Offscreen Colonies: VR Edition
category: general [glöplog]
Would love to make a Vive version if someone hands us a device for a week or two.
*Looks at amount of Vive headsets in vicinity*
I have a possibly functional OpenVR port now so if someone has a Vive, hit me up on IRC.
hm yes.. I can try for you - send me a mail (patar..... @ yahoo) if you want!!
Bravo ! it works !
It's a fascinating experience. I would say that most of it works brilliantly, and the things that don't is a matter of personal taste.
The vertical "shine" rotates with you as you tilt your head - actually it stays vertical in screen space but your world doesn't. This is very simple to fix (if you want to), by taking into account the up vector from the headset. I didn't mind it.
There are some minor glitches between left-right eye with the mirror like projections, but they are very minor and definitely not a bother. I enjoyed the last scene with the "this is your world", it is compelling in 3D.
I felt a tiny bit nauseous at the very beginning, as the camera was moving without me, but got used to it. I can take it for a few short minutes.
The lack of other action as you look around is not a problem either, as there is enough in 180 degrees of frustrum to satisfy (plus there are stars and skyboxes).
The only weird thing is that it starts facing *away* from my screen - I was expecting the menu to be infront of me, but it is behind. Not a problem, I only had to stand up and rotate my chair.
Very good... this is definitely a scene production, and a great one.
It's a fascinating experience. I would say that most of it works brilliantly, and the things that don't is a matter of personal taste.
The vertical "shine" rotates with you as you tilt your head - actually it stays vertical in screen space but your world doesn't. This is very simple to fix (if you want to), by taking into account the up vector from the headset. I didn't mind it.
There are some minor glitches between left-right eye with the mirror like projections, but they are very minor and definitely not a bother. I enjoyed the last scene with the "this is your world", it is compelling in 3D.
I felt a tiny bit nauseous at the very beginning, as the camera was moving without me, but got used to it. I can take it for a few short minutes.
The lack of other action as you look around is not a problem either, as there is enough in 180 degrees of frustrum to satisfy (plus there are stars and skyboxes).
The only weird thing is that it starts facing *away* from my screen - I was expecting the menu to be infront of me, but it is behind. Not a problem, I only had to stand up and rotate my chair.
Very good... this is definitely a scene production, and a great one.
The only weird thing is that it starts facing *away* from my screen - I was expecting the menu to be infront of me, but it is behind. Not a problem, I only had to stand up and rotate my chair.
Okay that is weird.
Looking forward to check it out. My rig only has a 1060GTX, are details configurable?
I did the port on a 1060, it runs reasonably well but not at 90FPS - there's a lowres option at the start (in VR) that guarantees you 90, but it looks a bit arse of course.
great experience. the planets look a bit small in VR so maybe add some objects close to you between you and planet so you experience a planet far away from you.
Gorgeous. But i have a silly idea just in case of experiment. Maybe try to run the intro on a mid range graphics card and a cardboard compatible mobile. Yes i believe it could be a stupid idea but i love to give it try :p
Someone on Twitter suggested that with it should be possible, to essentially have the "headset" (phone+cardboard) stream from the desktop computer.
It could be awesome if the intro work under the 3rd party vr apps. Like trinus or riftcat etc. They worked fine on games. So i have faith in running intro with a cardboard vr. I'm busy during the next month but i will try the trinus+cardboard asap.
If they work with OpenVR, they'll work.
Riftcat supports the OpenVR with VRidge app on android. So its possible. Just need to run the intro with a cardboard+phone.
tried it.
"still outpost" is the only scene where you can move your head without becoming sick from the reprojection - and the rift wants only 60Hz... geez guys :)
still - i appreciate the effort.
( also: anti-aliasing is a thing. :) )
"still outpost" is the only scene where you can move your head without becoming sick from the reprojection - and the rift wants only 60Hz... geez guys :)
still - i appreciate the effort.
( also: anti-aliasing is a thing. :) )
Oculus wants 90fps and it passed the tests on the lowest end config (from 2014). Maybe upgrade? ;) There's a handy tool that tells you what's missing:
(Also good luck hitting 90 with raymarching ;)
(Also good luck hitting 90 with raymarching ;)
(Also good luck hitting 90 with raymarching ;)
That's pushing it

Zavie: I was hoping to answer most of those questions in shape of a talk at possibly Demobit; unfortunately turns out Smash is speaking about pretty much the same things and I don't wanna trample on his talk by presenting an inferior greenhorn version of it so we'll see :)
Hopes transformed into reality, come to Demobit 2018, he will be talking and answering all your questions there :)
Also good luck hitting 90 with raymarching ;)
Certainly not impossible, but a lot of (probably boring) work.
So here's a boring question: Assuming the OpenVR port is up to snuff, should we put it on Steam?
I like to have the intro on steam but i don't know its correct to publish a demoscene product on a gaming service or not.
Erm... it's already in the Oculus store. I'd appreciate a Steam link so that I can spread VR demoscene love throughout the local VR community.
^^ I'd grab it on Steam! A direct download somewhere would also be appreciated though.
Green light for Steam from me! Go, go, go! Spread the beauty of the demoscene all over the world!
Green light for Steam from me! Go, go, go! Spread the beauty of the demoscene all over the world!
Sadly there is no Steam Greenlight anymore
Now available for the HTC VIVE and other OpenVR devices at Viveport: