Random "work in progress" shots
category: general [glöplog]
I just love those pico8, they should make a cheap handheld, I would buy
Are you aware of Pocket Chip?
quisten: love it :D nice site too; really cool writeups!
Thanks ferris :) If you have any sound I could use for these small updates it would be greatly appreciated - i.e experimental stuff or similar :D
I don't think I do atm, but I'm super down to make a bunch of small things after TRSAC ;D
no rush ;)
quisten: I second ferris, beautiful circles. I like the simplicity.
@evilpaul: wow, must buy!
I just love those pico8, they should make a cheap handheld, I would buy
Did you already heard of Pocketchip?
That pocket chip thing would be cooler with pebble color 's screen.
finally I updated the dot tunnel :)

love your color choices
Sweet dot tunnel, didn't knew about that Pocketchip, very cool. I don't see any USB port but maybe it use wifi/BR to import files?
Well the PocketChip is a 1GHz computer with Wifi running Linux, so yes, you can download things straight from Pouet. The Pico8 code running on it is the same emulator you can get for any standard computer. But the form factor is still interesting :)
yeah honestly I'm interested in the pocket chip because it's a really fun form factor to do more interesting things with than run a pico8 emu :)
actually until now I didn't realize based on their marketing that the point was it's _supposed_ to be more than just pico8 :P (though the fact that I hadn't heard about C.H.I.P. before has a lot to do with that probably)
If I understand correctly, Pico8 is a subset of Voxatron, that somehow got more attention. Less is more I suppose. :)
first tries at pico-8 programming...might do an actual demo soon.

@annieee: wow! great effects :D
@annieee: torus 3d scene in pico-8!? how did you do that!?
Looks like a software rasterizer re: 3D torus.
annieeee: oh. i love the dithering + colors. good work.
Not really WIP shots, but didn't know where else to post this. Here's a video of me talking about how and why we did fermi paradox and other things at a conference this summer: https://archives.nucl.ai/recording/building-worlds-in-64kb-why-humans-should-never-have-to-touch-pixels-or-polygons/
I think I lost track of time for a bit and made it more about SDFs than I would like, instead of using them as an example only. And I sound completely bored, while in reality I was pretty nervous. Anyway, it is what it is.
I think I lost track of time for a bit and made it more about SDFs than I would like, instead of using them as an example only. And I sound completely bored, while in reality I was pretty nervous. Anyway, it is what it is.

all that recent pico stuff looks really tasty =)
so, im still fighting the dragon into the 16 byte cage (technically, i'm there, now trying to make it look good) currently 18 bytes for this, and again the insanity is near ^^

so, im still fighting the dragon into the 16 byte cage (technically, i'm there, now trying to make it look good) currently 18 bytes for this, and again the insanity is near ^^