
A scener's worst nightmare at a demoparty

category: general [glöplog]
The compo started, and the main organizer had one final idea... he had another PC with Windows 7 beta on it, he tried it, and the demo ran to completion once, just in time before the last-but-mine entry was shown in the compo. My entry was announced in the slide while the compo PC was switched, and everything went smooth. Gargaj, you were awesome!

For every spectacular save, there's about 2-3 fuckups that haunt me to this day - usually from Solskogen.
added on the 2016-12-14 01:51:24 by Gargaj Gargaj
at the very first nordlicht in 2012 the hd of the compo machine actually cought fire and all the data including all the remote entries (of course leeched via pop3) were lost.
now, that was fun.
added on the 2016-12-14 04:10:43 by wysiwtf wysiwtf
Once my luggage was lost in plane transfer, with a compo-machine inside it (Thomson TO8 for Forever party - hard to replace anywhere outside France). Fortunately, that was on the way *back* from the party, so no harm. But now I'm worried about it happening again each time I board the plane.

(and I got my luggage back after a couple days delay, so everything is fine in the end).
Visiting a party called "No Batteries included" and having no batteries with you. ;o)

There was a power blackout for like 6 or 7 hours and were sitting in a hall with 3000+ strangers in the dark. Just kidding, actually that was pretty cool. Compo-entry was already done and we had enough booze with us. So we enjoyed the "real party" outside.

I guess the real nightmare is organizing a party with such a massive problem.
added on the 2016-12-14 10:04:06 by axis^oxy axis^oxy
Yeah, that power outage at TP'97 was p cool tbh. Chatted with loads of people that night.
added on the 2016-12-14 11:02:16 by okkie okkie
For every spectacular save, there's about 2-3 fuckups that haunt me to this day - usually from Solskogen.

THIS. To all the people whose audio I turned up a second (or ten) too late, or whose demos we exited too early, or whatever else - you can be assured that you have your special place in the playlist of embarrassing things my mind keeps playing at night when it's bored.

And ooooh, TP97. Fond memories. Should do sth like that again (not at Revision tho) :)
added on the 2016-12-14 13:33:22 by kb_ kb_
added on the 2016-12-14 13:59:50 by marsulpi marsulpi
Look, it's OK that ppl want to see a blackout as their worst demoparty nightmare. But honestly, it's not so bad in comparison with being the stupid idiot (aka mainorga) who has to replace those broken fuses with wet towels wrapped around their hands because otherwise they'll burn their fingers on the overheating fusebox.
added on the 2016-12-14 17:07:39 by havoc havoc
It's different. Nobody watches when you fiddle with that fusebox; it's soon forgotten. But anything that happens on the bigscreen is extremely visible and at a point where basically everybody's anticipation and perceptiveness is at maximum. Plus there's always a next party where you can make up for power problems by having perfect power, but that specific entry is never going to be released again.
added on the 2016-12-14 23:42:52 by Sesse Sesse
No it is not different, it is just your opinion. Like I already said, it's OK that ppl want to see it that way. But you do not get to dictate other people's nightmares, that's just not how it works :)
added on the 2016-12-15 04:45:41 by havoc havoc
A rave party in the sleeping hall at the party 1995 ;-)
added on the 2016-12-15 08:01:18 by magic magic
- When "Fusion is my energy" intro got shown with 2 channels of sound missing on TG
- When "Concrete" demo got shown with 2 channels of sound missing (thank god the channels with drums were not lost) at TP
... I wonder if this also happened to our demo J'_ at a later TP, but can't remember.

- Final version of our Byte 4K got delivered at TG and I failed to notice it was now 4100 bytes. (organizers nicknamed is longword)

- Finding our 4K intro Sexrefs at Mekka underhandedly depended on Oxypatcher making the bigscreen render just a blank screen instead of a voxel effect because of no oxypatcher on the compo machine.

- Noticing lots of framerate stuttering on the youtube live version of Neonsky on Solskogen, but being to drunk to notice anything wrong during the compo itself.

