Outline 2017 - May 25th-28th, Willemsoord, Netherlands
category: parties [glöplog]

What does dfox have to do with all of this?
you already know the orgas loved the party coz we announced the next one ;) so here are some quick responses:
waterguns: 2 of them are in our stockpile now, the other has been transferred to it's rightful new owner mr. scheepers jr., along with the blowup rookworst
nerfguns: were in the bag with toys all weekend, so i added a bunch of extra guns and (homemade) ammo for no reason i guess. do i need to bring this stuff back next year, or should i make some neighbourhood kids happy with it? :)
(hand/dish)soap and other cleaning materials: seems a crate got lost during the party and its contents were never distributed, so i guess my hands and house will be extra clean the upcoming year. thanks to our friends from cologne for noticing and fixing before we did :)
paper tissues in lavatories: are imho very wasteful and as such an unnecessary burden on our environment, so dutch ppl customarily use towels instead, and that's also my advice to visitors. please don't use toiletpaper to dry your hands, not just at outline but anywhere really, because it's not made or suitable for that purpose and it's a rather horrible idea from the hygiene POV to begin with ;)
lost and found: so far i found in the crates some clothing items, 2 usb<>220 adapters, and what appears to be some kind of phone charger cable with little coloured decorations (not LED's or they are broken).
waterguns: 2 of them are in our stockpile now, the other has been transferred to it's rightful new owner mr. scheepers jr., along with the blowup rookworst
nerfguns: were in the bag with toys all weekend, so i added a bunch of extra guns and (homemade) ammo for no reason i guess. do i need to bring this stuff back next year, or should i make some neighbourhood kids happy with it? :)
(hand/dish)soap and other cleaning materials: seems a crate got lost during the party and its contents were never distributed, so i guess my hands and house will be extra clean the upcoming year. thanks to our friends from cologne for noticing and fixing before we did :)
paper tissues in lavatories: are imho very wasteful and as such an unnecessary burden on our environment, so dutch ppl customarily use towels instead, and that's also my advice to visitors. please don't use toiletpaper to dry your hands, not just at outline but anywhere really, because it's not made or suitable for that purpose and it's a rather horrible idea from the hygiene POV to begin with ;)
lost and found: so far i found in the crates some clothing items, 2 usb<>220 adapters, and what appears to be some kind of phone charger cable with little coloured decorations (not LED's or they are broken).
what a lovely party it was!!!
@havoc: one of the waterguns is mine, but i absolutely don't mind if it stays in outline's common property, to be brought back next year.
@havoc: one of the waterguns is mine, but i absolutely don't mind if it stays in outline's common property, to be brought back next year.
I might have misplaced my Nikon HB-23 lens shade somewhere at the party place. If it ended up in a lost+found box or anyone's wondering about the bonus shade in their luggage, please bring it to the next party where we might meet ;)
Pictures on Slengpung - quite a huge batch!
Yaaaay pictures! ^-^
Thanks for bringing back some excellent memories :)
Took a while to finally finish and release it, but here's the full-length version of our newschool music compo entry!
The final version of PHF/D-Bugs Hippel Musicdisk is out now https://demozoo.org/productions/172341/
To whom it may concern,
today I had to remove the Outline bottle opener I received at the very first Nordlicht party in 2012 from my keychain, because even for me as a German it's almost impossible to open a bottle of beer with it (without using it as a crowbar). One of the best merchandise I ever received for free, 11/10, I'll be missing it.
See you all at Outline 2018!
PS: Luckily I have a backup Revision bottle opener, crafted by the awesome Starchaser. <3
today I had to remove the Outline bottle opener I received at the very first Nordlicht party in 2012 from my keychain, because even for me as a German it's almost impossible to open a bottle of beer with it (without using it as a crowbar). One of the best merchandise I ever received for free, 11/10, I'll be missing it.
See you all at Outline 2018!
PS: Luckily I have a backup Revision bottle opener, crafted by the awesome Starchaser. <3
128b ready for outline18
and let´s anounce a "get on everybodys nerfs" compo for 2018 :D
and let´s anounce a "get on everybodys nerfs" compo for 2018 :D
@moqui: what have you done??? :((( my outline opener still works ace almost every weekend...
Practice runs are over. Time for real talk.
Practice runs are over. Time for real talk.
Practice runs are over.
Guideline ft. TPB - guts, experience, balls, haircuts and skills. PC demo competition. Now announced.
Guideline ft. TPB - guts, experience, balls, haircuts and skills. PC demo competition. Now announced.
Practice runs are over.
Guideline ft. TPB - guts, experience, balls, haircuts and skills. PC demo competition. Now announced.

Edge + edge == awesome. Let's do it.

Edge + edge == awesome. Let's do it.

This is an angeldust factory... All right, lets kick ass then! I can dig it!

Den Haag ft. Leiden

en dat deed het ook ;) haha, enfin, done hijacking/trolling, tijd voor een nieuw topic voor een nieuwe editie?