
Looking for known FT2 bugs

category: music [glöplog]
FT2 is not the only software setting the replen to zero, so using that alone as a heuristic is a bad idea anyway.
Groan, I'm not surprised. Probably even a combination of heuristics only narrows it down to a handful of trackers.
added on the 2018-01-28 15:17:25 by absence absence
The "issue" is that MOD is so simple with so few things that can vary between implementations that it's next to impossible to identify a specific trackers. A group of trackers can sometimes be figured out (e.g. if the notes are within the Amiga limits or not), but getting much more specific than that is hard. One exception might be King Mod with its configuration data stored in the 31st sample slot.
what about searching for and deleting any .IT modules found on the hard drive, local network and cloud? thats the only feature I really missed in FT2.
added on the 2018-01-31 11:51:26 by trc_wm trc_wm
I can make it do that if you hold SHIFT+CTRL then type "svenskefaen" in the tracker. Sounds good? :)
added on the 2018-01-31 12:26:14 by 8bitbubsy 8bitbubsy
The have changed some routines in FT2 in the later Versions (2.04+).
On fast machines with PCI-Soundcards only FT1.01 is working in SBpro-Mode (but hangs if you quit). The FT2 versions up to 2.04? do work nice with covox, but higher that 2.04 ? mouse-movements produces strange crackeling-noises while playing music via covox.

I am not 100% sure if it was 2.04 or 2.05 but if you like I check it out on my PIII600.
Here's the first FT2.10 (DOS) test version: https://16-bits.org/ft210t1.zip

Please let me know if you find any bugs. Not expecting a lot of people to test it, but linking it here might help me find more bugs anyways. The changelog can be found in the Help screen inside the program, as usual.

@drzeissler I have no idea how to fix that. In a way it would be better if the source code was handed to someone that has more knowledge than me, but I guess this is better than no bugfixed version at all.
added on the 2018-02-03 12:55:59 by 8bitbubsy 8bitbubsy
In a way it would be better if the source code was handed to someone that has more knowledge than me, but I guess this is better than no bugfixed version at all.

Probably not many are interested in working on old trackers anyway. I don't think there has been any new releases of Impulse Tracker after its source code was released four years ago.
added on the 2018-02-03 13:23:01 by absence absence
Probably not many are interested in working on old trackers anyway. I don't think there has been any new releases of Impulse Tracker after its source code was released four years ago.

More than you'd think. ;)
I have compiled IT myself including the stereo disk writer, but its code has been mostly been useful as an informational source, i.e. to figure out why things work the way they do.
I still use FT2 for all tracking, the 'feel' isn't right for me in the Windows clones. I remember over on chipmusic.org people were looking at SchismTracker for a while, and there's been a few threads on various dos trackers around. (they like those adlib-enabled laptops) Probably a good place to post news about this new version too.
added on the 2018-02-03 15:26:05 by 4mat 4mat
I can understand, it's like emulation - it often feels wrong. That's the reason I have an Amiga 600 on my desktop. :D
added on the 2018-02-03 15:35:29 by 8bitbubsy 8bitbubsy
The Win/Mac clone of FT2 feels 100% right to me as a FT2tard, I have to admit. And the new mixing routines makes it all sound a lot better.

Still, making a fixed release of FT2 for DOS is amazing too. For the times where you want to do it the old-fashioned way.
added on the 2018-02-03 15:49:47 by gemini gemini
More than you'd think. ;)
I have compiled IT myself including the stereo disk writer, but its code has been mostly been useful as an informational source, i.e. to figure out why things work the way they do.

Oh sure, and I wish the FT2 source was released for precisely that reason. What I meant is that no one is releasing new versions of IT with bug fixes and added features, at least not in a manner visible to search engines.
added on the 2018-02-03 16:09:19 by absence absence
Thanks for releasing a test version!

I've tested this on one of my tracker machines (Win98b, SB) and it works.

Instead of being forced of having channel numbers starting from 1, could you make it an option? Maybe you could change Config -> Layout -> Channel numbering from being a checkbox to a three-way-toggle? Off, standard numbering, "your numbering" ?

Also, I asked before if it was possible to have some kind of tick coordinates in the Instrument Editor and my suggestion is that you put some vi/vim-style XY-coordinates in the top right corner of the actual black box of the volume envelope. The color of the chars could be different from the points and lines, should they collide.
added on the 2018-02-03 16:55:58 by Psychad Psychad
There's no room left in FT2.CFG for such a setting, also the stuff that *was* unused (BIOS checksum etc) is in use by my FT2 clone now... Seriously, do people want channel numbers starting at 0? Madness.
Regarding the envelopes, that's just too much work for me. I'm not used to bitplanes, also I'd have to write a new routine to use the small pattern font. Thanks for the suggestion, though.
added on the 2018-02-03 20:12:49 by 8bitbubsy 8bitbubsy
Thanks 8BB for your FT2 clone, I already made a track in it! I'm using it on my MacBook and it works fine! One thing is in old FT2 LAlt-Q brought me to 1st track (LAlt-W to second etc) and when I hit Alt-Q it quits:)) Another thing for consideration may be undo. I know there ever wasn't undo but undo absence ruined my work many times;))
added on the 2018-02-04 15:06:18 by nula nula
This thread is not about the FT2 clone, but the DOS version. Also, I don't know how to override ALT+Q on OS X. Often you find a solution, but it's for this weird programming language that people use for Apple apps.
added on the 2018-02-04 17:13:06 by 8bitbubsy 8bitbubsy
this is actually pretty cool, good job! well... linky :P
added on the 2018-02-04 18:13:41 by Defiance Defiance
nula: Hopefully fixed the Command-Q issue now. Now it should ask if you want to quit instead of just quitting. Can you redownload the FT2 clone from 16-bits.org and see if it fixed your issue?
added on the 2018-02-08 11:41:11 by 8bitbubsy 8bitbubsy
Final version of FT2.10 (DOS): https://16-bits.org/FT210.ZIP
added on the 2018-02-26 21:05:37 by 8bitbubsy 8bitbubsy
I've always been more of a Scream Tracker guy, but congratulations on this release :-)
added on the 2018-03-02 19:16:28 by Debvgger Debvgger
Thanks for this release. Do you happen to know what FT2 for timing? I'm running into a problem with one system with inconsistent playback. Using SB16 no problems, but with a GUS things go out of sync and there are pauses between patterns. Tried tweaking the BIOS (recovery time) etc, but nothing seems to fix/influence the speed issue.
added on the 2018-08-16 10:53:44 by Rawit Rawit
I have researched and done everything and scanned the internet for everything
and tried myself tofind every bug and work around I have a lot of info

if you want it contact me

I have been tracking for years.
I also have a lot of info in it I talked with jeff lim on email he send me the driver specs.
