
Demo'ish videos

category: offtopic [glöplog]
1KW of LEDs on a drone -> single moving point light
added on the 2016-10-17 21:44:41 by cupe cupe
That's some damn ace cinematography, could be adapted into a demo directly!
added on the 2016-10-17 22:06:37 by noby noby
That bridge,- with the people walking it almost looks rendered already. Nice find <3
added on the 2016-10-17 23:33:07 by mog mog
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Wave function collapse youtube and github
added on the 2016-10-20 18:12:35 by neoneye neoneye
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i'll just leave this here under the ;-) tag of "sceneishness stolen".

added on the 2016-10-28 18:39:36 by wertstahl wertstahl
because we have a monopoly on computer graphics? right!
added on the 2016-10-28 20:14:56 by el mal el mal
Come oan. I *explicitly* added ;-)
added on the 2016-10-28 22:18:51 by wertstahl wertstahl
https://vimeo.com/189904045 drone over iceland
added on the 2016-11-11 15:15:34 by el mal el mal
BB Image - probably the video that inspired "Instant God"? :P
added on the 2016-11-18 22:36:06 by el mal el mal
uh why did i use img tags? -> https://vimeo.com/191443906
added on the 2016-11-18 22:36:39 by el mal el mal
added on the 2016-11-23 14:03:25 by ceyT ceyT
https://vimeo.com/190901772 - this would be an awesome 64k :D
added on the 2016-11-27 20:28:27 by el mal el mal
Denial Of Service
some good shit in here
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added on the 2016-12-17 01:00:04 by comankh comankh
please, guys. this bugs me since i first saw the wendelstein demo pictures - this cannot be energy efficient, right? i mean as coders and people who.. know stuff about physics... a bit... and who like smoked ... stuff... this is fucking overdone and can. not. be. right. it looks esotheric/occult. right? it looks like that moment when you try to compensate some error and overcompensate until you have the feeling that all the overcomensation actually feels like an effect. like maximum effect overload in the 90s. but in the end it screams: start over again and make it simpler, and: try to understand what you are doing!

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added on the 2016-12-26 03:06:27 by wertstahl wertstahl
Ok, I'll try and explain to my very best: The whole point of this rather OTT design is to stop the plasma from settling due to gravity; standard toroid tokamaks, the plasma gravitates at the bottom of the toroid, due to this the run times can be extremely short, although the South Koreans have recently managed 70 seconds worth of fusion. This design forces the plasma away from the bottom and around the whole area of the inside of the fusion ring, (don't think it can technically be called a toroid anymore,) The red and orange rings are the electromagnets to keep the plasma within it's confines, not sure on the all the grey stuff, think that's to do with matter injection and observation ports. To put it into perspective; a grown adult can comfortably stand in the tallest part of the plasma ring.
Hmm and as for efficiency; none of any of the fusion reactors are currently due to the amount of energy required to start and maintain the reaction, they have made the electromagnets more efficient but still not good enough. On that note I think you'll find a lot of those grey pipes and ports might also be for liquid cooling,
stop the plasma from settling due to gravity.

This is not, actually, the reason. Gravity is a rather weak force, especially in comparison to the massive electromagnetic fields at play here, and can safely be neglected.

It is rather drift motions (such as E × B drift) that cause the plasma to move perpendicular to the magnetic field and eventually hit the wall. This was discovered rather quickly in the design of torus-shaped fusion reactors, and basically all development efforts since have been trying to deal with it.

In a tokamak-style reactor (which wertstahl would call "the simpler design"), the solution attempt is to add a spirally wound, "poloidal" magnetic field to the torus field. The magnetic field lines are thus twisted and wind around the torus, causing charged particles to cycle back and forth from the inside to the outside. While this works nicely to cancel drift motions, it unfortunately comes with unpredictable instabilities (the so-called Edge Localized Modes, ELMs), in which the entire plasma torus twitches a bit... and thus touches the wall afterall. If you look at images of the JET reactor, you can see how the lining of the central column is being eaten away (and polished) by the plasma hitting it. Ideally, those tiles should be a dull grey.

Anyway, the alternative solution that was proposed is, instead of trying to cancel drift motions of particles, to embrace them: build the reactor in a geometry in which drifting particles and guiding centre motion just naturally follows the vessel shape. This required some freaky computer simulations, and the stellarator shape is simply the result of that.

It may look stupid, but if it works, it's not stupid. :)
added on the 2016-12-26 13:25:35 by urs urs
Thank you very much!
added on the 2016-12-26 14:32:15 by wertstahl wertstahl
@urs: Cheers for the clarification.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKSxVvFu0yA spikeballs and glow, cannot get more demoish than that! :D
added on the 2016-12-27 17:50:49 by el mal el mal
also he likes to use actual demoish visuals too.. here's fr-2:20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFsEDwBuWp0 :P
added on the 2016-12-27 17:57:57 by el mal el mal
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZpyTQNwhvE and whithout asking and credits ^^
added on the 2016-12-27 18:27:32 by ntsc_ ntsc_
