
SHA2017 (August 4th to 8th)

category: parties [glöplog]
Just about a mere week until SHA2017 in the Netherlands and I'm wondering if there are any fellow sceners to meet there.

I slightly remember some LULI folks and Gnümpfe doing an outdoor demo show as well as a splendid gasman live act from two years ago. Anything like that planned this time, too?
added on the 2017-07-25 02:04:54 by Y0Gi Y0Gi
I'll be there, and doing a "speed-writing a Speccy chiptune" presentation on the Saturday night. Wanted to do a live act as well, but the organisers weren't persuaded... still, I'll bring along a mini keyboard in case the opportunity comes up to do an impromptu gig (illegal rave...?) at some village or other, which is what happened at CCC.
added on the 2017-07-25 23:15:27 by gasman gasman
The SHA2017 entry badge was submitted to the Outline compos earlier this year \o/

But I reckon the number of "regular demosceners" attending the event will be rather minimal at 300 bucks just to park your car and have a look around ;)
added on the 2017-07-26 05:48:01 by havoc havoc
ping anus/defeest
added on the 2017-07-26 14:18:36 by el mal el mal
Most of deFEEST will be there https://wiki.sha2017.org/w/Village:deFEEST 16 in total.

The Badge has become way way more awesome in the mean time (over 3.333 FPS and with lots of handy graphics libraries) . .

I'll try and help @gasman out by finding him an awesome stage to play on!!
Presentation added to my to-watch list :D
added on the 2017-07-26 14:23:01 by the_JinX the_JinX
I'll try and help @gasman out by finding him an awesome stage to play on!!
Presentation added to my to-watch list :D

\o/ Thanks!
added on the 2017-07-26 21:23:38 by gasman gasman
A small GNUMPF unit will be deployed to SHA2017... Come along and party hard! -> https://wiki.sha2017.org/w/Village:GNUMPF-POSSE
added on the 2017-07-30 10:59:07 by tgi tgi
Build up progress:

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added on the 2017-08-04 02:15:54 by Y0Gi Y0Gi
this seems oddly familiar
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added on the 2017-08-07 23:34:11 by gasman gasman
