wildest thing ever happened to you (or "your friend") at a demoparty
category: parties [glöplog]
I can only remember finding that grand piano at Function on stage behind the screen, I was totally drunk, some music was playing, and... oooh, the lid opens. A few minutes later sb played the fr-08 soundtrack over the PA, I started happily "playing along" (or whatever my intoxicated mind and body were thinking), and I kinda didn't get that TRX and Zoom didn't just suddenly stand next to me watching but filmed the whole thing. Suddenly: YouTube. :)
kb that is awesome :D
other topic: i would like to have That certain demoscener come in here and share the story who happened to interview some of the c64 engineers. heard stories about them (the engineers) visiting each other back then to brainstorm and while engineer #1 (the host) was suddenly into coding (and smell of weed), engineer #2 (the guest) walked upstairs and screwed engineer #1's wife/girlfriend? while #2 was deep into code and whatnot downstairs :D
you know who you are
other topic: i would like to have That certain demoscener come in here and share the story who happened to interview some of the c64 engineers. heard stories about them (the engineers) visiting each other back then to brainstorm and while engineer #1 (the host) was suddenly into coding (and smell of weed), engineer #2 (the guest) walked upstairs and screwed engineer #1's wife/girlfriend? while #2 was deep into code and whatnot downstairs :D
you know who you are
ok so here's one I remember
at Bizarre 98 or 99, NL, we had a theatre (like at Takeover) for competitions; behind the stage curtains was an excellent place to sleep (as a 15 year old i wasn't too prepared). i remember waking up because a lot of bass, eyes full of sleep and bleary making my way onto the stage and there it was: an entire hall watching/listening to the tracked music compo.
not that badass nor exciting, but fun :)
at Bizarre 98 or 99, NL, we had a theatre (like at Takeover) for competitions; behind the stage curtains was an excellent place to sleep (as a 15 year old i wasn't too prepared). i remember waking up because a lot of bass, eyes full of sleep and bleary making my way onto the stage and there it was: an entire hall watching/listening to the tracked music compo.
not that badass nor exciting, but fun :)
well there was that geriatric, nude-volleyball tournament...
I can only remember finding that grand piano at Function on stage behind the screen, I was totally drunk, some music was playing, and... oooh, the lid opens. A few minutes later sb played the fr-08 soundtrack over the PA, I started happily "playing along" (or whatever my intoxicated mind and body were thinking), and I kinda didn't get that TRX and Zoom didn't just suddenly stand next to me watching but filmed the whole thing. Suddenly: YouTube. :)
I've got quite fond memories from that party :) awesome jamming session!

Quote:how many of you slept under a grand piano? seems like a running theme at parties.
I know of someone that slept inside a piano, but that wasn't at a demoparty...
That story was so awesome though :')
well there was that geriatric, nude-volleyball tournament...
and the time kusma hit me in the head with en empty beer bottle (no ill will but maybe that's the reason for all the make-believe animosity), the time i tried to kick macaw as to demonstrate a low kick yet slipped and fell, the time infant and hammerfist put me in the back of their car and dumped me in their hotel room only for me to wake up 12 hours later and going "now what happened and why am i here" (after ordering roomservice, sorry infant), but nude volleyball
no regrets about that.
i don't think so..do tell
It was an epic internal civil war inside Andromeda that turned into a war against Brainstorm.
The post-mortem concluded that it did go a mite overboard but non-the less they wanted Andromeda crazy. And I still love every last on of you.
Sources can be found here http://www.pouet.net/topic.php?which=6619&page=1
As for my wildest thing that happened at a demoparty was the 2009 Solskogen Demoparty.
What I've learned is, my demoscene stories like my demo(s) and chunky White Russians at Frunkfurt sucks, I'm drunker as hell reminiscent of Breakpoint 2009 where I begged the organizers to give me acess to the showers and here some comic relif. http://www.pouet.net/topic.php?which=6619&page=5
That's all I'm sayin
That's all I'm sayin
i think it was Rage'96/97? when a party with more than 1000 ppl had power cut off and the caretaker of the place was complaining about loudness and havoc. He retreated when "AGGY ÁRAMOT GECI!" (lit. "giev power, you scum!") was yelled at him by the crowd for the 9 millionth time. I wasn't there but it was commemorated in many prods (mostly FiRG lamerdemos)
At post-2000 flag parties there was a caretaker, a fairly old guy, really strict, trying to boss everyone around - half-deservedly - at the party. he seemed to be stubborn UNTIL the point we started to screen muted porn on Sunday 4AM, dubbing nonsense over it in a very bored voice. This old guy was standing still on the balcony, grabbing on to the ledge, staring at the show in total awe. I think we made his entire year.
At post-2000 flag parties there was a caretaker, a fairly old guy, really strict, trying to boss everyone around - half-deservedly - at the party. he seemed to be stubborn UNTIL the point we started to screen muted porn on Sunday 4AM, dubbing nonsense over it in a very bored voice. This old guy was standing still on the balcony, grabbing on to the ledge, staring at the show in total awe. I think we made his entire year.
havoc can be a pain in the ass indeed!
I was at the post pc demo compo show at revision, 3 years ago. I probably was the only person sober there to remember... and 3 years passed I don't remember much, but it was pretty wild.
It must've been Assembly '94 (or '95) where I somehow ended up sleeping in the garage where they hold the mighty Zamboni. The floor consisted of a metal grille so the next morning i felt like i got run over by a... Zamboni.
4 years ago, not 3.
kinda curious how this year's revision will contribute to this thread
Oh memories.. erm.. nothing really special, 2003 was a great year for a bunch of us Aussies going from BP to ASM with everything inbetween....
So.. MFC+Kewlers 20th year anniversary celebrations.. 'nuff said (so many crazy moments).
So.. MFC+Kewlers 20th year anniversary celebrations.. 'nuff said (so many crazy moments).
Now that the UC invitation is out...
At Underground Conference it happened two times that I had to organize the fucking demo compo because the organizers in charge were too drunk, stoned or conspicuously absent to even remember there was a demo compo supposed to be going on.
The first time, 1996, kind of got me into party organizing, and the second, 2007, was a bit embarassing because that organizer in charge was, in fact, me. :)
At Underground Conference it happened two times that I had to organize the fucking demo compo because the organizers in charge were too drunk, stoned or conspicuously absent to even remember there was a demo compo supposed to be going on.
The first time, 1996, kind of got me into party organizing, and the second, 2007, was a bit embarassing because that organizer in charge was, in fact, me. :)
i hear you. as mentioned in moleman 2, polish parties are also notoriously abandoned by the drunk organizers at early hours :)
"Were" would be a better wording in the sentence of nagz.
Watching necros fasttrack a chiptune at NAID (can't remember if '95 or '96) when he had no samples. Used chunks of file_id.diz, a .doc file, etc. as samples, and it sounded pretty goddamn good.
arab: had no idea. never been to any polish demoparty..
trixter: oh that is not bad :) we did it too several times (importing raw non-sample files, also handdrawing chipwaves in ft2)
trixter: oh that is not bad :) we did it too several times (importing raw non-sample files, also handdrawing chipwaves in ft2)
nagz: Agreed, but I forgot to mention it was ST3 which has no sample editor other than length/offset. :-)
seems like Revision was more mature than i thought :P