horrid platform icons
category: general [glöplog]
ok, then:
yes. which I already knew before since I'm coding java for 7yrs+ by now and have seen presumingly most things concerning java at sun's site before. But as I tried to point out the sun people don't follow the conventions they state on that site themselves, they're seemingly just a little bitchy about other people using their logos, as many big companys are.
'cause as I said I like the already done black one.
In fact I also never asked you to do a new one nor did I try to make anyone here my personal gfx-slave. That's also why I don't really understand your reaction to my post.
And, for the record: I did notice how much work you put into those logos already and I appreciate all of it. Well, except that first ugly white java logo. The new ones look better imho.
But if you wish I'll rip a new one myself from JavaCup.ico.
Which then would most likely be black again.
And as we can see from the very same thread people can also discuss the proposals. Which I did when speaking for your black logo. Did I offend you now because I like your java logo best?
ok, then:
1. did you scroll down to see the official logos on that page at least?
yes. which I already knew before since I'm coding java for 7yrs+ by now and have seen presumingly most things concerning java at sun's site before. But as I tried to point out the sun people don't follow the conventions they state on that site themselves, they're seemingly just a little bitchy about other people using their logos, as many big companys are.
2. why don't you try to draw one? :)
'cause as I said I like the already done black one.
In fact I also never asked you to do a new one nor did I try to make anyone here my personal gfx-slave. That's also why I don't really understand your reaction to my post.
And, for the record: I did notice how much work you put into those logos already and I appreciate all of it. Well, except that first ugly white java logo. The new ones look better imho.
But if you wish I'll rip a new one myself from JavaCup.ico.
Which then would most likely be black again.
as you can see by this 250+ message thread the admin(s) of Pouet welcomes the participation of the user. Therefore if you don't like an icon, feel free to make a new one and propose it.
And as we can see from the very same thread people can also discuss the proposals. Which I did when speaking for your black logo. Did I offend you now because I like your java logo best?
is it better ?
Actually I dislike the white backgrounds like in the dreamcast icons
Actually I dislike the white backgrounds like in the dreamcast icons
mizc: glad you appreciate the work involved. The more gfx-slave the better and faster the icons.
Much much better with an unified graphical theme !
Now i can display all those nice icons ;)
Now i can display all those nice icons ;)
mizc: ok ok, let's not fight over a Java logo :)
Nevertheless, I still think the white background is the official one, used from the very beginning and the one most people recognize at first glance! Exactly like the Dreamcast logo ;)
Nevertheless, I still think the white background is the official one, used from the very beginning and the one most people recognize at first glance! Exactly like the Dreamcast logo ;)
yeah, well, maybe white backgrounds are just not my cup of java.
mizc: not bad ;)
Is someone going to make some Nintendo DS and Sony PSP icons? Best to be prepared :)
I thought the DS is GBA-compatible...?
gargaj: so? the GBA is GBC compatible and the GBC is DMG compatible..
it is
okkie: i dunno. does it need a separate category then?
in other news i just noticed how fugly the 6 icon is so i fixed it:
in other news i just noticed how fugly the 6 icon is so i fixed it:
What okkie said. PS2 is PS1 compatible for instance and so are many other platforms. Of course they need to have separate icons and categories.
i heard that winxp+winuae is rather amiga compatible!!
Guys, stop with merging/deleting groups. The last time I've tried to say two machines can run under one category I became a harsh answer. I don't want to see this happen to you, my friends, too.
gargaj: ofcourse, cause it's also a different machine, the fact that it is backwards compatible doesn't make it a gameboy now does it? the bitch has 2 arm processors and is much more powerfull than the puny gba.
so there :) harsh answer galore! :)
so there :) harsh answer galore! :)
ok then :D
as if i care, the only thing that bothers me with a lot of platforms is that the list is too big so i have to scroll a lot to select Windows all the time :) I BET AMIGA STARTS WITH "A" SO DIPSWITCH CAN ADD ALL THE AMIGA CRAP FASTER :(
as if i care, the only thing that bothers me with a lot of platforms is that the list is too big so i have to scroll a lot to select Windows all the time :) I BET AMIGA STARTS WITH "A" SO DIPSWITCH CAN ADD ALL THE AMIGA CRAP FASTER :(
Gargaj: Hehe, use the power of the keyboard. Click on the box, two times "W" and you're there. ;)
it's still two keypresses more than it should be >:S
hahaha. poor Gargaj. maybe you should start doing stuff for Acorn :)
or maybe they should change the submission form to
[x] Windows
[ ] other crap:
[x] Windows
[ ] other crap:
maybe the 32k category could use something like that:
any feedback about the Java icons ?
keops: the icon in the middle looks best though the space between the 3 and 2 may be a bit too wide.
keops: the icon in the middle looks best though the space between the 3 and 2 may be a bit too wide.
keops, can't you do one like that for 64k aswell? that's much clearer than '6'
64k has 'i'