Attention artists! - HUGE Media Facade compo in Denmark
category: general [glöplog]
Aarhus, Denmark, will next year be "European capital of culture". To celebrate, they have just announced following competition for "video creators" and "artists".
Info from website:
We will be offering up 1-minute slots within a public evening program, where artists can show off their design and mapping talents within an urban context.
This competition offers the chance to have your work showcased on an epic scale with an elaborate technical set-up handled by some of the leading creative professionals. This video presentation will reach a broad and expansive audience within a festival and cultural environment. This is truly your chance to shine, so give us your best shot!
Basicly it will be shown on 5 MASSIVE screens (basicly just industrial buildings on the harbor in Aarhus.)
Read more here:
I would of course like to participate myself, but just not possible for me at this time.
Info from website:
We will be offering up 1-minute slots within a public evening program, where artists can show off their design and mapping talents within an urban context.
This competition offers the chance to have your work showcased on an epic scale with an elaborate technical set-up handled by some of the leading creative professionals. This video presentation will reach a broad and expansive audience within a festival and cultural environment. This is truly your chance to shine, so give us your best shot!
Basicly it will be shown on 5 MASSIVE screens (basicly just industrial buildings on the harbor in Aarhus.)
Read more here:
I would of course like to participate myself, but just not possible for me at this time.
I can actually see the buildings from my office and it really is fucking huge.
I expect to see no less than DEBRIS spread on those walls - would look awesome, and I promise to go make a video of it then :)
That's pretty awesome. Something should be done!
Of course, what I mean is, that specific scenes from DEBRIS should be re-arraged to fit this huge screens - watching the cube worms crawling, walls fall apart - would be awesome :D
Interesting. Thanks for the info.
Hmm, not good. :(
What we're searching for:
c) Not contain any audio track, i.e. no dialogue or music etc. Selected winning submissions will be assembled as a master reel and scored by a musical director
.. I'm actually standing at the location atm., and leaving out the audio seems more or less like the only reasonable option. The risk of it not being executed well, is way too high
Deadline for submission of participation materials: December 20, 2016 @ 17.00 CET
Hurry up guys!
\o/ looking forward to seeing some awesome prods!
How about a special January online edition of TRSAC (after Christmas, even!) for any scener entries that aren't accepted by Aarhus?
How about a special January online edition of TRSAC (after Christmas, even!) for any scener entries that aren't accepted by Aarhus?
.. I'm actually standing at the location atm., and leaving out the audio seems more or less like the only reasonable option. The risk of it not being executed well, is way too high
Might be, but projection mappings without sound are like demos without sound.
Agreed, bit tame without sound to accompany the visuals.
Gonna tell Supadupa about it..
So snooping a bit more around, it seems that getting selected to have your submission show pays a prize of aprox. 1300 euros. Not to shappy for 1 minute without sound. Especially when you think about the competition being open for only 1 month. With the amount of creativity and talent in the demoscene, I would be surprised if someone couldn't pull this off. I will of course offer to pick of prizes and what not for anyone competing. I do plan to be there myself.
Also: the compo rules say no music.. but I would take a considered guess that IF you deliver something with both kickass visuals and music.. and great sync (obviously) then it might be hard to not use both?
@dwarf: Do you know which company own the buildings ... in other words what stand the A-logo for?
not as such no, but I can find out tomorrow if needed?
@farfar... well, that would require a massive PA since people can stand all around the harbor + "real" artsy-fsrtssy artists would complain. Also im quite sure theres going to be some kind of orchestral music - but we could just talk to sauna-boy from visit-aarhus?
@farfar... well, that would require a massive PA since people can stand all around the harbor + "real" artsy-fsrtssy artists would complain. Also im quite sure theres going to be some kind of orchestral music - but we could just talk to sauna-boy from visit-aarhus?
okay =) yeah, I was just thinking that if you hand in something that has great audio and sync, it would almost be hard to separate, but I guess they'll do it since it's in the rules
Entrants are required to submit the following:
1. A video that fulfills the technical requirements adheres to the design guidelines and identifies your creative style, aesthetic and concept.
2. Completed registration form
Does anyone know where and how to get the said registration form? I've been looking on the official site but to no avail. Any help appreciated!
Does anyone know where and how to get the said registration form? I've been looking on the official site but to no avail. Any help appreciated!
The form is in the Production Guidelines zip file.
Well it actually is. :) Thanks!
So ... the shown is today in the evening ... did someone of you take part in the competition?

Only image I have been able to find for now...