demosceners using choon to earn cryptocurrency from streams?
category: music [glöplog]
Hi, who here is using Choon?
So far Hoffman is on there,
so's Langwerk
and Distance/Lackluster
Anyone else?
So far Hoffman is on there,
so's Langwerk
and Distance/Lackluster
Anyone else?
I like it how at this stage they won't even advertise WHICH cryptocurrency.
I like it how at this stage they won't even advertise WHICH cryptocurrency.
It is their own, called NOTES, which apparently 10,000 NOTES = 1 ETH.
gonna see how to exchange 10K Notes for 1 Eth when I reach 10K. should be interesting to see if there's a fee or anything like that.
So you get an imaginary currency noone else uses, that you can maybe exchange to another imaginary currency that's not really used anywhere either, and then maybe you can exchange that to actual currency?
So you get an imaginary currency noone else uses, that you can maybe exchange to another imaginary currency that's not really used anywhere either, and then maybe you can exchange that to actual currency?
i guess so. altho ethereum does seem to be fairly popular, much like bitcoin.
So you get an imaginary currency noone else uses, that you can maybe exchange to another imaginary currency that's not really used anywhere either, and then maybe you can exchange that to actual currency?
Still, that is more than soundcloud
Not if you can't exchange it.
Not if you can't exchange it.
people exchange ethereum to euros constantly.
i guess so. altho ethereum does seem to be fairly popular, much like bitcoin.
or try Litecoin too.
that scheme isn't so bad compared to other dead ends such as unlimited energy \o/
yeah, interesting actually :)
that scheme isn't so bad compared to other dead ends such as unlimited energy \o/
unlimited energy? what's that (in this context)
ah, I have not read properly that it is based on ETH and that is 'proof of stake' currency, maybe that's what he means as an unlimited energy?
unlimited energy? what's that (in this context)
the same as in all other contexts: bullshit :)
It can also mean that unlimited energy will soon be needed to mine bitcoin since the difficulty is so high.
So is it really the case that anyone can just go and set up their own cryptocurrency these days?
i´d mine some fizzerCoins for sure! ;)
better than trumpCoins!
better than trumpCoins!
Yeah the above mentioned Langwerk would be me then :)

No need to question cryptocurrency. It is here to stay. I am a little annoyed that I didnt get my stuff together and create a site like choon as I was working on it but spun my wheels a bit...
So is it really the case that anyone can just go and set up their own cryptocurrency these days?
Uh yeah, it's been like that since many years. Take your pick.
So you get an imaginary currency noone else uses, that you can maybe exchange to another imaginary currency that's not really used anywhere either, and then maybe you can exchange that to actual currency?
it is even not a cryptocurrency, it is just a token and yeah, there is a lot of bullshits on Ethereum, but musicians have nothing to lose by getting it...but definitely, nothing for investment(personal opinion)
Good news!
You're officially invited to join the Choon platform as an artist.
Uh-huh, didn't take too long.
You're officially invited to join the Choon platform as an artist.
Uh-huh, didn't take too long.
Long terms of service, so did you guys read these?
The site doesn't run ads, and seems to have no income, no investors, no liquidity, but offers to pay musicians "for free". It offers something that may or may not be viable to turn into real world currency, but there seems to be no information on how these get allocated per-play, there's no data on what the pay-per-play rate is, whether it's equal rate across artists or whether some artists "earn" more than others.
This is like the shareware version of the music industry that has the actual money-related features disabled.
This is like the shareware version of the music industry that has the actual money-related features disabled.
I open my freezer set on max 24/7! That mines -10 crypt points a day!! In words: Ten!