Random "work in progress" shots
category: general [glöplog]
Just googled it, seems it´s this:
"minecraft uses lwjgl, lwjgl uses OpenGL"
I always assumed it´s software-rendering as my graphics card wasn´t stressed at all...except when i use shaders, which weren´t even possible without mods until like 2 years ago. Still even today one needs to use optifine (a mod...which has the shadersModCore (another mod) built-in by now) to have those splendid shaders like in my screenshot.
This fired my assumptions even more...i thought they had no shader-support because of software-rendering, thus no access to shaders without openGL||DirectX.
"minecraft uses lwjgl, lwjgl uses OpenGL"
I always assumed it´s software-rendering as my graphics card wasn´t stressed at all...except when i use shaders, which weren´t even possible without mods until like 2 years ago. Still even today one needs to use optifine (a mod...which has the shadersModCore (another mod) built-in by now) to have those splendid shaders like in my screenshot.
This fired my assumptions even more...i thought they had no shader-support because of software-rendering, thus no access to shaders without openGL||DirectX.
hardy: java != javascript ;)
Oops, did i really write javascript? Haha!
Of course i know that those are two entirely different things.
Well, it was late for me, been awake for way too long when i posted that!
Of course i know that those are two entirely different things.
Well, it was late for me, been awake for way too long when i posted that!
![BB Image](https://i.snag.gy/u6qNc2.jpg)
noby: wow!
![BB Image](http://i.imgur.com/FOitVoD.png)
![BB Image](http://i.imgur.com/87m4Qni.png)
Noby: That looks like one of the backgrounds from the PSX Demo Disks.
![BB Image](http://i63.tinypic.com/2ih2lqw.png)
I guess this isn't so much "in progress" anymore:
![BB Image](http://www.kameli.net/~marq/casa.jpg)
![BB Image](http://www.kameli.net/~marq/casa.jpg)
Noby: Lovely
Marq: Congratz. Quickly glanced through it.
Marq: Congratz. Quickly glanced through it.
Marq: will it be availiable at e.g. revision?
![BB Image](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/30562453/ShmoovShootaScreenshot2.png)
At least I'll put the full pdf online as soon as (or if) the defense works out. There's only 80 copies altogether and many of them are reserved for the obligatory uni processes already.
![BB Image](http://interealtime.com/misc/path/7.jpeg)
More path tracing. I added some motion blur, and also got triangles fairly well nailed down... next, need to get my octree rendering a bit more realtime than 1fps :D
Every time i see raytraced stuff like this i fall in love with the fresnel-look again!
Yeah, matte surface + fresnel reflections <3 (That's the surface on the blue ball, the rest is either matte or just reflection).
Interesting how it's done with path tracing too. You get the fresnel value (0..1), plus a random number (0..1). If "randomNumber > fresnel", it's a reflected ray, otherwise it's a matte ray. So some rays are reflected, some scattered, and the ratio between them is the fresnel value. Trace lot of rays per pixel, and you get that nice look.
(This is the real difference between raymarching and pathtracing... 200 iterations per ray and 1 ray per pixel, or 200 rays per pixel).
Interesting how it's done with path tracing too. You get the fresnel value (0..1), plus a random number (0..1). If "randomNumber > fresnel", it's a reflected ray, otherwise it's a matte ray. So some rays are reflected, some scattered, and the ratio between them is the fresnel value. Trace lot of rays per pixel, and you get that nice look.
(This is the real difference between raymarching and pathtracing... 200 iterations per ray and 1 ray per pixel, or 200 rays per pixel).
It's also what happens physically: some photons bounce off, some get absorbed, and the ratio is what we measure as Fresnel.
Erratum: "get absorbed" --> "get inside", because not all photon going inside get absorbed either.
Makes me wonder how SSS would work with path tracing. Would it need subsurface features to bounce off?
Or would some dirty hack work like adding some random offset to the ray prosition along the opposite of the normal, then trace in a random direction back to the surface... Will have to play around with that some time :)
Or would some dirty hack work like adding some random offset to the ray prosition along the opposite of the normal, then trace in a random direction back to the surface... Will have to play around with that some time :)
in your face
![BB Image](https://sites.google.com/site/rudibstranden/files/rule_2251.png)
![BB Image](https://sites.google.com/site/rudibstranden/files/rule_2251.png)
![BB Image](https://sites.google.com/site/rudibstranden/files/rule_2324.png)
these rules almost define sierpinskis :)
Almost there now, Main Menu with Logo done:
![BB Image](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/30562453/ShmoovShootaScreenshot1.png)
And another ingame-screeny, very unspectacular gameplay here (screenshots need more explosions), but atleast it has many enemy-types to show off:
![BB Image](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/30562453/ShmoovShootaScreenshot4.png)
Once i got the Adverts working 100% it´ll go live. :) And eventhough this is just a fast Test-Project i kinda like my own game...i keep playing it instead of working on it, haha! :)
![BB Image](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/30562453/ShmoovShootaScreenshot1.png)
And another ingame-screeny, very unspectacular gameplay here (screenshots need more explosions), but atleast it has many enemy-types to show off:
![BB Image](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/30562453/ShmoovShootaScreenshot4.png)
Once i got the Adverts working 100% it´ll go live. :) And eventhough this is just a fast Test-Project i kinda like my own game...i keep playing it instead of working on it, haha! :)
Noowhs Shoora!
Ah, comeon, it´s clearly to be read the other way around ! :p
Also it´s a tribute to good ole ShmoovyShmoov/Complex ! :)
Adverts finally working...seems i have been trying to fix a bug for 2 days that never got fixed in the engine itself, thinking i was the one doing sth wrong. But it´s working now after reinstalling Unity once again! (been fiddling around with settings on several webpages and inside my project and my code all the time, meh, all the wasted time!)
Also it´s a tribute to good ole ShmoovyShmoov/Complex ! :)
Adverts finally working...seems i have been trying to fix a bug for 2 days that never got fixed in the engine itself, thinking i was the one doing sth wrong. But it´s working now after reinstalling Unity once again! (been fiddling around with settings on several webpages and inside my project and my code all the time, meh, all the wasted time!)