Games you must play before you die
category: residue [glöplog]

Thimbleweed park. Lotsa retro in it.
at least use a screenshot from the actual release version and not some early development version with unfinished art ;p

now thats a nice gif but what i actually wanted to show was the difference to the first scene shot posted above.

I still win. You don't have the chainsaw.
The chainsaw is very easy to find. ;)
Act 2...which is about 5 mins into the game! ;)
Act 2...which is about 5 mins into the game! ;)

Sorry for the bad resolution

The signal from Tölva. Great,odd explorer/shooter..
How is Bound not already on this list? I guess it's not everyone's cup of tea given it's basically an art walking simulator but it's made by sceners and full of scene effects. Also wonderful to experience the world in VR

Just classic!
the only and imho best online action game ever I was addicted to was born in the scene of course, I'm 'clean' for about 6 years now - ppl became cod-/cs-like selfish dickheads, so... :) did some mapping, orga, ref, and admin stuff for it and me for learning. you need to play it around 2007 :P fake names o.c. fake names o.c.

wonderboy: The Dragon's Trap
If you dig the original on the sega master system you definitely will love this!

shadowrun. without a computer *runs away*
+1 for cuphead; 30y old gameplay + 80y old visuals = win. ;) also, everything that looks like a modern Western Parodius game is a win by default. :)
have a game on pouet: show the thumbnail of prods
"Which demo is it?" - give 2 choices and a countdown.
add +1 choice after every 3 correct guesses so it gets more difficult.
Have 3 lives or something.
Have a filter for platforms.
And maybe for decade/year range
"which group is it?" can be rookie mode :)
+ a version the other way around? show a demo title / group name at top and you have to choose the correct thumbnail, same mechanic as above.
someone, please!
"Which demo is it?" - give 2 choices and a countdown.
add +1 choice after every 3 correct guesses so it gets more difficult.
Have 3 lives or something.
Have a filter for platforms.
And maybe for decade/year range
"which group is it?" can be rookie mode :)
+ a version the other way around? show a demo title / group name at top and you have to choose the correct thumbnail, same mechanic as above.
someone, please!
have a game on pouet: show the thumbnail of prods
"Which demo is it?" - give 2 choices and a countdown.
add +1 choice after every 3 correct guesses so it gets more difficult.
Have 3 lives or something.
Have a filter for platforms.
And maybe for decade/year range
"which group is it?" can be rookie mode :)
+ a version the other way around? show a demo title / group name at top and you have to choose the correct thumbnail, same mechanic as above.
someone, please!
Anyone could easily have implemented this with - will anyone have the courage? :)
^ that would be so fantastic!

Dusk, coming very soon!
I was thrilled about that, after trying the preorder episode 1. That's because I didn't feel anyone did good justice to the oldschool FPS genre, while there were many indie pretending they bring back the old FPS, but just didn't deliver. I think Dusk is the first one to nail it to my taste. Especially in having the classic level design, with great secrets, non linear, mysterious atmospheric that makes you want to explore everything. It nails those elements, and then the rest is spot on, player movement, shoot feeling, funny interactivity, etc.