I really hate that 2 channels missing thing!!
added on the 2016-12-15 08:02:52 by rloaderro rloaderro
A rave party in the sleeping hall at the party 1995 ;-)

Haha, this was the 2nd one, I had in mind. That was annoying!
added on the 2016-12-15 09:19:52 by axis^oxy axis^oxy
Annoying is not enough to describe how much it sucked ;-)
I was the sole driver of our party from Germany and urgently needed to sleep at some point but really physically couldn't, even with earwax. Got up in the end and never felt so tired again in my life ever since.
added on the 2016-12-15 09:53:08 by noname noname
I've had demos break/underperform/glitch out during compos. Horrifying the first time, but after a while I've just learned to laugh it off and jokingly complain about it. I'm not expecting perfection when I rush my entries.
added on the 2016-12-15 10:59:04 by ___ ___
Oh yeah, it was "nice" when my animation-entry at Revision 2015 were recoded by the video-pipeline and looked like shit on the bigscreen. But who cares ... got 3rd anyway. :)
added on the 2016-12-15 11:18:22 by gaspode gaspode
rloaderro: IIRC YouTube has some problems with the switches to 50 Hz, so the stuttering might just be a YT artifact.
added on the 2016-12-15 12:22:14 by Sesse Sesse
The video capturing / playback of oldschool entries at Assembly has always been sub-par but I'm far too old to call that a "nightmare". It's just one of those annoyances you have to deal with.

Worst party experiences might be:
- All the theft at TP 94, including my A1200
- The last night before release of Vold, Straff and DataSkull respectively, where I honestly did not give a shit anymore and just regretted having ever started the projects.
Gaspode: Wait, what? There's no "video pipeline" for animation entries, we just set up MPC-HC in no-suck mode and play back the original files. What was wrong? (was it "Shadows"? Checked the file on scene.org, framerate is a bit glitchy and it generally looks very low bitrate. what else?)
added on the 2016-12-15 15:01:42 by kb_ kb_
Wasn't that the Revision where many video (and pre-recorded) entries looked weird until the last day or so?
Ah, right, the stuttering playback on Saturday. Caused by the second network adapter in the PC because no cable was plugged in (that driver made very, VERY sure it's ABSOLUTELY the case, all 30 seconds). Thanks for reminding me and bringing back the nightmares.
added on the 2016-12-15 16:11:38 by kb_ kb_
First ever Revision and my first ever demoparty outside the UK. First day I uploaded my tracked music entry to the system, all looked fine and dandy. Next morning I was getting a lift to the party place when I get a call from SaVannaH saying my name was on the big screen because the file upload failed. The compo was due to start in like 30 minutes, I ran to the compo room with a USB stick to get the entry in just in time. Took a while for the adrenaline to clear from my system after that!
added on the 2016-12-15 16:21:29 by djh0ffman djh0ffman
Ah, right, the stuttering playback on Saturday. Caused by the second network adapter in the PC because no cable was plugged in (that driver made very, VERY sure it's ABSOLUTELY the case, all 30 seconds). Thanks for reminding me and bringing back the nightmares.

Yikes. The kind of havoc a single driver can wreak is astounding sometimes.
added on the 2016-12-15 17:55:46 by ___ ___
you get a nice NVidia Shield to make an invite for NVScene on... you play around with the toy at home for a few days... watched your demo a few times, all fine. During the demoparty, you show off the weird toy to Truck and some others and just while browsing around in its Android-based OS what applications are on it, it all of a sudden crashes big time and it was FUBAR ever since. subsequently, quickly calling kurli with 'can you upload a video capture instead because the fucking thing broke!' :D
added on the 2016-12-15 18:01:45 by el mal el mal
A rave party in the sleeping hall at the party 1995 ;-)

Funny, i actually was having a very cozy time there with my GF, in one sleeping bag, as far as i remember :-D Oh and it was the party that i only went to, to get my copies of the Cyberlogik 2.0 - just to find out, that i had become the only victim of the DMA Timer bug in Protracker, resulting in my Track (DEA Alba) being fucked up (loops died early). Wow that was a disappointment and embarrassment :-D
added on the 2016-12-15 19:50:40 by wertstahl wertstahl
