Bigger screenshots
category: general [glöplog]
I wholeheartedly condone plugins / userscripts btw.
me too! i just don't install them or think they solve a problem that they're only masking
I can't accept the plugin as a solution because there's no reliable association of pouet prods to demozoo entries, it can result in a situation where the pouet that I see is different from the pouet that others see (this can be frustrating), and to set a bigger screenshot for my prod I need to go over and add it to demozoo.
Havoc: AHA!!!! So you DO consider the screen shot sizes a problem!
Thumb for Pandur and LJ for the idea alone.
pandur: nice! little bug report: the plugin overrides the filtering on _all_ images on the site though from interpolated (auto?? in CSS?) to crisp/pixelated. at least in latest Chrome and when zoomed in 125% which kinda makes all the icons and avatars look fuglier than they already are ;)
How about we let the users decide? Like gloom says on previous page, it's more about the page layout that becomes very clumsy for those with ultra-wide screens. The screenshot supposed to be a sneak peek, a little choppiness doesn't really matter.
We already have the awesome customöolobstormaziabletic 7004+ super MK2!. Wouldn't the easiest possible option be to allow users to allow the browser to nearest-neighbor scale the screenshots (default: 1.6x to go from 400 to 640) and make the layout more accessible for our 4k friends?
About the possibility to upload future screenshots in 640x480 or higher, I have no opinion. Anything goes.
We already have the awesome customöolobstormaziabletic 7004+ super MK2!. Wouldn't the easiest possible option be to allow users to allow the browser to nearest-neighbor scale the screenshots (default: 1.6x to go from 400 to 640) and make the layout more accessible for our 4k friends?
About the possibility to upload future screenshots in 640x480 or higher, I have no opinion. Anything goes.
^ That would probably be super-easy with an userscript too though.
please do all your scaling in a userscript indeed (and don't forget to explain users of the script why oldskool stuff suddenly looks shit)
We're beginning to mix many different things here; "bigger screenshots" wouldn't be mandatory, it just mean a larger cap for the size and a fixed size thumbnail if needed - a 320x240 shot would remain 320x240.
until some schmuck decides to upscale it for real estate reasons
I've said it many times: you can fix code, you can't fix people.
so don't send them invitations?
400x300 is not a native resolution either though, so the invitation is already there.
it's just about close enough to lowres PAL overscan for that invitation not to sound too loudly according to the last 18 years
400x300 is not a native resolution either though, so the invitation is already there.
Perhaps 800x600 was too much, so they halved the dimensions.
So upscaling them in realtime is not a thing in modern times?