Edison 2017 - Jun 30-Jul 2
category: parties [glöplog]
Better late than never I guess?
tl;dr: Stockholm this weekend, 180+ registered visitors, all platforms allowed, live performance by Maskinpop, foodtruck selling alcoholic beverages, electronics flea market on Saturday.
Keep an eye out for releases.
tl;dr: Stockholm this weekend, 180+ registered visitors, all platforms allowed, live performance by Maskinpop, foodtruck selling alcoholic beverages, electronics flea market on Saturday.
Keep an eye out for releases.
We are live on scenesat: https://scenesat.com/video/5
<3 Maskinpop! tuned in right on time
MOH as Host at all future parties please. Sofa scenings has seldom been this entertaining :D
Why did the Edison 2017 party appear as a separate party here on Pouet?

Thanks to everyone who came! Special thanks to everyone who released! :-) Especially impressed with the newschool productions this year. Is the Swedish PC scene draught finally coming to an end?
Excellent party! Thanks for being awesome as usual.
Relive Edison 2017 in all its uncensored glory!
All releases are now on Pouet as well.
Was at the after party at Wokhouse in Stockholm for a while yesterday, but went home earlier as i was busy today scene and geek meetup at http://www.wokhouse.net/ every monday 18:00-23:30 during summer https://www.facebook.com/groups/mandagsklubben.stockholm/?ref=br_rs