
DiHalt 2018, july, 7th - 8th, RU

category: parties [glöplog]
Only 1 day left to the remote deadline!

Thanks for reminding me, entry is almost ready ^^
added on the 2018-07-05 19:03:36 by HellMood HellMood
added on the 2018-07-06 17:04:55 by g0blinish g0blinish
I saw a guy with his pants off before.
added on the 2018-07-07 18:40:01 by El Topo El Topo
stream sux
added on the 2018-07-07 20:45:05 by g0blinish g0blinish
@g0blinish: as usual
added on the 2018-07-07 21:09:50 by wbcbz7 wbcbz7
what kind of sucking do you mean? the twitch stream is stable since some little sound issues when it was raining in the afternoon. https://www.twitch.tv/di_halt
added on the 2018-07-07 21:15:46 by aqu aqu
great ZX music compo btw...
added on the 2018-07-07 21:21:25 by aqu aqu
@aqu: he means countless compo delays and long breaks (like footbal watching or something other), well known and recurring dihalt traditions :)
added on the 2018-07-07 23:20:34 by wbcbz7 wbcbz7
I see. :) It was to expect, yep. Now get some hot black coffe out of the Volga's cargo bay and put 32 sugar cubes in my cup please.
added on the 2018-07-08 01:57:16 by aqu aqu
(I took the liberty of translating moroz1999 post-DiHalt post that fueled some discussion. You should reach persons involved if you need additional comments.)

“Nedotikomka” Art Project

Many people sensed the trick and suspected the anomaly even on the eve of the party, and now, after DiHalt 2018 is over, I want to explain what our humble little group Dibiliki did, and why.

As many artists, we've long had a serious beef with the viewer. Yes, it is the viewer who is responsible for the absurdity that is happening on the scene. All these rough sketch tier works, copies of others' work entering competition(!), banal and hackneyed topics, and an endless, continuous vortex of self-repetition are the deeds of the viewer.

Who knows nothing on pixel graphics techniques?

Who votes for any pointless uninspired nonsense?

Who keeps and keeps filling the tops with coloured doppelgangers, burying original works?

Whose knowledge of modern art never got across century old abstractionists?

Who doesn't want to grow and acquire own taste, and only wants to gobble nicely time and time again?

The exact answer to all of these questions is “the viewer”. The demand creates the supply. The demand for fast food creates fast food. But who do we think we are to argue with that and draw someone in against their will? We respect and appreciate the tastes of our viewers, that's why we have decided to buckle down and feed their gobbling, to their heart's content, to their bloody belches.

So, the idea of our art project “Nedotikomka” was to prepare and submit anonymously the maximum number of absolutely sinful, uninspired, and unacceptable works to any suitable party. To dive into that indescribable atmosphere and hit a new high of common everyday scene absurd, so to speak. As Everest summiteers, moving step by step to a shining peak, we spawned absolutely miserable hacks, created mail accounts, and submitted entries day after day. The outcome was not as numerous as it would be if we didn't have more important projects, but the final result, in my opinion, exceeded any expectations.

If you haven't entered into the spirit of the idiocy ruling supreme, here's the fact: we cobbled together twenty nine works, we watched them, and we are making a review of them. How's that for you, Elon Musk?

Obviously, those accounts were not used for voting. Dear viewer, acting independently and without our help, brought one of our works to the third prized place. Bravo! We couldn't hope for failure so spectacular — the other eight works blended with our art project so nicely that we scratched our head over whether a couple of them were actually also our own.

By the way, I've heard many sensible ideas about pre-selection in chats, but then I ask you: how many works remain in competition if you throw away our trash and the rest that is on the same level? Three? Four? And how many masterpieces appear from nowhere? Like, thirty?

Let's pinch our noses and poke each work with a stick a little.

Stars Have Aligned by Cosmic stranger of love

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This is a tracing and a copy of an equally horrible original. Boobs and female faces have always won at compos, hell, what was wrong with that one? Boobs? Check. Female face? Check. Fashionable demo effect? Check. All signs point that's the winner.

mister madman by Miloslav

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This is in the technique of “automatic writing”. That's when subconsciousness pitches the ideas, and the hand draws. As a result, that ambition-reduced technique introduces less flashy glitz, and shows clearly and without decorum what happens in artist's head. If it's not boom-boom-textures-colourful-mug, and something more oligophrenic, well, too bad.

