Apple 2GS / Atari 800 Rapidus / C64 SuperCPU / SNES
category: general [glöplog]
Who is active on 65c816???
I am)
but some tools for the cross devs is a huge mess(imho)
but some tools for the cross devs is a huge mess(imho)
No activity as such, but thinking and reading a bit to understand SNES games better (interviews, source code & docs).
Ferris did some SNES demos though. Not sure, if he's still active.
Ferris did some SNES demos though. Not sure, if he's still active.
Ferris is active, not sure about the SNES stuff though.
I'd love to try some stuff for SuperCPU, but I don't own one.
I'd love to try some stuff for SuperCPU, but I don't own one.