spacepigs Kaiser is way more into shouting "Ja! Ja! Ja!" than conquering Libya! ;)
He would if he could!
Paralax, agreed. But I am sure you got the point, namely that many of the political ideas I presented in the couple of the years I was active on that sounded strange to foreigners are actually considered more or less "normal" in Austria, maybe except among radical "left-wingers".
All: Did you know that the German national epos "Nibelungenlied" (starring Siegfried von Xanten) was written by an Austrian? Also, Austria (Habsburg) was the dominating power within Germany (Holy Roman Empire) for centuries. That's not a lie.
All: Did you know that the German national epos "Nibelungenlied" (starring Siegfried von Xanten) was written by an Austrian? Also, Austria (Habsburg) was the dominating power within Germany (Holy Roman Empire) for centuries. That's not a lie.
Adok: to be quite honest, I've not studied your political opinions on Pouet over the years.
I've got stuff to do ;)
I've got stuff to do ;)
@Adok: The point of this thread is to post demos with political themes.