I Worked by Author of the Work

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We really got used to the notion of “party work”. Compo has 38 works, wow! Has a true ring! As if someone really worked. So it has been routinely accepted that any image is a work. As if daubing for an hour, in itself, advances the person in rank to “authors of the work”.

c demon by lordpxl

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As we were creating our effulgent masterpieces, we found that it was hard to hit the rock bottom in an original manner. That gave us the idea to make a parody of works from other compos that had questionable quality and unclear point. Most often, people search for something beautiful to copy and be inspired, but we decided to find enjoyment in tamping down the ardor, and offering the characteristically pointless and unmotivated acts of copying to the viewer. Have you found the source of style and story yet?

Prophets Have Formed a Queue for the Water by kolbasa-style

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Everyone loves pretty textures. Are they still pretty if you simply dub them with different brushes? They are even prettier now! Even more so if you get rid of any hints of a solid story, leaving just the idiotic mug painted over by cross for no reason at all on screen.

Ugly Face-ace-ace by Vitalino

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What can be more banal that presenting someone else's maymees at the party? Blazing up and drawing it by your own hands, in extra acid colours. We did it so bad it became good, didn't we?

Dolphin by Chember

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The zest of the party works is when a grown up draws like a preschooler, and a whole crowd of other grown ups assess it and vote for it using a software written for that specific task. Are we dreaming a mad dream? Don't miss the details — the bubbles emerge from the sank bottle, the plane carries the DiHalt banner, everyone is happy. Author is happy and viewers are happy, as they find each other in pathological infantilism, and eternally reproduce each other.

One sad silly face by RocketGirl

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Any idiot can copy another person's work. What is more interesting is copying a copy of another person's work, and being wild enough to ditch the original copy (i. e. the copy of the original) from the very beginning to create a non-copy along its lines. In other words, make a non-copy of the copy. No one had done this.

Non-copy of the Non-copy of the Copy by The Absolute Master of All Noncopia

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Any idiot can non-copy another person's copy. Have you done a non-copy of the non-copy of the copy? We did. We had a fun time. One look at the original non-copy of the copy, and in about an hour we had a on-copy of the non-copy of the copy that would be appreciated and adored at the party.

song of true indian by PharaO

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41 persons voted for this work. Including the readers of this fine article, the total amount of time spent viewing that work exceeds the time spent on its making. What else can humble artists need?

Spill Yourself, Hurry Up by Vladis

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Do you know how hard it is to make a dumber face than in the Work “I Worked”? You don't, because you didn't try. We did, and we are absolutely sure that it's a real pain in the rear, and all our experience, all our willpower, and all our uncommon talent couldn't help us to outmatch a number of really outstanding examples from other parties.

Burratio by Vivan

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How can you impress a honorable viewer, what other sinful archetype of the Fall from Scene should be brought to light? Obviously, the topic of wagsies. Wagsies are the best matter to bring in at competition — a foolproof plot, a safe comfort zone for the author to curl inside a skull box like a snail in its shell, and risk nothing at all. Let other artists demonstrate their pathetic inner world to grim viewers while we whack the good old lols.

Anaconda's Bite by C. Ouch

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Gigascreen gives the work advantage by default. Even as ridiculous as this risque bite of anaconda from some COuch. Theoretically, you can transfer any delirium onto gigascreen, an it will take the whopping twelfth place from the end.

Vegetable Diarrhea by Vovka

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If you can creatively thrive on the works from other platforms, why can't you do the same to Speccy authors? Forgive us, ALKO, for loose paraphrase of one of your honestly not bad works, but we really really had to hit rock bottom. The life would be unbearable if we couldn't be aware of the fact that scene ogled as ruthlessly pointless work as the one we made working on this parody.

Enormous Watermelons! by Nurgo

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What is the most totally absurd and inept thing you've seen on the internet in your whole life? A sure entry in out top ten is a famous photo session of “Immortal” that blessed the world with such top quality visual idiocy that no one can remain unchanged after seeing it, and not giggle while nervously looking around every minute.

