Show us your workplace!!!
category: offtopic [glöplog]
I want to see where you work!! Show us a picture of your work place! I'll start

This is the wall on my left side.
This is the wall on my left side.
..hmm..or was before tinypic deleted it:(

hope it works now.

does that count? ;)
Nobody wants to get rid of their old 4:3 monitors :)

That ashtray is gigantic...
I don't currently have a permanent address or a house, so this is my mobile setup I use.

visy: I don't intend to derail the thread, but what model of AT headphones are those, and are you happy with them? :)

@Tomoya: ATH-ANC9 QuietPoint. I'd say for their price the quality is decent and the noise cancelling is good enough for my needs anyway, and I didn't feel that shelling out the extra 100EUR for Sennheiser's similar pair was worth it.
^ FWIW, I have the M40 and would recommend them. :)
Thanks for the info guys :) Looks like slightly more than I'm thinking about spending :D (70-80 EUR)

Just got started setting up my new workspace, so a bit bare still.

Remember kids: The more screens you have, the bigger your penis is!

Working in my parents dinning room behind Ginger and my WIP Sinclair C5.

Crossdev on Malibu beach!!!
PETSCII of course!
Gotta leave to Ash's & Zero's place for some testing on real hw soon...

PETSCII of course!
Gotta leave to Ash's & Zero's place for some testing on real hw soon...

why do linux people always have thinkpads?
Because they rock! ;)
Never been a fan of Laptops but if i need to get one someday it´ll be a Thinkpad for sure!
Never been a fan of Laptops but if i need to get one someday it´ll be a Thinkpad for sure!
why do linux people always have thinkpads?
Not a linux person, still have a thinkpad. They're decent machines, and most importantly, me-proof.
Also, desk progress update: