
Merging two modules

category: music [glöplog]
So due to a fantastically stupid bit of editing on my part, I have two IT modules I want to splice together. Basically I want to take channels 1-9 of the first module, and channels 10-14 of the second module. I need to do this for EVERY pattern (32+), which makes it really annoying to do in Impulse/Schism itself. The songs the same length & structure.

If I could just copy the contents of channels 10-14 of ALL PATTERNS in one shot, and paste it over the other module, that would save me a huge amount of work, but selections in IT can't bridge the pattern boundary.

Any suggestions on how go about this without going through a whole bunch of load-select-load-paste-save-load-etc. pain? Can OpenMPT do this?
added on the 2018-05-21 20:59:19 by jmph jmph
Can OpenMPT do this?

File -> Append Module, and remove the channels that should not be merged before opening either of the two modules.
Or, if I misunderstood and you want both songs playing at the same time: You can also copy&(mix-)paste several patterns at once by creating a multi-selection in the order list. If the two songs have different instrument/sample sets, you may want to first append them like described in the previous post, but then merge the patterns together using a multi-pattern selection and mix-paste
^^ thanks, the second one was what I wanted to do. I couldn't get it to mix-paste a sequence of patterns from the order list over the same sequence in the target module (it pasted the first pattern in the list but not the rest), so I had to do it pattern-by-pattern, but it got the job done. Being able to have both modules open at the same time probably saved me a couple hours of mucking around.

Was a great excuse to go check out the latest OMPT revision though. ;)
added on the 2018-05-22 07:38:01 by jmph jmph
Oh right, you possibly need to enable overflow-paste for the mix paste to work across several patterns (last button in the toolbar above the pattern editor).