How do you turn the picture heat up thrice? You need to add insane colours, blinking, and watermelons. They really came up frickin' enormous.

joooo by Oleg Kopytov

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Dumbest face competition is at its climax. Incidentally, we had a chance to test our skills of a specific Eastern European trash technique, and now declare that it was shamefully easy. Any resemblance to actual nicknames is purely coincidental (this is honest).

Castle by Haked

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Fast work to increase the count. Adding a work to increase the count for the sole reason that party doesn't have enough works is a grave sin. A temptation too big to skip in our little project.

A Dog and A Beaver Look at a Squirrel on an Old Tree by Ida Belova

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In my opinion, the image on screen is so self-evident that it won't be fair to explain it to the reader. Automatic writing at its best.

Trump by Longshooter

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Let's continue our study of depths of falling from grace. So, why is it sinful-ish to use Trump? No, not for political reasons. It is a scandalous figure in the limelight. He's too much on the surface, he is the first choice of nine out of ten people who try to imagine socially charged work.

That's why he was in our list immediately. Why were the ducks? What would you think? Of course, they are fundamentally worthless, and the work itself is a crappy two level conversion combined into an interlace in Photoshop, with hand-drawn sprinkles and licks of paint.

Bird by Petr Nguyen

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Another parody motivated by hopelessness and frustration.


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Copy of the work from The Museum of Bad Art. Absurdity of the “artists” demonstrating their strange ego through earnest copying of flashiest works of great talent drove us mad, and, to counter that perverted logic, we faithfully and lovingly copied the wretched and miserable painting that is widely regarded as such. It turned out to be so beautiful that we are going to get a lot of blue t-shirts with that print that will surely sell like crazy.

Baby Batman by Rei Ayanami

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What can be more thrilling and safe than using others' illustration abilities? When it's tracing over the original instead of drawing by sight, it's simply perfect. A unique way to hack a job and learn nothing.

redskin by Zdenek

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By conversion of others' works, we got rid of the poignancy and cowardice that characterize the visual art of the Scene. What can be more liberating than spending time to fix a conversion no one needs by hand, making it look nice, and then screwing it up in one swift move by adding the ecstatic eyes of a hero in a famous video? Hip, badass, teenage-aimed!

Marige Above the Building by 8bit fan

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An honorable standalone entry in our anti-rating is for pop-images of eight bit childhood. Especially that mustached ghoul, who is always too abundant, he gets to your roof and creeps through the vents while you are sleeping, and he will joyfully strangle what's left of your artistic talent if you don't brace yourself and bury him under some birch tree. The same is true for pacmans, the invaders, and any other contras. Let those old people retire, and get their images out of your system.

Treepeople by Oliver West

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You must not release old unreleased works on compos. It's a sure mothballed blow to the foundations of a live competition, a spit in the face of live participants. That's why we couldn't miss it in our anti-project.

Masterpiece [of art] by Borgee

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The Great Anatomical Sin. Who can tell what is wrong with that automatically drawn portrait?

let the savior come by Antonius

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Robocops, vandammes, terminators, predators and aliens. All that zoo is as welcomed and demanded by the viewer as it is infinitely distances from the concept of art. Countless postmodern rehashes and remolds of popular scenes can only be evolved by drawing half of Arnold's face from poster by sight, and mirroring it to the other half to make our hero look inimitably like a clinically dumb person. Thanks, Arnie, we are now free from you! And you are free from us, fly into the wilderness!

Fearless by Rei Ayanami

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A study of any graphical ambitiouslessness sooner or later reaches the bottomless layer of anime. Anime, wicked and merciless, the last retreat of infantile bearded male running from the cruel reality. A typical candidate for our project.

Quiet evening by Taziano Lorenzo

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The pinnacle — as it was revealed — of our project. The original idea of this work was to show that someone else's monochrome graphics can be ripped off to Speccy even by someone who haven't regained consciousness. In other words, the conversion of works like those is an imbecile activity that requires neither experience nor effort.

It's pretty symbolic that the work that probably cost the least amount of effort got the third place.

