[anti linux]
category: general [glöplog]
it's a fake because :
- bill g allways had glasses since he was a child
- bill g use his left hand for writting, and can't drop a floppy with his right hand like this
- bill g allways had glasses since he was a child
- bill g use his left hand for writting, and can't drop a floppy with his right hand like this
maybe it's a mirrored image.
Stelthz: Ah, this explains why you're so similar to Carmack. None of you have any value whatsoever.
That would be neither.
Coffee or beer please. Yes, I'll have both. Oh. yeah. work. Right, coffee then...
Coffee or beer please. Yes, I'll have both. Oh. yeah. work. Right, coffee then...
Carmack used to be God but God is dead according to Nietzsche...
zest, you stink a bit, i suggest you take a shower more often!
Sir Garbagetruck: What's the matter with value and Carmack? I want to know (He once used to be my idol too.. ;P)
zone: yeah, if you have glasses from the day you were born, they don't come off! doctors glue them to your nose! also, there is no such thing as posing!
(took the liberty to fix the WTF to fit madenmann's combo ;)
Also, an extract from an interview with Gates by Playboy:
PLAYBOY: Ever take LSD?
GATES: My errant youth ended a long time ago.
PLAYBOY: What does that mean?
GATES: That means there were things I did under the age of 25 that I ended up not doing subsequently.
PLAYBOY: One LSD story involved you staring at a table and thinking the corner was going to plunge into your eye.
GATES: [Smiles]
PLAYBOY: Ah, a glimmer of recognition.
GATES: That was on the other side of that boundary. The young mind can deal with certain kinds of gooping around that I don't think at this age I could. I don't think you're as capable of handling lack of sleep or whatever challenges you throw at your body as you get older. However, I never missed a day of work.
PLAYBOY: Ever take LSD?
GATES: My errant youth ended a long time ago.
PLAYBOY: What does that mean?
GATES: That means there were things I did under the age of 25 that I ended up not doing subsequently.
PLAYBOY: One LSD story involved you staring at a table and thinking the corner was going to plunge into your eye.
GATES: [Smiles]
PLAYBOY: Ah, a glimmer of recognition.
GATES: That was on the other side of that boundary. The young mind can deal with certain kinds of gooping around that I don't think at this age I could. I don't think you're as capable of handling lack of sleep or whatever challenges you throw at your body as you get older. However, I never missed a day of work.
gezz, billg on lsd, what a funny thought ;)
geez, i meant
Well, I can smell Sir Garbagetruck from my doorstep!!!!!
No, that's our new member, 'pantsthatsmellofthescene'
madmix: might be the only possible explanation for Windows though...
priceless :D
priceless :D
I somehow, still want to learn more about mr. Carmack ;P
aren't those pictures from that tv-show "pirate from silicon valley"?
anyhows, anyone know where to get that movie i've tried edonkey but it wasn't there.
anyhows, anyone know where to get that movie i've tried edonkey but it wasn't there.
sure, http://tracker.piratbyran.org .. just type what you need in the field 'sök efter torrents" and you'll find it .. i downloaded it from there a few days ago :)
Linus with white shirt.

This kind of gathering behind someones screen only happens, according to my party experience, when the horse is about to cum or when she shows off her anal piercing.
Thus Linus is cool.

This kind of gathering behind someones screen only happens, according to my party experience, when the horse is about to cum or when she shows off her anal piercing.
Thus Linus is cool.
OMG they are 2 with white shirt! Clue: Linus was born with glasses too and doesn't follow the standard scener outfit...
horses "cum" continously.
deemage wins this thread
True today with Intex vs AMD vs Linux vx Windows vs Starwars vs The Cats as it was back then...