Anyone remembers old dos cracktro - a rotating cube of balls?
category: general [glöplog]
Hi guys. I saw this very long ago, around ~1994...1995 at friend work, where we enjoyed new PC demos. All I remember is a light background with spinning 3D cube made up of solid balls. It seems it was small cracktro or some kind of bbstro with only one effect. There was tracker music.
Maybe someone will remember?
Maybe someone will remember?
The description doesn't match exactly but somehow it made me think of this one, so just in case:
Thank you keops. No, does not look like :)
some more details would be helpful... vectorballs have been pretty popular back then
T$, if I could... =(( this guy who showed me does not remember.
It was PC, MS DOS, 100% sure. (Not Amiga/Atari,etc.) It was maybe 1994. The demo apparently is of one effect with tracked music, nice melody/sound. I not remember other parts. Unfortunally, myriads of such small cracktro/bbstro/trainer/intro exists, for example I remember not black screen, but somewhat light stylish background, possible white? Light gray? Light gradient? Which is unusual design itself, because most DOS demos was on black screen. Possible not 320x200 mode (I not remember any pixelation), but probably high screen mode, like 640x480.
Only main fx was this beauty vectorballs cube, balls possibly in light color (maybe yellowish? bluish? gold?), arranged into 3D rotated cube.
The balls was packed tighltly, without noticeable gaps. I suspect balls was perspective-corrected, with sizes correspond to distance, but it only my guess. I no remember scroll/messages, but apparently it was there (very, very faint memory suggests that was maybe somewhat like flying away small letters or floating message... but it again only guess...).
(I think it will be funny to compare this description, when we find it..)
It was PC, MS DOS, 100% sure. (Not Amiga/Atari,etc.) It was maybe 1994. The demo apparently is of one effect with tracked music, nice melody/sound. I not remember other parts. Unfortunally, myriads of such small cracktro/bbstro/trainer/intro exists, for example I remember not black screen, but somewhat light stylish background, possible white? Light gray? Light gradient? Which is unusual design itself, because most DOS demos was on black screen. Possible not 320x200 mode (I not remember any pixelation), but probably high screen mode, like 640x480.
Only main fx was this beauty vectorballs cube, balls possibly in light color (maybe yellowish? bluish? gold?), arranged into 3D rotated cube.
The balls was packed tighltly, without noticeable gaps. I suspect balls was perspective-corrected, with sizes correspond to distance, but it only my guess. I no remember scroll/messages, but apparently it was there (very, very faint memory suggests that was maybe somewhat like flying away small letters or floating message... but it again only guess...).
(I think it will be funny to compare this description, when we find it..)
Sounds like all OSDM intros.
since we're here, cubic player usually had a 4k intro (-ish thing) supplemented next to it called nothing huge, a few toruses rotating in slow succession + your cookie-cutter 90s chip track. anyone has a vidcap of that, or is it up on pouet somewhere? can't quite find it.. :)
Nagz: this one?
Nagz: this one?
YEP! thanks ;) phong donuts, I hate them as hell!!! :)))
(if you are old, you should understand me. Just kiddin)
(if you are old, you should understand me. Just kiddin)
A rotating cube of balls. Could have been Tec - Crb, or anyone for that matter. I do remember Tec /CRB meeting Dexter/Eon, to sell his Dungeon And Dragons game.
Big rotating balls dude.
And Fantasy RPG dude, Dexter played it for hours.
Dexter invited me to Hokksund to play, which was a nice bike ride (~1h). I don´t think he got the rules quite right though. So it was mostly for relaxation for bike ride back. :)
do they touch
what about a rotating balls of cubes
HEROES of Middle Earth! LOL

Morality is, if you want to be like Tec known for many bobs on the amiga, play Dungeons & Dragons.
A good thing about it was I actually made Dexter use his bike, the same way to me, sometimes, and listen to mods.
Str8 outta tha streetz of muthaphukkin rotating Solid Balls.
Dude Bit A500man, plz stop flood/offtopic. Cryptoburners were only active on the Amiga, I never saw them on the PC scene.
I just visited
...From fog and darkness somehow words "Fairlight" appears... To my surprise, they do have a trainer with vectorballed cube. "Breakline +2 Trainer by Fairlight"
..but. 1. I hear no music in DosBox (does anyone hear music?). 2. The background is dark. So, I concluded no, it's not it? Everything will be clear when I will hear the music.
I just visited
...From fog and darkness somehow words "Fairlight" appears... To my surprise, they do have a trainer with vectorballed cube. "Breakline +2 Trainer by Fairlight"
..but. 1. I hear no music in DosBox (does anyone hear music?). 2. The background is dark. So, I concluded no, it's not it? Everything will be clear when I will hear the music.