So, dear viewer, are you stuffed? Does the feeling of being full overcome you, or do you want more? Don't hesitate to ask, because there will be a lot of compos in the future, and we have a lot of wonderful ideas itching to be realized, take form, and shit inside your brain. Because we are Dibiliki, and we are ready to work hard for the enjoyment of the viewer.
added on the 2018-07-13 03:54:38 by ceyT ceyT
Moroz99 an idiot: what did he want to proove?
added on the 2018-07-13 04:16:27 by g0blinish g0blinish
Didn't expect a 20th century art manifesto and movement to come out of that underwear congress in the Russian woods. Great achievement!
added on the 2018-07-13 14:45:01 by El Topo El Topo
...I'm gonna need a more refined translation and a bit of context here.
added on the 2018-07-13 14:58:12 by Gargaj Gargaj
It sounds like the no-copy boohoohoo all over again
added on the 2018-07-13 15:04:58 by havoc havoc
there are no translation: two people create several accounts with names and upload faked "steps" for pictures and entries.

very funny.

added on the 2018-07-13 15:38:24 by g0blinish g0blinish
wow. 1996 wants his nonsense back
added on the 2018-07-13 21:32:06 by groepaz groepaz
The downloaded steps are not faked, and although the artists who did this regularly try to convince everyone in pleasures of no-copy, this performance is not about no-copy.

It is mainly about the low standard of a lot of modern graphics compos, where pretty much anything goes and almost anything get accepted as pixel art. So, they made about 30 images using all sorts of things that insult their taste and submitted them into compo. They used conversion for some of these images, both automated and semi-automated, but this is not to make a point about copying or not-copying, but more to reflect the common practice of where a lot of bad graphics tends to come from.

Their last image took 3rd place in the compo.
added on the 2018-07-13 21:47:57 by introspec introspec
about fake:

С конверсиями вопрос: а работа гоблина — это значительная доработка? Я бы сказал, что она сшита из разных вариантов конверсии одной и той же картинки. Более того, есть неподтвержденное ощущение, что шаги сымитированы (как пришлось нам имитировать шаги некоторых ручных работ, для которых шаги просто было тупо не сохранены).

Пафос и Абсурд спешат на помощь
added on the 2018-07-14 03:47:26 by g0blinish g0blinish
First of all, thanks to @ceyT for translating the article to this perfect English. I wouldn't be able to do this by myself, this is far beyond my skills.

Nedotikomka is a really rare Russian folklore word. It is curious in itself, since almost nobody really understands what it is. Fyodor Sologub has used it to describe a small demon in his original novel, which symbolizes a chaotic nature, an absurd, something small, slippery and beastly.

Gladly, it's not about copy/nocopy.

And yes, we've forgot to keep the steps for about 5 works out of 28 in the very beginning, so the steps for these first works had to be faked. The rest 23 have original steps, since it's easier to keep them than to fake them. How does it matter anyway?
Мороз, ты смешон в роли ДонКихота при походе на nocopy.

Ты хвалишь конверсии diver4d и обсираешь другие работы, тебе чудятся одни конверсии.

В этом ты сходен с пафосным дурачком - ты и он обсираешь любого, кто вторгся на вашу территорию.

И что ты добился свои перформансом? потешил свое ЧСВ? Ты только подосрал организаторам.

Хочешь славы? выеби в жопу свою ботаничку на любом пати.

added on the 2018-07-14 09:49:40 by g0blinish g0blinish
G0blinish, you couldn't have helped us more, than you helped us by submitting your "non-conversion" to compo. And now we are the ones shitting the organizers, lol.
Thanks for participating!
Ты ничего не добился, ты не смого отстоять свою тз в Телеграме, не нашел своих аргументов - было забавно читать.

Всем похуй, да и сейчас ничего не изменится.

насчет "конверсий" - дунь в пичугинский хуй, а?
added on the 2018-07-14 11:28:01 by g0blinish g0blinish
i think the shit category needs to be subdivided
added on the 2018-07-14 11:46:46 by groepaz groepaz
and actor disqualified for a year?
added on the 2018-07-14 12:02:43 by g0blinish g0blinish
